GMHS - Health Sciences (GMHS)

GMHS 6010  Introductory to Epidemiology  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 6103  Principles-Lrng and Control  (1 Credit)  
GMHS 6110  Health Serv Iss and Trends  (3 Credits)  
An analysis of selected professional and policy issues affecting the present and projected healthcare delivery system. Issues concerning healthcare personnel, patients, healthcare technology, organizational structures and facilities, finance mechanisms and the role of government are stressed in relation to how they influence healthcare services and delivery. The course uses a blended instructional format by combining classroom instruction with virtual instruction.
GMHS 6113  Methods Stu Movement-Hum Perf  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 6140  Teaching in Health Profession  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 6210  Curric Devl in Health Prof  (3 Credits)  
An intensive study of the basic principles and procedures utilized in the development of health professional curricula, as well as the instruction implemented with the health care facility and community. Students will learn the principles of curricula plans and component parts, and will be engaged in developing evidence-based curricula addressing the current and projected needs of health care and professional education.
GMHS 6211  Inst Culture - Human Rela  (3 Credits)  
Communication challenges in the diverse clinical and educational areas are identified as opportunities for organizational enrichment. Issues related to cross-cultural communication and gender, age and other diversity issues are examined, with a focus on the interdisciplinary perspectives and the relevant psycho-social dynamics inherent to developing sound leadership and staff relations. The course uses a blended instructional format by combining classroom instruction with virtual instruction.
GMHS 6230  Leadership Theory-Practice  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on understanding key leadership theories (1920-present) and how they are practiced, particularly in health care organizations; examining critical variables related to the expression of leadership, such as, power, motivation and influence, context, gender, culture, emotional intelligence, and, teamwork; exploring students’ personal leadership capabilities through the use of assessment instruments, reflection, and feedback; and, planning leadership development activities. The course is organized as an action learning experience, with equal emphasis on reviewing concepts and engaging in activities in which learning emerges from acting, observing, and critically inquiring. The course uses a blended instructional format by combining classroom instruction with virtual instruction.
GMHS 6240  Mgmt-Ldrshp-Health Prof Ed  (3 Credits)  
This course challenges students to increase their knowledge and understanding of evidence-based management principles and practices, particularly in the four major functions of management (planning, organizing, leading and controlling), to expand their working knowledge of management terminology, and to explore key approaches and tools that managers utilize to influence organizational outcomes. The course uses a blended instructional format by combining classroom instruction with virtual instruction.
GMHS 6301  Topical Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Provides students the opportunity to participate in an in-depth, literature-based review of special topics. Integration of current information from research findings into clinical practice is a primary focus. Repeated enrollment is permitted when special topic is different.
GMHS 6302  Topical Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Provides students the opportunity to participate in an in-depth, literature-based reiview of special topics. Integration of current information from research findings into clinical practice is a primary focus. Repeated enrollment is permitted when special topic is different.
GMHS 6303  Topical Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Provides students the opportunity to partcipate in an in-depth, litterature-based review of special topics. Integration of current information from research findings into clinical practice is a primary focus. Repeated enrollment is permitted when special topic is different.
GMHS 6304  Topical Seminar  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 6307  Integrat Tech-Ed-Health Serv  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed for the healthcare professional/educator, and will expand one's capacity to integrate today's technology with teaching and learning strategies. An overview of the background on the technology's role in education as well as the issues concerning implementation will be explored. An interactive approach to understanding and utilizing various hardware and software products is provided. Topics: networks, the Internet, email, advanced word processing, imaging, CD-ROM and related multimedia, and other applicable healthcare/ research/education technologies. Students should be comfortable utilizing the computer, have access to the Internet and email, and be available to access SHU computers outside of class hours.
GMHS 6308  Topical Seminar  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 6310  Topical Seminar  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 6311  Topical Seminar  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 6409  Style Tchng-Lrng-Hlth Prof Ed  (3 Credits)  
Study of alternative relationships in the teaching-learning process. Course experiences will be guided by the "spectrum of teaching styles," a framework that delineates options in teaching and learning. Organizing students and subject matter; managing time, space and equipment; interacting with students; choosing verbal behavior; and creating cognitive connections with learners.
