The Ed.S. degree program prepares education professionals who hold a master’s degree for leadership positions and careers in K-12 educational environments. Program requirements, in addition to New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) requirements such as teaching certification and experience, lead to eligibility for NJ supervisor and principal certification.
Admissions Requirements
Admission will be open to holders of baccalaureate and master's degrees from accredited colleges or universities. Faculty will evaluate each applicant based on the following criteria and materials:
- Statement of purpose.
- Official undergraduate and graduate transcripts.
- Two letters of recommendation from academic and/or professional references.
- Current résumé.
- Certified school teaching experience; and
- Personal interview.
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Course Requirements
Students must complete a minimum of 33 credit hours, as listed below.
Other Requirements
The administrative internship is a culminating program experience that provides meaningful leadership activities within a school/district setting. Fieldwork includes 300 hours, completed during ELMP 8981 Administrative Internship I. The internship is aligned to NELP standards. A school-based supervisor, principal, or school administrator serves as the primary mentor to the intern. A Seton Hall University professor serves as a liaison between the mentor and mentee to ensure that the intern receives the guidance and support necessary to successfully complete requirements, including the development of a portfolio.