CPSY 6000 Group Dynamics (3 Credits)
CPSY 6001 Tests and Measurements (3 Credits)
CPSY 6002 Counseling Theory (3 Credits)
CPSY 6003 Counseling Skills (3 Credits)
CPSY 6004 Statistical Methods (3 Credits)
CPSY 6005 Appraisal and Assmt in Counslg (3 Credits)
CPSY 6100 Intro to Sch Psyc Hist-Sys Fou (3 Credits)
CPSY 6101 Personality Theory (3 Credits)
CPSY 6102 Psychology-Human Devl (3 Credits)
CPSY 6103 Abnormal Psychology (3 Credits)
CPSY 6104 Theories Learning Cogn Affect (3 Credits)
CPSY 6105 Biological Bases-Behavior (3 Credits)
CPSY 6301 Career Development-Counseling (3 Credits)
CPSY 6302 Orient Professional Counseling (3 Credits)
CPSY 6303 Counseling-Community Agencies (3 Credits)
CPSY 6305 Couns and Superv in Sch Settin (3 Credits)
CPSY 6306 Mental Hlth Counseling Commun (3 Credits)
CPSY 6310 Etiology-Treatment Addictions (3 Credits)
CPSY 6311 Phys and Pharm-Alcohol andCare (3 Credits)
CPSY 6316 Group Counseling (3 Credits)
CPSY 6317 Group Process-Assessment (3 Credits)
CPSY 6403 Occ II - Ed Inf - Coll Pl (3 Credits)
CPSY 6501 Professional Consult-Sch Prac (3 Credits)
CPSY 6505 Prin Learn-Behavior Mod (3 Credits)
CPSY 6601 Couple-Fam Dyn-Syst Perspect (3 Credits)
CPSY 7000 Psychotherapy Process (3 Credits)
CPSY 7001 Counselor Ethics in Practice (3 Credits)
CPSY 7002 Computers in Research (3 Credits)
CPSY 7004 Intro Residence Clinical Psyc (3 Credits)
CPSY 7005 Stat Theory - Computer App I (3 Credits)
CPSY 7006 Stat Theory - Computer App II (3 Credits)
CPSY 7100 History-Systems of Psyc (3 Credits)
CPSY 7101 Research Methods (3 Credits)
CPSY 7102 Prof Consultation Seminar (3 Credits)
CPSY 7103 Couns Psych - Prac - Res (3 Credits)
CPSY 7105 Psychology of Sport-Exercise (3 Credits)
CPSY 7201 Independent Living (3 Credits)
CPSY 7202 Adv Seminar-Assess Methods (3 Credits)
CPSY 7203 Pract-Apt Int-Personality Test (3 Credits)
CPSY 7204 Appraisal and Agreement (3 Credits)
CPSY 7205 Pract- Aptit-Intst-Person-Test (3 Credits)
CPSY 7206 Pract- Apt Int - Prsnlty Test (6 Credits)
CPSY 7210 Adv Sem-Rehab Couns Tech (3 Credits)
CPSY 7211 Prac-Voc Eval-Assess Methods (3 Credits)
CPSY 7281 Rehab Internship (3 Credits)
CPSY 7282 Rehab Ext-Exp Rehab CS (3 Credits)
CPSY 7301 Group Devl - Theory-Observ (6 Credits)
CPSY 7302 Psyc of Change in Small Grps (3 Credits)
CPSY 7310 Practicum Counseling (3 Credits)
CPSY 7311 Practicum-Group Leadership (3 Credits)
CPSY 7380 Internship-Counseling (3 Credits)
CPSY 7381 Internship Counseling II (3 Credits)
CPSY 7382 Extern-Group Leadership (3 Credits)
CPSY 7383 Internship in Prof Couns III (3 Credits)
CPSY 7384 Adv Counseling Skills Intern (1 Credit)
CPSY 7385 Internship in Counseling IV (3 Credits)
CPSY 7501 Intro to Clinical Skills (3 Credits)
CPSY 7502 Individual Cognitive Assess (3 Credits)
CPSY 7503 Personality Assessment (3 Credits)
CPSY 7504 Intro to Rorschach Tech (3 Credits)
CPSY 7505 Sem-Case Studies in Psyc (3 Credits)
CPSY 7506 Individual Educ. Assessment (3 Credits)
CPSY 7507 Personality Assess-Child-Adol (3 Credits)
CPSY 7510 Social - Community Psyc (3 Credits)
CPSY 7515 Social Psychology (3 Credits)