GMHS 6710  Clinical Medicine-Primary Care  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 7110  Strat Plan-Hlth-Care-Prof-Ed  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on methods related to strategic planning in healthcare institutions and health professions education programs. The methods include planning, implementing and evaluating clinical or educational outcomes. The course uses a blended instructional format by combining classroom instruction with virtual instruction.
GMHS 7203  Issue-Motor Cntrl Gait-Balance  (3 Credits)  
The course has been designed to advance the practitioner's knowledge base and clinical decision-making skills in dealing with issues related to gait and lower extremity control. This course will examine: 1) contemporary theories of motor control as related to the acquisition, organization and control of locomotor skills; 2) changes in gait and lower extremity control across the lifespan; 3) effects of pathology on gait and lower extremity control; 4) qualitative and quantitative measures of gait; and 5) current treatement approaches used in rehabilitation. Literature from both clinical and experimental research provides the basis for classroom discussion designed to explore the implications of information for clinical practice.
GMHS 7204  Health Persp Topical Sem  (3 Credits)  
Provides students the opportunity to participate in an in-depth, literature-based review of special topics. Integration of current information from research findings into clinical practice is a primary focus. Repeated enrollment is permitted when special topic is different. 3 credits.
GMHS 7205  Issue-Motor Cntrl-Posture-Bal  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 7210  Health Care Marketing  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 7301  Investigatory Methods-Kinetics  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 7302  Intro Psychosoc-Study-Hum Mvmt  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 7304  Neuromotor Process-Brain-Behav  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 7305  Investigat Mthds-Biomechanics  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 7312  Independent Study  (1 Credit)  
GMHS 7315  Independent Study  (2 Credits)  
GMHS 7316  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
This course provides the student with intensive study of a specialized area within the field of health sciences under the mentorship of a faculty member. Subject and credit hours will be arranged. Permission of departmental mentor is required.
GMHS 7318  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
This course provides the student with intensive study of a specialized area within the field of health sciences under the mentorship of a faculty member. Subject and credit hours will be arranged. Permission of departmental mentor is required.
GMHS 7401  Pediatric Orthopedics  (3 Credits)  
This seminar encompasses an in-depth review of normal musculoskeletal development from infancy to late adolescence and the common mechanisms of injury, overuse and dysfunction. Select health and wellness topics, as well as medical and surgical procedures will be discussed with an emphasis on the application of various fitness and rehabilitation approaches.
GMHS 7403  Philosophy of Science  (3 Credits)  
The course emphasizes the important questions that define Philosophy of Science: an exploration of the way philosophers and scientists alter their world view as a consequence of scientific discoveries during the last two millenia. Initial readings present criteria for inclusion of any activity as scientific. The philosophical implications of induction and falsification theory as scientific methods will be explored. The nature and logic of scientific laws, theories and explanations, which are at the core of the scientific enterprise will be discussed and critically evaluated. Criteria for evaluating the truth of a theory will be explored and compared with the nature of a paradigm shift in science, as explicated by Kuhn, looking at how this interpretation redefined how changes in established scientific thinking occurs. Theoretical frames are introduced and how they provide a different yet related lens through which to view empirical data. Chaos and String Theories will be discussed and compared to all of the traditional scientific theories. The end result should be an appreciation of how this very abstract yet logically-based thought process prepares students to write in a graduate Ph.D. level program and cohesively integrate ideas together to form derived conclusions using traditional scientific form.
GMHS 7499  Doctoral Research Project II  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 7500  Interm Statistical Methods I  (3 Credits)  
Part I - Nature of statistics. This is the first part of a two-part course sequence. The following topics are covered: descriptive statistics, graphical methods, measures of central tendency and variability, probability, correlation and regression. The SPSS Statistical Analysis package will be used throughout the course.
GMHS 7501  Research Methods  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to research in health care. An overview of the research process will be provided, with an emphasis on how a research question is formulated based on a review of literature and identification of an appropriate theoretical framework. Quantitative research design strategies will be presented.
