Assistant Dean for Residence Life: Mark Fabbi, Ph.D.
Duffy Hall, Room 68
(973) 761-9172
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:45 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
Email: or visit
The Department of Residence Life provides a living, learning environment that fosters the academic and personal experience of residents, and helps them prepare for the rest of their lives.
Seton Hall is “home” to approximately 2,300 students – nearly 45 percent of the undergraduate population. There are six on campus residence halls for undergraduate students and two University owned and operated apartment buildings, located in South Orange for upperclassmen.
Seton Hall University and the Department of Residence Life are dedicated to meeting the needs of all residential students. The residence halls provide a rich variety of lifestyle options, including living-learning clusters within residence halls.
All residence hall rooms are smoke-free environments and are furnished with twin beds, dressers, desks and wardrobe/closets. Additionally, each room is technologically ready with both wireless high-speed data connections. All rooms are air conditioned All students have full access to SHUFLY, the campus shuttle service. No-cost laundry and lounge facilities are available in each hall.
The department employs a diverse and experienced staff of professionals who work together to facilitate the personal growth of each resident student. The staff’s goal is to create a strong community that encourages student involvement. The Assistant Dean for Residence Life is responsible for overall management of all activities, administrative processes and supervision of all staff.
In addition, each residence hall and apartment building have its own staff, responsible for all the activities and staff in a particular building or area. They are assisted by resident assistants (RAs) and tutors in residence (TIR). RAs are undergraduate students assigned to each wing or floor in the residence halls and apartments. RAs are programmers, mediators, policy advocates and advisers for residents. TIRs are undergraduate students who live in the first-year halls and conduct programs aimed at promoting academic support and student success.
Residents are expected to maintain at least a 1.8 overall GPA to reside in campus housing. A student may request an exception to this minimum GPA requirement. If granted, the student can expect conditional residence focused on ensuring academic success and progress.
Priests of the University community live in the residence halls. The role of priests living in the halls is pastoral. They offer opportunities for spiritual growth, counseling, prayer and Mass, room blessings, individual/group prayer and other celebrations.
Home to nearly 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students, Seton Hall has reached new heights in academic excellence, faculty research and student success. Ready to take the next steps on your academic or career path?
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