Effective with the Fall 2004 semester, the University modified its grading policy to include minus grades. This change is not retroactive to any prior semester. The University uses the following letter grades on the undergraduate level to indicate the record of achievement in courses taken:
Letter Grade | Quality Point | Weight |
A | Superior | 4.00 |
A- | 3.67 | |
B+ | 3.33 | |
B | Good | 3.00 |
B- | 2.67 | |
C+ | 2.33 | |
C | Satisfactory | 2.00 |
C- | 1.67 | |
D+ | 1.33 | |
D | Poor but Passing | 1.00 |
F/Fail | Failure | 0.00 |
FSA | Failure-stopped attending | 0.00 |
P/Pass | Pass | 0.00 |
PR | Pass with reservation (undergraduate field courses) | 0.00 |
I | Incomplete | 0.00 |
IW | Incomplete Withdrawal | 0.00 |
AU | Audit | 0.00 |
NA | Never Attended/Never participated | 0.00 |
NR | Not Reported | 0.00 |
NSA | No basis for grading-stopped attending | 0.00 |
WD | Withdrawal | 0.00 |
FI | Failure-Unresolved Incomplete | 0.00 |
Institutional Credit Courses Only:
Letter Grade | Quality Point | Weight |
SP | Satisfactory Performance | 0.00 |
RR | Retake Required | 0.00 |
The following are explanations and regulations that apply to certain grades:
I – Incomplete: This grade indicates non-completion of assignment(s) or failure to take the examination for a course. An Incomplete grade cannot be given when a student does not complete any course requirements or fails to attend class meetings. A student who receives an “I” grade may not attend class meetings in a future semester in order to make up outstanding requirements. Students must obtain written permission to receive an Incomplete by submitting a Course Adjustment Form to the professor before the officially scheduled final examination. The professor will indicate on this form the amount of time allowed for completion of this work, up to a maximum of 12 months or by the time the student has graduated (whichever comes first). If the missing course requirements are completed within this time period, the professor must submit an online change of grade within Self-Service Banner within 10 working days. Effective with Fall 2007 courses, if a grade of “I” is not resolved within the time allotted, this grade will be changed automatically and permanently to “FI” which is a failing grade. In extenuating circumstances a written request for a limited time extension to complete course requirements may be submitted in advance of the one-year deadline by the student to the professor and dean of the school/college in which the course was offered, with a copy to the Office of the Registrar for approval. The grade “I” is not counted in determining class standing, eligibility or grade point average. An unresolved “I” grade will count in the calculation of the grade point average when it changes to “FI” after the one-year period.
An “I” grade disqualifies a student from the Dean’s List. If the “I” grade is changed to a grade of “C” or higher, the student’s record will be reviewed for Dean’s List eligibility. Although a student’s GPA is not affected by an “I” grade, the fact that the student receives no credit for the course may impact academic eligibility and, as a consequence, the student’s eligibility for financial aid. An unresolved “I” grade may also impact the student’s eligibility for financial aid and academic standing when it changes to a failing grade, as an “FI” grade affects both the grade point average and the credit completion ratio.
IW – Incomplete Withdrawal: If, within 12 months or by graduation (whichever comes first), a grade of “NR” has not been resolved, it is automatically changed to “IW.” The grade “IW” indicates that the student has not satisfied, within the permissible time period, all outstanding requirements for the course in which an “NR” was received. An “IW” grade is not reversible; it does not count in determining class standing, eligibility or GPA. For courses taken prior to Fall 2007, a grade of “I” will also change to an “IW” if not resolved within 12 months.
WD – Withdrawal: Withdrawal from a class with written permission incurs no academic penalty. Withdrawal will be allowed up to the end of the fifth week of the semester without faculty or dean signature during Fall and Spring semesters. Students may request a course withdrawal by submitting a Course Adjustment Form to the Office of the Registrar. After the end of this initial period, course withdrawals will require the signature of the faculty member and dean. Under normal circumstances course withdrawal will be allowed only through the Friday of the eighth week of each semester. Withdrawal after that date will be allowed by the respective deans’ offices only under exceptional circumstances. The Summer Session schedule specifies withdrawal deadlines. A “WD” is not reversible; it is not counted in determining class standing, eligibility or GPA. A “WD” grade disqualifies a student from Dean’s List eligibility.
When a student receives a “WD” grade, the student’s grade point average is not affected. However, the fact that the student receives no credit for the course may affect the student’s academic eligibility, and, as a consequence, the student’s eligibility for Title IV financial aid.
P/F – Pass/Fail Option: This option is open to matriculated undergraduate students on a restricted basis. Students may opt for Pass/Fail grading in free electives for a maximum of 12 credits, with no more than 6 pass/fail credits in any 12-month period. To request the Pass/Fail option on a course, students must file a Course Adjustment Form with the course instructor and the dean of the school/college in which they are matriculated. The deadline for Pass/Fail requests (and for their cancellation) is the end of the fifth week of class for Fall/Spring semesters and for Summer, the first third of the course’s class meetings. The academic calendar for each semester specifies these deadline dates. Pass/Fail courses may not be taken in the department in which a student is majoring. A “PASS” grade is used in determining class standing and eligibility, but is excluded from the GPA. The “FAIL” grade is factored into the GPA.