GMHS 7502  Qualitative/Survey Methods  (3 Credits)  
This course continues the introduction to research methods by focusing on qualitative research methods and survey research methods. In the qualitative section of the course, students will consider research elements that are unique to conducting qualitative research such as basic assumptions, sampling, data collection and analysis, and report writing. In the survey methods section of this course the primary focus is on development a survey instrument. Theoretical and practical issues related to the development, validation and implementation of research surveys will be addressed. Key issues include: question construction, questionnaire design, validating and piloting a new survey and survey data collection methods.
GMHS 7503  Scientific Inquiry/Writing  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide students with a foundation in writing and communicating scientific information, and uses a blended instructional format by combining classroom instruction with virtual instruction. Various methods of scientific communication will be addressed, and students will gain practical experience in scientific writing.
GMHS 7505  Lgl Issues-Hlth Care-HPED  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 7506  Scientific Writing I  (1 Credit)  
This web-based course is designed to present methods of writing scientific papers, reviewing articles and dissemination of scientific findings.
GMHS 7508  Interm Statistical Methods II  (3 Credits)  
Part II - Nature of statistics. This is the second part of a two-part course sequence. The following topics are covered: sampling distributions, inferential statistics, estimation and hypothesis testing, tests of independence and nonparametric statistics. The SPSS Statistical Analysis package will be used throughout the course. Prerequisites: GMHS 7500
GMHS 7600  Current Iss-Health Prof Ed  (3 Credits)  
Academic administration and management is at the heart of every college and university. No institution of higher education can be better than its faculty, chairs, deans, provosts, administrative support staff and their ability to manage the work environment. Relying on the case study method, this course will consider topics such as academic tenure, faculty due process, role of the department chair compensation, professional development, financial management and policy formulation. 3 credits.
GMHS 7602  Research Seminar  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on the application of qualitative and quantitative designs, particularly via critiques of published articles, the development of a hypothetical proposal and an IRB application and the role and scope of the Institutional Review Board. Prerequisites: GMHS 7500 Intermediate Statistics; GMHS 7508 Intermediate Statistical Methods II; GMHS 7501 Research Methods; GMHS 7502 Research Project I.
GMHS 7603  Biomedical Ethics-Legal Issues  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on the disarray in healthcare based on four distinct themes: 1) malpractice/quality of care; 2) bioethics/individual autonomy; 3) public health/right of patients vs. state; and 4) financing/regulatory/access to and cost of care. The course examines the conceptual whole and fundamental structural relationships while using the traditional themes of quality, ethics, access to and cost of care, while stressing three major themes; practitioner/patient relationships; state oversight of practitioners and patients; and institutional transactions and forms, all while keeping a focus on bioethics and health services research published in health policy literature to get a stronger empirical and theoretical base for exploring healthcare and healthcare law and the two fields¿ broad social impact where they overlap and compete for placement.
GMHS 7604  Survey Dsgn in Health Care  (3 Credits)  
The primary focus of this course is on the deveopment of a survey instrument. Theoretical and practical issues related to the development, validation and implementation of research surveys will be addressed. Key issues include: question construction, questionnaire design, validating and piloting a new survey and survey dta collection methods.
Prerequisites: GMHS 7501 (may be taken concurrently)  
GMHS 7605  Qualitative Research Methods  (3 Credits)  
This course provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of qualitative research methods. Drawing on several qualitative research traditions (e.g. case study, ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, biography...etc), students will consider how different modes of inquiry allow researchers to study things in their natural settings, and to attempt to interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. Key issues related to research design, such as data collection, analysis, and report writing, as well as, issues related to assessing the quality of a qualitative study will be addressed. Particular attention will be given to the application of qualitative research methods to health care issues. 3 credits.
GMHS 7606  Survey Design in Healthcare  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8102  Movement Disorders-Pediatrics  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8103  Effect Exerc-Nutr Dis Mgmt  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8105  Qualitative Methodology  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8109  Cort Aud Evoked Pot-Spec Proc  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8113  Prin of Motor Cntrl -Learning  (3 Credits)  
This course will contain three major topics. The first topic will explore the historical and current theories of motor control. Specifically, topics related to the control processes and mechanisms of skilled movement will be addressed. The students will be introduced to the techniques currently available to measure movement including kinetics, kinematics and emg. In the second topic, students will learn about the variables that are most important for the learning of new movement behaviors. The third topic will explore issues related to the recovery of motor function such as neural plasticity, cortical reorganization and motor learning following brain damage. The student will have the opportunity to review the literature relevant to each of the topics and to observe and analyze the process and measure the outcome of a subject learning a novel motor skill.
