Office of the Registrar
Bayley Hall - First Floor
Monday- Friday: 8:45 a.m.- 4:45 p.m.
Phone: (973) 761-9374
Fax: (973) 761-9373
Degree Requirements
To assure the attainment of its particular aims, each school and college of the University prescribes a program of basic courses and areas of study. Each student in the school/college must complete the required program. For specific school/college course and credit requirements candidates should consult the individual sections of this catalogue pertaining to the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Human Development, Culture, and Media, the College of Nursing, the School of Diplomacy and International Relations, the School of Health and Medical Sciences, the Stillman School of Business, and the Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology.
In addition to individual school/college requirements, each department or division of the University prescribes certain courses to fulfill major field and concentration requirements. All candidates for the bachelor’s degree must maintain a GPA of 2.0 overall, in major courses, and in any optional minors, except where departments require a higher minimum average. In the College of Human Development, Culture, and Media there is a higher minimum GPA for retention in Bachelor of Science in Education programs and graduation. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 30 credits at Seton Hall to qualify for a degree from the University.
Students admitted as freshmen must complete the catalogue/degree requirements in effect as of the term of their admission. Students admitted as transfer students are also subject to the catalogue/degree requirements in effect as of the term of their admission, but they will qualify for a waiver of University Core courses based on the number of transfer credits awarded. Transfer students with fewer than 30 transfer credits must complete the entire University core; those with 30 to 59 transfer credits will qualify for a waiver of CORE 1001 University Life and CORE 1101 Journey of Transformation; those with more than 60 transfer credits will qualify for a waiver of CORE 1001 University Life, CORE 1101 Journey of Transformation and CORE 2101 Christianity and Cult in Dial..
The University reserves the right to close, cancel or modify any academic program and to suspend admission to any program.
Academic advising is a process that assists students in gaining the greatest possible benefit from their education at Seton Hall. In addition to helping prepare student schedules, academic advisors help students understand themselves; recognize their educational needs; realize their educational aspirations; and prepare for their future in an appropriate career, profession or graduate study program.
During the freshman year, students work with a student success advisor (see Center for Academic Success section of this catalogue). Thereafter, students consult with academic advisors assigned by the chair. Students are urged to consult their advisors on a regular basis with regard to program planning, academic policy questions, graduate school options and career information. Advisors can direct students to persons and University offices that offer specialized assistance in areas such as personal counseling, career placement services, tutorial assistance and other student services. Transfer students accepted to Seton Hall will receive, by e-mail, an advanced standing evaluation. This evaluation indicates how many credits are approved for transfer to Seton Hall, and in which areas. Transfer students then may seek advisement for course selection from their assigned advisor.
Attendance at each class meeting is expected. Instructors may take class attendance into account when determining grades as long as a clear statement on attendance policy and its impact on grading is given to students within the syllabus at the start of the semester.
Students whose absences, in the judgment of the instructor, are causing performance below reasonable expectations may be referred to their dean for appropriate action. Students who are recipients of federal or state aid for a given term may compromise their eligibility to retain that aid if they fail to attend class and/or do not earn academic credit for their courses.
Class sessions may be recorded, which includes any student participation. These recordings may be made available, but only to students enrolled in the particular class section. Under such circumstances, if a student continues to participate in the class after being notified that the class is being recorded, the student’s consent to being recorded will be implied. All recordings will become unavailable one (1) year after the last class session. Students with questions or concerns should contact the Dean’s Office of their primary major. Students with questions or concerns regarding the recording of class sessions as an accommodation should contact the Office of Disability Support Services.
Students who wish to transfer from one University school or college to another may file a request for a change of major online within PirateNet after discussing transfer options with their advisor. The dean may admit students who meet requirements for admission to the school/college.
Students may change major programs with the permission of the chair of the department into which they wish to transfer. If the major change involves a change in school/college, the permission of the dean of the school/college also is required. In order to effect a change of major, students must secure approval via submission of an online major change request submitted through PirateNet after discussing their interest in transferring with program personnel.
Students who seek admission to a major for which they are not initially eligible may track that major under advisement until they qualify for admission by completing required courses and earning required grades within the stipulated time frame. In the event that they do not qualify for admission to their preferred program after earning 60 credits, they will need to work with their advisor to evaluate other options. A final major must be officially declared by the point that the student has earned 75 credits.
Students should consult the applicable section of this catalogue for specifics regarding admission standards for various programs. They can also follow the guidelines below:
Freshmen who are tracking majors should work with their student success advisor and meet with an academic advisor in their desired major to determine eligibility and to investigate thoroughly the specific requirements for acceptance into that major.
Students may declare a second major with the permission of the chair of the department offering the second major. Bachelor of Science in Education students in the School of Human Development, Culture, and Media are required to declare a second major. Students may file their request to declare a second major online within PirateNet.
Students who declare a second major will follow the core curriculum and overall degree requirements of their primary major, as they will earn the degree that is linked to that program. The declaration of the second major does not qualify a student for a second baccalaureate degree.
Students may declare a minor by filing a request for the minor online within PirateNet. Students may rescind a prior minor declaration online as well. Students seeking to pursue a minor should discuss this option with the department chair or program advisor.
Students matriculated at the University may not take courses at any other college or university without the prior permission of their chair, the dean of their school/college and the chair of the department offering the equivalent course at Seton Hall. In order to secure this authorization, students must submit an Application to Study at Another Institution with all required signatures. Students with 30 or fewer credits to complete for their degrees are not eligible for this permission. No credit is allowed for courses taken unless an official form granting permission is on file with the Office of the Registrar, to which an official transcript of this work must be sent directly. No credit for work completed at another institution will be accepted in transfer unless the grade received is “C” or better; courses with “Pass” grades will not be accepted in transfer. Grades for transfer courses are not used in computing the major GPA or the overall cumulative GPA.
