HRTD - Human Resource Develop (HRTD)

HRTD 6501  Intro to Human Resource Devl  (3 Credits)  

Key concepts and principles of human resources training and development field. Topics might include the foundation and evolution of HRTD, the ethical and philosophical issues associated with human resources training and development and the role of the HRTD professional in the organization. 3 credits.

HRTD 6502  Adult Learn-Hum Res Devl Prof  (3 Credits)  

Theories of adult development and learning with emphasis on implications for design and delivery of human resource development programs in organizational environments. 3 credits.

HRTD 6503  Design-Eval-Hum Res Devl Prog  (3 Credits)  

Theory and practice of program design and evaluation applied to the organization. Special attention to integration of design and evaluation processes, evaluation strategies, measuring results, assessing return on training investment and the role of design and evaluation in securing management support for the HRTD function. 3 credits.

HRTD 6504  Performance Analysis  (3 Credits)  

The knowledge and skills basic to needs assessment, organization, person and task analysis. Data collection methods such as questionnaires, interviews and observation scales are covered, as well as data analysis and selection of appropriate HRTD interventions. 3 credits.

HRTD 6505  Performance Improv Strategies  (3 Credits)  

Instruction is one means of improving human performance. When performance problems have causes other than skills and knowledge deficiencies, other means are necessary. Students in this course will learn how and when to use non-training and reward systems, work place design and job design. Students should apply design improvement applications of their choice. 3 credits.

HRTD 6506  Consulting Skills  (3 Credits)  

Enables students to function responsibly as new or mid-level practioners. Includes an examination of the consulting process including an overview of consultant-customer behaviors and dilemmas. Using theory and field experience, students will learn how to apply consulting skills and strategies to their own work situations. 3 credits.

HRTD 6600  Police Executive Leadership  (3 Credits)  

The greatest leadership challenge facing organizations is maximizing the development of human potential. Yet, the development of this human potential is a highly personal process involving an understanding of the nature of change. In this course, we will address current trends and strategies in policing to better understand the role of the police executive, and strategic management of a police agency. Encouraging an individual to examine his/her thinking about leadership and the change process is of great importance since this process will enable the individual to create new systems rather than just resisting, coping, managing, and struggling with life changes. Leadership processes and strategies the affect decision making, influence people and build relationships are examined in this course. Leadership theories are investigated and analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated through use of case study and cohort interaction.

HRTD 6610  Essential Communication for Cr  (3 Credits)  

In today's difficult social and economic times, one of the greatest challenges facing law enforcement organizations is to develop and maintain effective communication with their personnel and to increase their ability to better service the needs of the public and their constituents. Executive leaders, front-line supervisors, and task managers for organizations must be able to identify internal and external factors influencing their agency and be able to readily adapt in complex, continually changing environments. These specific roles and correlating responsibilities, when relating to the overall health of the organization, must be clearly defined for optimal adaptation and efficiency in daily operations and long-term public safety goals. This is especially a critical task among law enforcement agencies as they are entrusted with the protection of life and thus have a greater need to develop interdependent relationships, not only within their organization, but with partner agencies and the diverse populations to which they serve. To achieve the mission statement of an institution of this nature, trust, and common purpose from the executive leaders to the front-line operators, is essential to transfer an organizational problem to organization success. This course provides a framework to examine these challenges organizations face in today’s critical operating environments and offer an opportunity for significant personal and institutional growth through knowledge and information sharing amongst agencies. More specifically, participants are guided to examine their own paradigms, critical experiences, and personal dilemmas and how they relate to organizational leadership throughout the course. Modern solutions to today’s complex problems regarding public safety will be examined in depth. Coordination within and agency and across various disciplines is essential for organizational success but communication amongst various agencies, with a common purpose and focus on public safety, is a critical force multiplier for the overall mission of law enforcement. The overarching goal of preparedness and subsequently response, if necessitated, can only be accomplished when organization’s goals and objectives align, are communicated between agencies, and are established, practiced, and continually enhanced.

HRTD 6620  Risk Management & Incident Com  (3 Credits)  

Contemporary law enforcement strategies must focus on all aspects of leadership and task management to effectively operate in complex environments. Today’s operating landscapes are challenged by the speed of information, which can outpace reactionary templates and diminish an organization’s impact on public safety. Mitigation of foreign and domestic terrorism can therefore present compounded challenges to public safety and organizational efforts to lessen threats and nefarious intentions of terrorists. The establishment of operational baselines and the identification of anomalies within these baselines has proven an effective tool for this mitigation and the recognition of danger prior to its onset. The continued ability of organizations to effectively concentrate on risk management strategies and apply essential communication and tactics before a critical incident, then becomes the focal point of enhancing public safety. This “left of bang” mentality postures organizations to alleviate casualties “right of bang”. The implementation of the incident command structure when planning for large scale events or critical incidents is a pivotal aspect of this posture when utilized with the proper protection methodology. This course will provide a framework for organizational preparedness prior to a critical incident from a large-scale security event to a terrorist attack. The implementation of the incident command system, coupled with essential risk management strategies, will be outlined as they relate to organizational cohesiveness and effective organizational execution. Through research of various critical incidents “right of bang”, students will correlate planning strategies prior to the event with incident outcomes and operable command dynamics post event. Essential preparedness models and theories will be researched and extensively examined, to provide clarity to effective practical application of public safety critical incident prevention and mitigation models.