GMHS 8114  PT Practice in Diverse Environ  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8200  Topics-Artic-Phono Devl-Dis  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of selected topics regarding the development of articulatory and phonological processes in children and the development, nature, and clinical management and disorders of articulation and phonology. Topics will vary according to student needs.
GMHS 8201  Topics in Dysphasia  (3 Credits)  
This advanced seminar course will address current topics related to the assessment and intervention of dysphagia in pediatric and adult populations.
GMHS 8204  Topics Neurogenic Disorders  (3 Credits)  
This advanced seminar course will address current topics related models of speech, language and cognition as it relates to impairments in children and adults with neurogenic disorders, and its impact on assessment and treatment.
GMHS 8206  Topics-Spch and Meth-Instruct  (3 Credits)  
Intensive review of, and practical exercises with, laboratory instrumentation for the analysis of acoustic and physiological characteristics of speech production. Topics may vary according to student needs
GMHS 8208  Topics in Speech Motor Control  (3 Credits)  
intensive study of selected topics regarding the neuromotor processes underlying normal speech production. Topics may vary according to student needs.
GMHS 8301  Neuroanatomy of the Swallow  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8302  Anatom-Clin Cons Upper Extr  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8304  Anatomic-Clin Consider Spin  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8306  Clin Bio Mech in Movemnt Scien  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8401  Physiolog-Responses-Disability  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8505  Practicum  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8506  Practicum  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8507  Practicum  (2 Credits)  
Provides students the opportunity to integrate the goals of the program in a practical situation through the application of clinical or educational principles in a healthcare organization or institution of higher learning.
GMHS 8508  Practicum: Teaching Exper  (3 Credits)  
Provides students the opportunity to integrate the goals of the program in a practical situation through the application of clinical, administrative or educational principles in a healthcare organization or institution of higher learning. The type of practicum and facility assigned depends on the student’s background and career goals. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
GMHS 8900  Autism in Review  (3 Credits)  
GMHS 8904  Genetics and Embryology  (1 Credit)  
GMHS 8907  Prevention and Wellness  (1 Credit)  
GMHS 9501  Dissertation Seminar I  (3 Credits)  
Seminar and discussion for doctoral candidates on the purpose, structure and content of the dissertation proposal. Areas emphasized include problem statements/hypotheses, review of the literature and selection and application of appropriate methods. Includes reviews and critiques of sample proposals, mock proposals, mock proposal hearings and candidate presentations of draft proposals. Prerequisite: candidacy status.
GMHS 9502  Dissertation Seminar II  (3 Credits)  
Colloquium for doctoral candidates in the final phases of dissertation preparation. The focus is on candidate-lead presentations covering various research designs and data analyses techniques, with an emphasis on critical analysis of findings and conclusions. Prerequisites: completion of GMHS-9501, approval of dissertation proposal, and in progress with dissertation data collection.
GMHS 9504  Dissertation I  (4 Credits)  
Working with the committee, the student develops his/her study proposal. Areas emphasized include review of the literature, identification of problem statements/research question(s)/hypotheses, selection and application of appropriate methods, conducting a pilot study and consideration of protection of human subjects/IRB requirements. Includes reviews and critiques of sample proposals, mock proposal hearings and candidate presentations of draft proposals. This course culminates in the dissertation proposal hearing.
GMHS 9505  Dissertation II  (4 Credits)  
Working with the committee, the student conducts participant recruitment, data collection, analysis of the data and an initial draft of the study’s findings.
Prerequisites: GMHS 9504 (may be taken concurrently)  
GMHS 9506  Dissertation Advisement  (4 Credits)  
The candidate will submit a completed dissertation and successfully orally defend the dissertation in a public forum. Candidates must adhere to all dissertation guidelines as specified by the program.
Prerequisites: GMHS 9505 (may be taken concurrently)  
GMHS 9507  Dissertation Extension Advsmnt  (2 Credits)  

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