McQuaid Hall, First Floor
(973) 275-2515
Dean: Courtney Smith, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs: Martin S. Edwards, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean of Graduate Enrollment Management: Catherine Ruby, Ph.D.
Director of Internships and Career Development: Robert Case, M.S.
Department Chair: Philip Moremen, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies: Ann Marie Murphy, Ph.D.
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Yanzhong Huang, Ph.D.
Director of Online Learning: Fredline M’Cormack-Hale, Ph.D.
Faculty: Alam; Balestrieri; Balmaceda; Bariagaber; Edwards; Gokcekus; Goldfrank; Huang; Huddleston; M’Cormack-Hale; Moremen; Murphy; Muzás; Smith; Valeriano; Wang
Adjunct Faculty: Alfani; de Silva; Fikre; Hale; Shaver; Tinker; Walser; Wood
The School of Diplomacy and International Relations, established in alliance with the United Nations Association of the United States of America, which is now a division of the United Nations Foundation, prepares students from around the world to become the next generation of global leaders. The School’s academic programs provide students with critical knowledge and concrete skills essential to international careers in public service, business, law and the nonprofit sector.
Students participate in an innovative curriculum that educates students from a global perspective, with an emphasis on global studies, multilateral diplomacy, conflict resolution, international management, economics and leadership training. A distinguished faculty of scholars and professionals bring cutting-edge theory and practical perspectives to the classroom. A unique link with the United Nations community exposes students to the policymakers and practitioners addressing today’s worldwide concerns. Diplomacy students also have the opportunity to take certain courses in Washington, D.C., in order to maintain their full-time status while pursuing Washington-based professional internships.
A degree from the School of Diplomacy and International Relations enables graduates to be effective and ethical leaders in their professional careers and to engage dynamically in the complexities of a global society.
Note to Students: The following listing represents those courses that are in the active rotation for each department, i.e., have been offered in the past five years. Some departments have additional courses offered more rarely but still available – to find the complete list of all official courses for a department, please use the “Course Catalogue Search” function in Self-Service Banner
Course Descriptions
DIPL 1711 International Relations (3 Credits)
DIPL 2101 Ethnopolitical Landscapes of the Contemporary World (3 Credits)
DIPL 2103 History of Diplomacy (3 Credits)
DIPL 2109 Institutions of Global Governance (3 Credits)
DIPL 2110 Comparative Foreign Policy (3 Credits)
DIPL 2112 Cyprus-East Mediterranean Study (3 Credits)
DIPL 2113 China's Rise: Opportunities and Challenges (3 Credits)
DIPL 2114 African Union Seminar (3 Credits)
DIPL 2118 Memory and Conflict: Dealing with the Past Constructively (3 Credits)
DIPL 2120 International Conflict and Security (3 Credits)
DIPL 2125 Sierra Leone Seminar (3 Credits)
DIPL 3010 International Relations and Fi (3 Credits)
DIPL 3104 Public International Law (3 Credits)
DIPL 3111 Practicum III: Internship (3 Credits)
DIPL 3115 The Washington Experience Study Tour: Actors, Institutions and the Policy Process (3 Credits)
DIPL 3116 The Washington Seminar on Global Policy Challenges (3 Credits)
DIPL 3120 Nuclear Weapons and International Security (3 Credits)
DIPL 3150 New Dimensions of Human Security (3 Credits)
DIPL 3201 Sustainable Development (3 Credits)
DIPL 3350 Religion Race & Int'l Relation (3 Credits)
DIPL 3360 Race & Racism Int'l Law & Poli (3 Credits)
DIPL 3370 Gender Race & Cult Int'l Rel (3 Credits)
DIPL 3450 Comparative Homeland Security (3 Credits)
DIPL 3460 Intelligence (3 Credits)
DIPL 3470 Cybersecurity and International Security (3 Credits)
DIPL 3800 Investigating International Relations (3 Credits)
DIPL 3850 Church, State and Politics in Latin America (3 Credits)
DIPL 3851 Religion, Law and War (3 Credits)
DIPL 3853 International Organization and the Holy See (3 Credits)
DIPL 4101 Research Project (3 Credits)
DIPL 4104 Independent Study (3 Credits)
DIPL 4106 Human Rights Law and Policy (3 Credits)
DIPL 4108 International Political Economy (3 Credits)
DIPL 4111 Senior Leadership Internship (3 Credits)
DIPL 4114 International Financial Institutions (3 Credits)
DIPL 4115 Cross Cultural Negotiation and Conflict Management (3 Credits)
DIPL 4170 Topics in Economic Development for International Affairs (3 Credits)
DIPL 4183 Art and Science of International Negotiation (3 Credits)
DIPL 4185 Foreign Policy of Post-Soviet States (3 Credits)
DIPL 4193 Eastern European and Post-Soviet Politics (3 Credits)
DIPL 4197 U.N. Insiders' View (3 Credits)
DIPL 4198 International Criminal Law (3 Credits)
DIPL 4205 United Nations Field Seminar (3 Credits)
DIPL 4250 Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Plural Societies (3 Credits)
DIPL 4251 Justice, Truth and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Societies (3 Credits)
DIPL 4252 Institutions of Post-Conflict Governance (3 Credits)
DIPL 4253 Civil Conflict and Development (3 Credits)
DIPL 4277 Global Health, Bioterrorism, and International Security (3 Credits)
DIPL 4278 Global Health Diplomacy (3 Credits)
DIPL 4555 Economic Aspects of International Relations (3 Credits)
DIPL 4556 Financial Aspects of International Relations (3 Credits)
DIPL 4601 Chinese Politics and US-China Relations (3 Credits)
DIPL 4611 Intl Relations South East Asia (3 Credits)
DIPL 4700 Int’l Relations of African Sta (3 Credits)
DIPL 4704 Economic Development in Africa (3 Credits)
DIPL 4717 Africa-Displacement-Conflict (3 Credits)
DIPL 4803 Politics and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (3 Credits)
DIPL 4806 Pol Econ of Ltn Am & Caribbean (3 Credits)
DIPL 5101 Diplomacy Honors Thesis Project (3 Credits)