This 36-credit program in basic theory and methods in psychology is recommended for: (1) preparation for the Ed.S. or the doctoral degree in professional psychology, (2) exploration of the field. Upon completion of the master’s program, many graduates proceed to obtain post-master’s and doctoral-level training in school, counseling, marriage and family, or other areas of psychology. Other graduates function professionally in mental health agencies, clinics, hospitals, youth and family services, residential homes, and forensic settings, or in employee assistance programs or other areas. Psychological Studies Program, in and of itself, does not lead to a license for professional practice. Students have the opportunity to select a concentration area of 4 elective courses (12 credits). Concentration areas include: Applied Behavior Analysis, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, and Individualized Concentration. Students may also select an individualized concentration area if they plan to pursue doctoral work, or if they would like to pursue a specific area of interest. With adviser approval, students may undertake independent research or an independent study project.