The academic program offered through the Center for Diaconal Formation is the prescribed curriculum for all deacon candidates who are seeking ordination and are enrolled in their individual diocese’s class cohort. The program is consistent with the intellectual norms established in the National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States. Completion of the academic program leads to a Master of Arts in Theology with a systematic concentration (general/terminal option), which is no departure from the academic requirements of our existing Master of Arts in Theology degree program (12 courses, 36 credits), but also includes additional specialized diaconate- specific coursework for a Certificate in Diaconal Studies.
The program content is delivered in person or online, and in English or Spanish, over four years (eight academic semesters) and consists of 12 core courses (36 core credit hours) to satisfy the degree requirements and an additional four courses delivered either on a credit-bearing basis or alternatively on a non-credit-bearing basis in collaboration with each diocese or solely by the diocese for the completion of the certificate.
Admission Requirements
In addition to the aforementioned general admission requirements for all ICSST programs, M.A. applicants should have completed at least 12 credits or the equivalent in theology/religious studies in their undergraduate programs which may include leadership and certifications at the local parish, diocesan, or national level and/or diocesan aspirancy programs. Students lacking this background may be required to enroll in additional coursework to satisfy this requirement. Students must also complete the local diocese’s application process and be accepted into their diaconate formation program as part of an established cohort in order to begin their academic formation.
Matriculation Requirements
All students must maintain an average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in coursework leading to the M.A. in Theology. Students must complete degree requirements within five years. Extensions of time to fulfill degree requirements may be requested from the ICSST Educational Policy Committee for justifiable reasons.
Degree Requirements
General (Terminal) Option
Diaconal candidate students in formation in the M.A. in Theology, general option, must complete 36 credits of coursework, with 21 credits in the systematic theology concentration and 12 credits in the other areas of concentration, divided as evenly as possible among them. As close as possible to their final semester of studies, students also must complete a 3-credit capstone course, STHO 6888 M.A. Seminar: Deacons and Christian Worship, integrating their theological studies from among the various concentrations.
All students must take STHO 6020 Research Seminar in the first year of study.
In addition, students must complete certain core courses in the systematic area of concentration to earn their M.A. (general option). Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, in collaboration which each individual diocese, determines the course selection and sequencing of courses for a particular cohort.
Diaconal Studies Certificate
Additional Specialized Courses Required for Certificate in Diaconal Studies
An additional four courses qualify the student for a Certificate in Diaconal Studies. The dioceses may elect to have the four additional courses delivered on a graduate-level credit-bearing basis (12 credits). Alternatively, these courses may be delivered on a non-credit-bearing basis in collaboration between the diocese and the Center for Diaconal Formation or solely by the individual diocese, with the course content similar to the content of the courses listed below or otherwise in conformity with the National Directory for the Formation, Life, and Ministry of Permanent Deacons in the United States (Second Edition, 2021) and the needs of the specific diocese.
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
CETH 6401 | Canon Law for Deacons | 3 |
CETH 6405 | Canon Law - Christian Marriage | 3 |
STHO 6728 | Theology of Spiritual Life | 3 |
PTHO 6108 | Intro to Preaching for Deacons | 3 |
Total Hours | 12 |
For more information on the Center for Diaconal Formation, contact Deacon Andrew E. Saunders, M.A. ’08, Director, at (973) 313-6335.