HSTD 6128 ST Theology-Hist Rene Girard (3 Credits)
HSTD 6202 History of Christianity II (3 Credits)
HSTD 6222 Popes and the Papacy (3 Credits)
HSTD 6246 Documents of Vatican II (3 Credits)
HSTD 6268 History of Vatican II (3 Credits)
HSTD 6272 Gnosis - Political Theol III (3 Credits)
HSTD 6310 History of Spirituality (3 Credits)
HSTD 6313 Christianity: The Modern Era (3 Credits)
HSTD 6334 Catholic Evangelization (3 Credits)
HSTD 6340 From Church Fathers to 1500 (3 Credits)
HSTD 6341 Church of Reformations-Mission (3 Credits)
HSTD 6416 Confessions of St. Augustine (3 Credits)
HSTD 6422 Augustine's Spirituality (3 Credits)
HSTD 6426 Priesthood in the Fathers (3 Credits)
HSTD 6430 Worshipping w Church Fathers (3 Credits)
HSTD 6435 ST: Salvation Hist:BIBL/THEO (3 Credits)
HSTD 6516 Hebrews and Catholic Letters (3 Credits)
HSTD 6530 Peter in NT and Chris Antiquit (3 Credits)
HSTD 6577 Mariology (3 Credits)
HSTD 6585 Creation and Science (3 Credits)
HSTD 6611 Medieval Christianity (3 Credits)
HSTD 6684 ST: Conversion of St. Monica (3 Credits)
HSTD 6710 Women Mystics (3 Credits)
HSTD 6790 Ind St- 5 Key Spiritual Figure (3 Credits)
HSTD 6807 American Christianity (3 Credits)
HSTD 6809 History of Christianity (3 Credits)
HSTD 6813 The Reformation (3 Credits)
HSTD 6817 Counter-Reformation (3 Credits)
HSTD 6833 ST: Sacraments Early Church (3 Credits)
HSTD 6834 Catholics in New Jersey (3 Credits)
HSTD 6839 Art-Architect Churches Newark (3 Credits)