F – Failure: When a student receives an “F” grade in a course, no academic credit or quality points are awarded for that course. The student’s grade point average is, accordingly, negatively impacted by a failing grade. When a student fails a course for which the student has elected a pass/fail option, the “F” grade has the same statistical effect as in a regularly graded course.
When a student fails a course required in his or her program of study, the student must successfully repeat that course in order to establish degree eligibility. Any time a course is repeated, associated charges (tuition and fees) will be applied. When a student fails a free elective, he or she is not required to make up the course. When the student successfully repeats the failed course at Seton Hall, the original “F” grade remains on the student’s transcript with the “repeated” designation, but is no longer factored into the student’s grade point average. In the event that a student fails a course for the second time, the most recent “F” grade is excluded from the grade percent average.
In general, students are not granted permission to retake, at another institution, a course failed at Seton Hall. If the student were to retake a failed course at another institution for transfer to Seton Hall, no statistical adjustment would be made. In this case, the “F” would continue to be calculated into the average. The student would earn credits, but no quality points, from the transferred course.
Poor academic performance can affect eligibility for financial aid and eligibility to participate in student activities. In general, it is recommended that students repeat courses that they have initially failed so that they may improve their GPA. Any time a course is repeated, associated charges (tuition and fees) will be applied. Students on probation should consult with their advisers to determine how to improve their academic performance and raise their grade point averages.
An “F” is not counted in determining class standing, but it is counted in the GPA until the course is successfully repeated at Seton Hall. An “F” grade also is factored into determinations regarding academic eligibility.
FSA Failure – Stopped Attending: The FSA grade indicates that a student stopped attending the class without officially withdrawing and any work submitted was not sufficient to pass the class. The student receives no academic credit or quality points for the course. For the purposes of GPA calculation, this grade is equivalent to an F.
NA – Never Attended/Never Participated: An NA grade indicates that an enrolled student has never attended (or never participated in an online class). An NA grade is not reversible. It is not used in determining class standing, eligibility or GPA. An NA grade disqualifies a student from the Dean’s List.
NR – No Record: When a faculty member does not enter a grade for a student, the Registrar will enter an NR grade for that student. The NR grade indicates that the faculty member has not graded the student for the course. This grade is not used in determining class standing, eligibility or GPA; a student who receives an NR grade is disqualified from the Dean’s List eligibility for the semester.
NSA – No Basis for Grading – Stopped Attending: The NSA grade indicates that a student stopped attending a class without officially withdrawing and submitted no meaningful work, resulting in no basis for grading. This grade is not used in determining class standing, eligibility or GPA; however, this grade disqualifies a student from the Dean’s List for the semester.
AU – Audit Options (no credit): Students who register as auditors are expected to attend class regularly but are not obligated to take tests or comply with any other course requirements. The audit option is not allowed in computer, computer-based, laboratory, applied art, applied music, graphics, studio television, writing, physical education activity, independent study, thesis or dissertation, online or any off-campus courses. Please note: There are two audit options available:
Audit Declaration at Registration: Students who declare an audit option at the time of registration by filing an Audit Declaration are assessed tuition of $600 per credit plus fees. Audit Declaration is restricted to open courses at in-person registration sessions immediately prior to the beginning of a semester.
Students who file an Audit Declaration may not rescind that declaration and switch to credit status. Auditors who withdraw from a course for which they have filed an Audit Declaration will not receive any refund. Within the add/drop period, auditors may drop a course for which they have filed an Audit Declaration; they will receive a refund of tuition only, not fees.
Standard Audit Option: Students who wish to audit a class may submit this request on a Course Adjustment Form available from their adviser or from the Office of the Registrar. Auditors may enroll for any course for which they are qualified. They may be dropped from a course by the professor if their presence impedes normal class progress. They may not change from audit to credit or vice-versa after the fifth week of class or the first third of the course meetings in Summer Session. Regular tuition and fees are assessed for the standard audit option.
The designation of “AU” is noted on the transcript. An “AU” is not used in determining class standing, eligibility or GPA.
SP – Satisfactory Performance: Successful completion of an institutional credit course is indicated by an “SP” grade. Courses with “SP” grades are used to determine class standing and eligibility, but are not factored into the GPA and are not counted toward degree requirements since these course are for institutional credit only.
RR – Retake Required: Student must retake institutional credit course. This grade is not factored into GPA but it does disqualify the student from eligibility for the Dean’s List. PR - Pass with Reservation: Completion of a field education course with reservation is indicated by the “PR” grade.
Under specified conditions undergraduate students with a 3.0 GPA may take graduate courses in their senior year. Students must secure written permission in advance of their registration. Students may not take a graduate course on a pass/fail basis. Students pay graduate tuition for these courses; they are not included within the comprehensive tuition charge. These courses are graded according to graduate grading rules.
