BIBL - Biblical Studies (BIBL)

BIBL 6004  New Testament Greek I  (2 Credits)  
An introductory course in New Testament Greek grammar with intensive exercises intended to develop facility in reading simple passages from the Gospels.
BIBL 6006  N.T. Greek I  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to New Testament Greek vocabulary and grammar, focusing on noun declensions and elementary verb tenses. Reading, translation and analysis of short passages from the New Testament.
BIBL 6007  N.T. Greek II  (3 Credits)  
Further study of New Testament Greek vocabulary and grammar, focusing on more advanced verb tenses and moods. Reading, translation and analysis of passages from the New Testament.
Prerequisites: BIBL 3106 or BIBL 6006  
BIBL 6113  Biblical Hebrew I  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to the most basic elements of Hebrew grammar with accent on the noun and the qal stem of the verb, Hebrew thought patterns and sentence structure, plus instruction in use of a Hebrew lexicon. A study of grammar accompanied by selected readings from Genesis.
BIBL 6114  Biblical Hebrew II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of BIBL 6113
Prerequisites: BIBL 6113  
BIBL 6117  Bible - Christian Morality  (3 Credits)  
This course takes up the issue of difficult moral questions and the way in which the Bible provides resources for resolving these questions in a Christian manner. The course is divided into two parts: Part 1 deals with difficult moral questions provided by biblical narratives themselves and reviews ways in which Christians have addressed them. These questions include the “dark passages of scripture,” such as laws commanding genocide in the book of Joshua, and Old Testament legislation on polygamy, slavery, adultery and homosexuality. Part 2 deals with the biblical principles of New Testament Christian ethics and how they apply to difficult contemporary moral problems in beginning, middle and end-of-life issues, sexual morality, capital punishment, pacifism and war.
BIBL 6120  Holy Land in the First Century  (3 Credits)  
What were the circumstances that have made the biblical Land of Israel the stage for some of the most dramatic and influential events of world history and faith? In three parts, this course will aim to provide a better understanding of this region during the First Century BC and AD. First, it will examine the region, the land and the landscape. Second, it will explore the social and political interactions among the many different inhabitants who shared the land. Third, it will examine the culture, the customs, the ways of worship and the daily life of the local communities, with an emphasis on the Jewish/Judean community.
BIBL 6122  Biblical Archeology  (3 Credits)  
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an introduction to biblical archaeology. The course (1) introduces students to the history of archaeology in the Holy Land, (2) reviews the nature, goals, and methods used by archaeologists in excavating and studying the material and religious cultures of the Bible, and (3) explores ways in which archaeological data can be placed in dialogue with the study of Scripture. (Cross-referenced to HSTD 6122)
BIBL 6124  ST- Psalms through Dante  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6191  Independnet Study  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6201  Pentateuch  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to critical theories useful to Pentateuchal research; historical and geographical context of the Pentateuch; literary genres; development of Pentateuchal books and their underlying theologies; and exegesis of selected passages.
BIBL 6203  Prophetic Literature  (3 Credits)  
A study of the authority, role and key concepts of the Hebrew prophets in the context of their own times and the possible paradigms for the present; an in-depth study of significant passages in the classical prophets; exegesis of selected texts.
BIBL 6205  Wisdom Literature-Psalms  (3 Credits)  
An examination of the notion of wisdom in the ancient Near East; genre of wisdom literature; close examination of selected sapiential books; study of various types of Psalms, their significance in Israel and their importance to the Church today; and exegesis of selected passages.
BIBL 6210  Biblical Call Narratives  (3 Credits)  
Exploration of how divine calls bestow dramatic meaning and personhood upon the lives of various figures in the Bible and those who hear and receive their message. Such figures include Adam and Eve, Cain, Abraham, Jonah, St. Paul and the Church-Bride of the Apocalypse. Clarification of the nature of human objections to the divine call and the way in which they are divinely resolved. Exploration of how biblical narrative can enrich a theology and philosophy of vocation and personhood and strengthen the capacity to live and work in
BIBL 6211  Old Testament Themes  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6219  Bibl Theo of Benedict XVI  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6230  Historical Books  (3 Credits)  
This course explores the books of the former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings) the Chronicler's History and the remaining books classified as historical in the Septuagint (Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther,Judith, Tobit and 1, 2 Maccabees).
BIBL 6231  Suffering and the Book of Job  (3 Credits)  
Many Old Testament texts explore the meaning of human suffering, but the most sustained reflection on this subject is the Book of Job. The book focuses on how Job, a man renowned for his righteousness, is forced to prove by his suffering that this righteousness is authentic. In doing so, it prompts its readers to explore their own assumptions about suffering and righteousness and leads them to perceive how the meaning of human suffering is linked to religious freedom and love. The book will be of interest to all who wish to understand the poetic and spiritual power of the Old Testament and its pastoral applications to life’s deepest problems.