CPSY 7610 Human Sexuality I (3 Credits)
CPSY 7615 Gender and Ethnicity (3 Credits)
CPSY 7620 Adv Sem-Marriage - Fam Counsel (3 Credits)
CPSY 7621 Psychotherapy Tech- Marr-Fam (3 Credits)
CPSY 7622 Adv Group Tech-Marriage-Fam (3 Credits)
CPSY 7909 Sem-Case Study Psyc (3 Credits)
CPSY 7910 Pract-Ind Tech-Psychotherapy (3 Credits)
CPSY 8000 Independent Study (3 Credits)
CPSY 8001 Supv Rsch/ Counseling Psych (1 Credit)
CPSY 8002 Supv Research-Counsel Psyc (1 Credit)
CPSY 8003 Independent Study (1 Credit)
CPSY 8004 Research Exp-Marriage-Fam I (1 Credit)
CPSY 8006 Independent Research (0 Credits)
CPSY 8007 Mind Body Issues-Interventions (3 Credits)
CPSY 8010 Eth and Lgl Iss in Couns Pych (3 Credits)
CPSY 8011 Ethic-Leg Issues-Sys Approach (3 Credits)
CPSY 8050 Psychosoc Issues-Prof Psyc I (3 Credits)
CPSY 8100 Multicultural Couns-Psychology (3 Credits)
CPSY 8101 Family Systems Research Meth (3 Credits)
CPSY 8105 Racial Identity (3 Credits)
CPSY 8106 SP TP-Multicultural Competency (1 Credit)
CPSY 8203 Prac Apth Int-Personality Test (1 Credit)
CPSY 8502 Indiv Cognitive Assess-Lab (1 Credit)
CPSY 8503 Personality Assessment (1 Credit)
CPSY 8504 Intro Rorschach Tech-Lab (1 Credit)
CPSY 8505 Neuropsyc Ass-Child-Adol Lab (1 Credit)
CPSY 8507 Lab Child-Adol Personality (1 Credit)
CPSY 8511 Sem-Pract of School Psyc (3 Credits)
CPSY 8516 Pre-Pract Sem in Mar - Fam The (3 Credits)
CPSY 8517 Sem-Psychopath Sys Approach (3 Credits)
CPSY 8519 Atyp Behavior Chld:Assess Intv (3 Credits)
CPSY 8520 Sem-Psychopathology (3 Credits)
CPSY 8521 Foundations of Neuropsychology (3 Credits)
CPSY 8522 Neuropysc Assess-Child-Adol (3 Credits)
CPSY 8523 Adv Neuropsyc Assessment (3 Credits)
CPSY 8524 Clinical Psychopharmacology (3 Credits)
CPSY 8526 Sp Topic Neuro-Psyc-Assess-Eld (3 Credits)
CPSY 8530 Practicum-Family Therapy (3 Credits)
CPSY 8540 Special Topics-Clin Psyc I (3 Credits)
CPSY 8541 Special Topics-Sport/Excercise (3 Credits)
CPSY 8542 Special Topics-Clinical (3 Credits)
CPSY 8543 Special Topics-Clin Sem Freud (3 Credits)
CPSY 8544 Special Topics-Clinical (3 Credits)
CPSY 8545 Special Topics-Clinical (3 Credits)
CPSY 8546 Special Topics (3 Credits)
CPSY 8550 Group Psychology-Child-Adol (3 Credits)
CPSY 8555 Assess-Interv Child Abuse-Negl (3 Credits)
CPSY 8556 Spec Topics-Ped/Neuropsy (1 Credit)
CPSY 8560 Multidim-Perspect-Psychoth-Wom (3 Credits)
CPSY 8561 Psychotherapy with Women (3 Credits)
CPSY 8562 SPSS for Beginners (3 Credits)
CPSY 8563 Counseling Psyc Practicum I (3 Credits)
CPSY 8564 Practicum-Counseling Psyc II (3 Credits)
CPSY 8565 Practicum-Counseling III (3 Credits)
CPSY 8566 Practicum IV (3 Credits)
CPSY 8567 Practicum-Counseling V (3 Credits)
CPSY 8568 Practicum-Counseling V (3 Credits)
CPSY 8580 Internship School Psyc I (3 Credits)
CPSY 8581 Internship School Psyc II (3 Credits)
CPSY 8615 Sem-Gender-Cult-Family Sys (3 Credits)
CPSY 8616 Intermediate Statistics (3 Credits)
CPSY 8617 Appl Res Meth - Stat Analysis (3 Credits)
CPSY 8701 Techniques Group Counseling (3 Credits)
CPSY 8703 Seminar in Voc Psychology (3 Credits)