At the time of admission, entering freshmen may transfer a maximum of 45 credits to their Seton Hall program, with no more than 30 credits earned through testing (AP, CLEP, IB).
Students who wish to study abroad must complete the Application to Study at Another Institution to secure advance approval of the courses they plan to take. Students studying abroad in Fall or Spring semesters will be registered for a study abroad course so that their student status remains active.
Continuing Seton Hall students may be granted permission to take a maximum of 12 credits of general electives at another college/university for transfer to their degree program. Students studying abroad may request permission for additional transfer credits. Transfer regulations vary by department/school. Students should consult their own department, as well as the department offering the Seton Hall course equivalent.
The total number of credits a transfer student may accrue via transfer or testing is 90. Once a student reaches this maximum, no further transfer or testing authorizations are accepted.
The final 30 consecutive credits for a degree must be taken at Seton Hall University. Of these 30 credits, the number to be taken in the major field is determined by each department.
Nursing students in off-campus programs must complete a minimum of 30 credits at Seton Hall University. These students are encouraged to study in residence during their final term at the University.
Students must be matriculated in a degree program and must complete a minimum of 30 credits at Seton Hall in order to be eligible for a degree.
Full-time undergraduate students are expected to complete their degree requirements within seven years. However, financial aid is restricted to a maximum of six years. Part- time undergraduate students are expected to complete their degree requirements in 12 years. Students may petition their dean for an extension if medical problems, family obligations, changes in program or other significant factors make it impossible for them to complete their degrees within the applicable time frame. In this case, the dean must execute a waiver if the student is to be granted additional time to pursue his or her studies. This waiver must include a signed written agreement between the dean and the student outlining a proposed plan of study and a calendar for completion of outstanding degree requirements.
If a student is granted a leave of absence, the time on leave shall not be counted toward degree completion time. Students may request a leave of absence or temporary withdrawal by submitting a Request for Withdrawal; this form is available online.
Faculty, students, administrators and staff of Seton Hall University both recognize and cherish academic integrity as the cornerstone of our shared academic enterprise. As a Catholic institution we are particularly bound to personal values and self-discipline and seek to combine that reality within the context of a trusting and caring academic community. All individuals in the University community have an obligation to attend to the highest degree of personal integrity while in the pursuit of knowledge and the service of one another. In particular, the pursuit of knowledge requires honesty. Students must do their own work. A student who hands in work that is not his or her own, or who cheats on a test, or who plagiarizes an academic assignment is doing harm to himself or herself and taking advantage of others. Any dishonesty threatens the individual standards of the person committing the act and the other members of the Seton Hall community as well.
As we continue to seek for what is best and authentically human, each member of this University community must commit himself or herself to service of the truth. A student should refer to the Policy on Academic Integrity Policy of his/her major department/school/college. This University Policy of Academic Integrity shall apply to all students. The Procedures for Handling Violations of Standards of Academic and Professional Integrity are contained in the Student Handbook.
These classifications do not excuse the student from meeting the course requirements of a school/college or department.
Students are required to file an online Application for Degree with the Office of the Registrar according to the following deadlines:
Degree Term | Filing Period for Applications for Degree |
Summer | September 5 - June 10 |
Fall | February 1 - October 1 |
Spring | September 15 - February 1 |
Students should consult their degree audit as a guide to course selection and to assure that they meet degree requirements. Students must declare any curriculum change at least six weeks prior to the end of the semester in which they plan to complete degree requirements.
In order to be eligible for graduation, a candidate must successfully complete all degree requirements and achieve the required minimum overall GPA, as well as the minimum GPA in his or her major and any second major or minor field he or she may have.
Undergraduate degree candidates must also be formally accepted into their degree program. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 30 undergraduate credits at Seton Hall in order to be eligible for a degree at Seton Hall. Graduate courses which apply to a graduate degree cannot be counted toward this 30-credit requirement.
Participation in the commencement ceremony is restricted to those students whom the Office of the Registrar determines to be eligible for their degree. The University also may allow students who are within 6 credits of degree eligibility, who have registered for these courses, and who have the requisite GPA, both overall and in each degree component, to participate in the ceremony as space permits. Students who seek to “walk” at graduation in advance of their actual degree eligibility must complete an application to walk in the Office of the Registrar by the posted deadline. Participation in the ceremony does not constitute confirmation of degree eligibility.
The Office of the Registrar determines eligibility for participation in commencement.
Diplomas are normally available three months following the degree completion date. A student’s name appears on his or her diploma exactly as it appears on the University’s computerized database. Students must file a name change request with the Office of the Registrar by the appropriate deadline in order to have their diploma reflect that change. Changes in first or last name require official documentation, e.g., marriage certificate or court order. The addition of a middle name or initial does not require supporting documentation. When a student files his or her online Application for Graduation, the student may make changes in middle name online; changes in first or last name must be requested separately.
Diplomas are released upon determination of academic eligibility and financial clearance. Graduates who have an unresolved financial obligation to the University will not receive their diplomas until that obligation has been fully resolved.
Of the students who entered Seton Hall University in Fall 2016 as first-time, full-time freshmen, approximately 72 percent graduated from the University within six years. Students who did not graduate and/or left the University did so for various reasons, including academic difficulties, financial problems, changes in career plans, family and personal circumstances, and medical problems.
Home to nearly 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students, Seton Hall has reached new heights in academic excellence, faculty research and student success. Ready to take the next steps on your academic or career path?
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