BIBL 6291  ST/Biblical Interpre/ Early Ch  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6397  ST:Scriptural Srcs Sophiology  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6398  The Dark Passage of the Bible  (3 Credits)  
This course explores violence-ridden and morally challenging passages of the Bible, including those that apparently sanction capital punishment, child-sacrifice, extermination of noncombatants in warfare, polygamy, slavery, lying and making the Cross a gateway to eternal life. The course seeks to familiarize students with these passages and illuiminate Jewish and Christian ways of explaining their meaning and function in the canon. (Web-based).
BIBL 6399  Scripture and Forgiveness  (3 Credits)  
The course explores the themes of forgiveness in the Old and New Testaments, with a view to supplying the student with Scriptural resources for thinking about and developing a theology of forgiveness. Rabbinic, Patristic and Catholic scholastic interpretations of biblical passages are explored to compare and contrast Jewish and Christian, Catholic and Protestant approaches to understanding forgiveness. The Scriptural passages explored include: 1) The themes of divine mitigation of punishment in the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and the atonement rituals; 2) Forgiveness motifs in the Psalms and the Wisdom books; 3) Forgiveness motifs in the Prophets, e.g. in the Book of Jonah; 4-6) Forgiveness in the Synoptic Gospels, e.g. the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ Parables, Jesus’ Practice of Forgiveness in his life and Passion; 7) Forgiveness in the Epistles of Paul and James in the context of their theologies of justification by faith and works.
BIBL 6410  Catholic Epistles-Hebrews  (3 Credits)  
This course presents the Epistle to the Hebrews together with the seven Epistles, known as the seven Catholic or General Epistles: James, 1-2 Peter, 1-2-3 John and Jude. These works present a witness to Jesus of those who had seen him in his earthly career, namely two members of his family (James and Jude) and two of the most important of the Twelve (Peter and John). While discussing various scholarly debates about the Epistles, the course emphasizes basic themes and structure. (Cross-referenced to STHO 5631).
BIBL 6435  ST: Salvation Hist:BIBL/THEO  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6481  The Historical Jesus  (3 Credits)  
«Who do people say that I am?» (Mk 8,27). This question of Jesus has intrigued all who have come into contact with him since his ministry in Galilee. For much of Christian history, the faithful were content to live with the answer volunteered by Simon Peter. However, with the 18th century advent of the use of historical critical methods in biblical studies, academics in the West began to formulate a new understanding of who Jesus was, who the first Christians believed him to be, and how that belief developed over time. After a brief review of these investigations, we will explore the criteria used by exegetes for exploring historicity in Gospel narratives. The bulk of the course will then examine significant events in the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth to see how/if the «Jesus of History» is reconciled with the «Christ of Faith».
BIBL 6501  Synoptic Gospels  (3 Credits)  
An historical and critical approach to the study of the gospels, its limits and benefits and its acceptability to the Church. The “synoptic problem” and the consequences of its resolution for study of the gospels. Diverse forms within the gospels and the characteristics of each gospel.
BIBL 6503  Johannine Literature  (3 Credits)  
Consideration of the general characteristics, literary relationships, possible sources, overall structure and recurrent themes in John’s Gospel; numerous passages exegeted. Overview of the Johannine epistles and their historical context.
BIBL 6505  Pauline Literature  (3 Credits)  
Treatment of Paul’s life and background; introduction to each of Paul’s letters with attention to the historical situation and major interpretive concerns associated with each; theological development as evidenced from letter to letter; exegesis of selected passages.
BIBL 6506  Introduction to Pauline and Johannine Literature  (3 Credits)  
This course aims to introduce the student to an appreciation of various historical, literary and theological aspects of the Fourth Gospel and of Paul’s Letters, especially those to the Galatians and Romans. Special attention is paid to the way in which these writings reflect, interpret and develop the early Christian kerygma (proclamation) and thereby contribute to the Christian interpretation of Jesus, person and mission (Christology and Soteriology) and the means by which faith in him as the Christ and Son of God communicates abundant life (the Sacraments and Ecclesiology).
BIBL 6507  Luke - Acts  (3 Credits)  
This course takes a detailed look at Luke’s Gospel and its sequel the Acts of the Apostles. St. Luke’s Gospel is the longest of the four canonical Gospels and includes many unique details absent from the others, including some of the most moving and famous of Jesus’ parables like the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan. It also includes a unique infancy narrative which has shaped Christian celebrations of Christmas. The Acts of the Apostles is St. Luke’s account of the early Church. In this course, students will read carefully through these texts historically and from the heart of the Church.