For students admitted to joint undergraduate-graduate programs, tuition for the first 9 graduate credits is included in the flat rate if the student is a full-time student. If the student is already registered for 18 undergraduate credits, the graduate course is billed at the undergraduate per-credit rate. If the student is a part-time student, the first 9 credits would also be billed at the per-credit undergraduate rate, in cases where these courses count toward the undergraduate degree, they cannot later be applied to a graduate program.
Permission to take graduate courses does not constitute admission to a graduate program.
Students who find it necessary to withdraw from any school/college of the University on a temporary or permanent basis should initiate the withdrawal process by completing the Request for Withdrawal and meeting with the Dean of Students and Community Development. This form, as well as other important information related to the withdrawal process, is available online. The Office of Community Development will forward the withdrawal form to the Office of the Registrar. It is imperative that this notification be sent in writing as soon as possible after the decision to withdraw has been made.
When students file the Request for Withdrawal within the official withdrawal period, they will automatically receive “WD” grades in all their courses. If the request to withdraw is made after the eighth week of the semester, then the posting of “WD” grades is not automatic. In this case, the student must submit a Course Adjustment Form to each of his professors to request a “WD” grade. The only exception to this deadline is for documented cases of medical/health problems that preclude the student from completing the semester.
Students who withdraw for medical reasons must submit medical documentation with their withdrawal form to the Office of Community Development. Students who are recipients of federal financial aid should consult with Student Financial Services in Bayley Hall prior to withdrawing to confirm what, if any, impact their withdrawal may have on their financial aid eligibility. Non-attendance does not constitute official withdrawal; students who seek to withdraw from their classes must complete the official withdrawal process.
Students who cease attending classes during the term without officially withdrawing are considered as unofficially withdrawn. These students will lose 50% of financial aid for the term.
Students who are activated for military service should contact the University Registrar for assistance. If the activation date occurs late in a semester, students may qualify for an Incomplete grade in some or all of their courses. In this case, students should file a Course Adjustment Form on which the faculty member will specify the work that must be completed to resolve the Incomplete. In the event that the military activation date falls early in the semester, the student may be dropped from any course which he/she cannot complete. In this case, tuition charges for any dropped courses will be removed from the student’s account.
To calculate weighted averages, quality points assigned to grades are multiplied by the number of credits assigned to the course in which the grade is received. For example, a grade of “B+” in a 2-credit course represents 6.66 quality points; a grade of “A” in a 3-credit course equals 12 quality points and so forth. The sum of the quality points that the student had earned is then divided by the sum of credits attempted, which are graded “A” through “F.” The resulting figure, when truncated to four decimal places, is then rounded by adding .0005 and truncating all but three digits to the right of the decimal.
Seton Hall University calculates grades point averages by student level. So, a student who has completed an undergraduate degree and then begins study for a second degree in another academic area will have a single GPA which is cumulate and calculated on an ongoing basis. It will include all undergraduate course grades. Similarly, a student who begins studies in one academic area and then changes to a new program will have a cumulative undergraduate GPA which includes all undergraduate courses taken at Seton Hall.
The grade point average is a cumulative calculation that includes all courses taken at Seton Hall University at a given level. Students who are readmitted after a leave of absence or withdrawal will retain their academic history in full.
Students will access their grades online though Self-Service Banner. Students who need written documentation of their grades should contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance.
A request for a grade change must be made in writing to the instructor no later than four months from the date of the submission of the final grade in the course. Incompletes are not final grades and are governed by stated University policies. If the matter is not resolved in 10 class days from the submission of the request for change, the student has recourse to the University grievance policy. If the dean’s office determines that extraordinary circumstances warrant a waiver of the grade change deadlines, that office can so certify to the Office of the Registrar to arrange for grade change processing.
After clearance for graduation, the student’s academic record is finalized, and no grade changes may be authorized. Graduating students who have a pending grade appeal must advise the University Registrar in writing of this fact.
A student may repeat a course in order to earn a higher grade. Any time a course is repeated, associated charges (tuition and fees) will be applied. The student must repeat the course at Seton Hall; no statistical adjustment is made when a student repeats a course at another institution. A student may not repeat at another institution a course for which the student has already earned credit at Seton Hall. When a course taken at Seton Hall is repeated at Seton Hall, only the higher grade is used in the calculation of the GPA. In this case, the lower grade will remain on the transcript marked “E” to denote its exclusion from GPA calculation. Credit (if any) attached to the lower grade is rescinded; only the credit attached to the higher grade is applied to the student’s record. This statistical adjustment will be made only when the student repeats the exact course with the identical course number.
If a student receives the same grade in the course when it is repeated, the more recent grade will be removed from the grade calculation on the student’s record. If a student receives a lower grade when the course is repeated, the higher grade will remain applied to the student’s record. The lower grade will be reflected on the student’s transcript, but will not be calculated into the student’s GPA.
Students should inform their advisors if they are repeating a course for a better grade. While there is no limit to the number of times a student may repeat a course, excessive repeated courses may have an impact on satisfactory academic progress requirements. Financial aid regulations limit funding for course repeats under certain circumstances.
Students may not repeat a course to improve their GPA after they have graduated.
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