CPSY 8704 Psychology-Life Skills Trng I (3 Credits)
CPSY 8705 Psychoed-Program-Consultation (3 Credits)
CPSY 8706 Sem-Clinical Assess Techniques (3 Credits)
CPSY 8707 Independent Study (3 Credits)
CPSY 8800 Sem-Contemp Issue-Marriage-Fam (3 Credits)
CPSY 8801 Fndtn of Assmnt - Marriage-Fam (3 Credits)
CPSY 8901 Clinical Psychology Pract I (3 Credits)
CPSY 8902 Clinical Psyc Pract II (3 Credits)
CPSY 8903 Clinical Psychology Pract III (3 Credits)
CPSY 8904 Clinical Psychology Pract IV (3 Credits)
CPSY 9001 Univariate Exp Design (3 Credits)
CPSY 9002 Applied Multivariate Stats (3 Credits)
CPSY 9003 Psychometric Theory (3 Credits)
CPSY 9004 Special Topic-Research-Evaluat (3 Credits)
CPSY 9072 PrePract-Marriage-Fam Counsel (3 Credits)
CPSY 9090 Thesis Seminar I (3 Credits)
CPSY 9095 Supv Teaching-Counsel Psyc (3 Credits)
CPSY 9105 Lab-Racial Identity (1 Credit)
CPSY 9522 Neuropsyc Assess Chld-Adol Lab (1 Credit)
CPSY 9523 Pract Advanced Neuropsyc Lab (1 Credit)
CPSY 9563 Counsel Psyc Practicum-Lab (1 Credit)
CPSY 9706 Lab-Sem-Clin-Assess-Technique (1 Credit)
CPSY 9755 Tech-Counsel-Psychotherapy I (3 Credits)
CPSY 9774 Theory-Tech-Counsel-Psychother (3 Credits)
CPSY 9775 Pract-Counseling-Psychology I (3 Credits)
CPSY 9776 Problems-Techniques II (3 Credits)
CPSY 9777 Practicum Counsel Psyc III (3 Credits)
CPSY 9778 Practicum Counsel Psyc II (3 Credits)
CPSY 9779 Pract Counsel Psyc V (3 Credits)
CPSY 9780 Pract-Counseling Psychology (3 Credits)
CPSY 9781 Intern-Counseling Psychology (3 Credits)
CPSY 9782 Internship-Counseling Psyc (3 Credits)
CPSY 9788 Internship in Couns Psyc (0 Credits)
CPSY 9789 Internship in Counsel Psyc (0 Credits)
CPSY 9791 Internship in Couns Psych (1 Credit)
CPSY 9871 Prepract in Marriage-Fam The I (3 Credits)
CPSY 9872 Prepract-Marr-Fam Therapy II (3 Credits)
CPSY 9875 Practicum Systems Approach III (1 Credit)
CPSY 9876 Practicum System Approach VI (1 Credit)
CPSY 9880 Internship-Marr-Family Counsel (3 Credits)
CPSY 9881 Internship Marr-Family Counsel (3 Credits)
CPSY 9882 Internship Marr-Fam Counsel (3 Credits)
CPSY 9883 Internship Marr-Fam Counsel (3 Credits)
CPSY 9884 Doctoral Internship (0 Credits)
CPSY 9885 Doctoral Internship (0 Credits)
CPSY 9886 PreDoctoral Internship (1 Credit)
CPSY 9887 Doctoral Internship Couns Psyc (1 Credit)
CPSY 9888 Doctoral Internship-Couns Psyc (1 Credit)
CPSY 9970 Intern-Clinical Psychology (3 Credits)
CPSY 9971 Intern-Clinical Psychology (3 Credits)
CPSY 9972 Intern-Clinical Psychology (0 Credits)
CPSY 9973 Intern-Clinical Psychology (0 Credits)
CPSY 9982 Intern-Child Clinical Psyc (1 Credit)
CPSY 9983 Intern-Marriage-Fam Counseling (3 Credits)
CPSY 9985 Intern-Child-Adol Therapy (3 Credits)
CPSY 9986 Pract-Treat Sexual Disorders (3 Credits)
CPSY 9991 Diss Advise I (3 Credits)
CPSY 9992 Diss Advise II (3 Credits)
CPSY 9993 Diss Advise III (3 Credits)
CPSY 9994 Diss Advise IV (3 Credits)
CPSY 9995 Diss Advise V (3 Credits)
CPSY 9996 Diss Advise VI (3 Credits)
CPSY 9997 Diss Advise VII (3 Credits)
CPSY 9998 Diss Advise VIII (3 Credits)
CPSY 9999 Diss Advise IX (3 Credits)