BIBL 6516  Hebrews and Catholic Letters  (3 Credits)  
Letters to Hebrews and Cath Letters An in-depth study of the Letter to the Hebrews with emphasis on the priesthood of Christ. Examination of the biblical roots of the Christian priesthood: the royal priesthood of all Christians and the ministerial priesthood. Overview of the Catholic Letters: James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude. Exegesis of selected passages and survey of main theological themes.
BIBL 6529  Spirituality-Old Testament  (3 Credits)  
The Old Testament insight into the progressive revelation of Divine Presence and Fidelity. A study of the creation stories; the Exodus event; the sagas; Divine forgiveness and faithfulness; the call to holiness and its particular and universal aspects.
BIBL 6530  Peter in NT and Chris Antiguit  (3 Credits)  
Few of the disciples of Jesus have created such a vivid and lasting impression on their contemporaries or upon history and theology as has Simon Peter. Through an attentive dialogue with the documents of the New Testament, the first two Christian centuries and the witness of the archaeological record, participants in this course attempt to come to know more profoundly the fisherman from Galilee. In doing so, they make use of the best tools of biblical study, historical investigation and theological inquiry to understand Peter and the basis of his ongoing role in the Christian faith for both individual disciples and the community of faith. (Cross-referenced to HSTD 6530)
BIBL 6535  Scrip - Meaning Lord's Prayer  (3 Credits)  
The purpose of this course is to explore the depth, wisdom and power of the Lord’s Prayer by exploring its scriptural contexts and sources. Versions of the Prayer in all the Gospels and in the writings of Paul are studied to highlight the Trinitarian dimension of the Prayer and the way in which it maps out the Christian spiritual journey and enables Christ’s disciples to escape from various cycles of violence that impede their quest for God’s Kingdom.
BIBL 6562  ST - Images of Chaos in OT  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6570  Mary in Sacred Scripture  (3 Credits)  
A study of Scriptural texts and themes related to the Blessed Virgin Mary: Old Testament texts/institutions that prefigure Mary; New Testament texts that refer to Mary. Exegesis of select Lucan and Johannine texts using both modern and traditional methods of interpretation. Scriptural foundations of Marian dogmas/doctrines, liturgical feasts and devotional practices
BIBL 6571  The Parables of Jesus  (3 Credits)  
From the Prodigal Son to the Good Samaritan to the Good Shepherd, there are few things as familiar to us as these disarmingly simple yet penetrating narratives that Jesus used to articulate and proclaim the Kingdom of God during his ministry. They were fashioned by him both to awaken insight and to provoke response in his listeners. This course provides a close study of selected parables of Jesus from the Synoptic Gospels. Particular attention is paid to the cultural, biblical and literary contexts of the parables examined, so that students might approach “hearing” the parables as did their first audiences, both grasping their profound insights and responding to their call to conversion. Through doing so, students will come to appreciate the parables as indispensable sources of theology by and about Jesus, and as fonts for authentic Christian spirituality in our own day.
BIBL 6577  Mariology  (3 Credits)  
Planned lectures include: “Encountering the Mother of God in the New Testament,” “Encountering the Mother of God in the Church Fathers,” “Encountering the Mother of God in Medieval Spirituality,” “Encountering the Mother of God in the Renaissance & Baroque,” “Encountering the Mother of the God in 19th century Spirituality” and “Encountering the Mother of God Today.” (Cross-referenced to HSTD 6577, PTHO 6577 and STHO 6577)
BIBL 6724  Jewish Roots-Christian Spirit  (3 Credits)  
Survey of the Jewish roots of Christian spirituality, with special attention to prayer (personal and communal) and liturgy (particularly the Eucharist). Theological roots of Jewish spirituality; Psalms; Catholic-Jewish dialogue today.
BIBL 6793  ST:Grace & Romans  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6802  Scriptual Models Holocaust  (3 Credits)  
BIBL 6803  Biblical Prayer & Spirituality  (3 Credits)  
The theme of prayer is intrinsic to biblical narrative. The course contains four units, which explore, respectively: 1) The role of prayer in the Old Testament and the perennial relevance of Old Testament prayers, especially the Psalms, to Christian prayer; 2) Jewish and Rabbinic prayer forms and their relevance to the understanding of Christian New Testament prayers, especially the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary and the liturgy of the Eucharist; 3) The Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary themselves; and 4) The role that Scripture plays in the prayers of great Christian thinkers, writers, missionaries and saints.
BIBL 6999  ST - One Bible, Two Testaments  (3 Credits)  
The Second Vatican Council exhorts one to study the “unity of all Scripture” (Dei Verbum n.12). This course proposes to address the process by which Catholics should interpret the Bible. It will combine a discussion of hermeneutical approaches with a study of key passages. The student can expect to develop the skills necessary to understand major biblical themes originating in the first covenant with respect to both their historical circumstances and their later interpretation in the New Testament.

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