HRTD 6622  Business Continuity  (3 Credits)  

Business continuity and recovery are critical competence areas for managers in private and public sector organizations. The primary focus of this course is on applied methodologies used to plan and recover business and people processes impacted by both natural and human-made disaster events. Specific attention is placed on understanding vital business continuity components, including business impact analyses, developing and testing business continuity plans, and creating business continuity and recovery strategies. Additionally, the diverse set of emergency management and restoration issues facing private sector and governmental organizations are analyzed. Lastly, the review of internal operations and the interface with public and private sector homeland security and emergency management stakeholders are examined

HRTD 6630  Ethical Policing  (3 Credits)  

The decisions faced by professionals associated with the criminal justice system may be different, but they share similarities, especially in that these professionals all experience varying degrees of discretion, authority, and power. The greater role discretion plays in a profession, the more important it is to have a strong grounding in ethics. In stepping into their respective roles, public servants have taken on special duties involving public trust. Individuals such as legislators, public officials, police officers, judges, and prosecutors are either elected or appointed as guardians of the public’s interests. Arguably, they must be held to higher standards than those they guard or govern. We will examine and discuss the surrounding issues, theories, and pitfalls surrounding influences on human behavior and their impact on ethical conduct in criminal justice.

HRTD 6640  Evidence Based Policing & Data  (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to evidence-based policing, data analysis, and scientific research methods in criminology and criminal justice that can affect the outcomes of police work. This course will expose students to the key foundational elements necessary for conducting research and the skills required to evaluate research done by others. Students will learn the current methods and techniques for conducting research in criminal justice, including research design, sampling, survey research, field research, and program evaluation. Students will develop a greater understanding of research uses in evidence-based policy decision-making.

HRTD 6644  Resilient Policing  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on the impact of operational and organizational stress, the effects of trauma and life experience on employee attitude, holistic employee health strategies, and enhancing interpersonal and community relationships. Individuals that incorporate resiliency techniques taught in the RMOFL curriculum into their daily lives are more balanced, happier, and better equipped to overcome life’s obstacles. Universal principles taught in the course increase job satisfaction, engagement both at work and home, and focus. Students will develop personal tools; for example, what it means to create a “resilient mindset,” communication skills, and will further understand the concept of neuroplasticity, the difference between adaptive and maladaptive behavior, and the power of gratitude.

HRTD 6646  Crisis Communication and Media Relations  (3 Credits)  

On a daily basis, communication is at the very core of effective law enforcement. Today's police leaders must have the ability to effectively communicate with their employees, their colleagues, and the communities they serve, with clarity and integrity. This course seeks to strengthen the capacity of each student to do so in both public and private settings while navigating a diverse range of leadership challenges. The lessons in this course will introduce students to strategies for written and oral communication, explore methodologies for public presentation, and discuss various communication theories and practices common to policing. Students will have the opportunity to practice and sharpen their skills by improving the efficacy and efficiency of their syntax and delivery while avoiding common pitfalls.

HRTD 6650  Budgeting, Personnel & Resourc  (3 Credits)  

Budgeting and resource allocation present significant challenges for public sector managers. Resources are often scarce, and money must be spent in the places where it will have the most meaningful impact. In this course, we will address budgeting and resource allocation on the state, federal, and local level. Encouraging an individual to examine his/her thinking about budgeting and resource allocation is of great importance since this process will enable the individual to create new systems rather than just resisting, coping, managing and struggling with the status quo. Budget practices are investigated and analyzed, synthesized and evaluated through use of case study and cohort interaction.

HRTD 6654  Police Reform  (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to concept of legitimacy in policing and the related reform efforts implemented in police departments throughout the United States in recent years. New technological capabilities have increased public expectations of transparency and efficiency in policing while raising concerns about privacy and due process rights. This course will equip students to understand the issues at stake in the contemporary policy debates surrounding policing and the foundational scholarly knowledge underpinning those debates. The profession of policing will discussed in detail concerning its organizational structure, functional purpose, the normative expectations of citizens who rely on the police for protection, and the effects of 21st century technology on policing practice. The course also focusses on specific controversies and reform efforts from present and recent past. Students will examine the trajectories of several cities that have gone through extensive police reforms and evaluate the impact and promise of specific policy choices.

HRTD 6656  Crime Prevention  (3 Credits)  
HRTD 7100  Selected Topics  (3 Credits)  

Provides students and faculty with the opportunity to work collaboratively in studying in-depth a current or special topic in the area of administration or human resources training and development. 3 credits.

HRTD 7762  Public Relations in Admin  (3 Credits)  
HRTD 7768  Microcomputers  (3 Credits)  
HRTD 8891  Directed Research  (3 Credits)  

Presents research methodology and procedures in educational administration and supervision. Students develop a research project with the guidance of the professor. 3 credits.

HRTD 8892  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  

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