DIPL 6000 International Relations Theory (3 Credits)
DIPL 6001 Politics of Cultural and Ethnic Pluralism (3 Credits)
DIPL 6002 International Organizations (3 Credits)
DIPL 6004 Peacemaking and Peacekeeping (3 Credits)
DIPL 6005 Public International Law (3 Credits)
DIPL 6007 UN: Insider's View (3 Credits)
DIPL 6010 International Relations and Fi (3 Credits)
DIPL 6015 HR Mgmt in International Org (3 Credits)
DIPL 6031 International Environmental Policy (3 Credits)
DIPL 6104 Art and Science Negotiation (3 Credits)
DIPL 6105 International Political Economy (3 Credits)
DIPL 6113 International Financial Institutions (3 Credits)
DIPL 6115 Cross Cultural Negotiation and Conflict Management (3 Credits)
DIPL 6118 Global Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding (3 Credits)
DIPL 6130 International Security (3 Credits)
DIPL 6131 Causes of War (3 Credits)
DIPL 6132 American Grand Strategy (3 Credits)
DIPL 6140 International Human Rights (3 Credits)
DIPL 6153 Comparative Political Economy Development (3 Credits)
DIPL 6155 Advanced Economic Aspects of International Relations (3 Credits)
DIPL 6170 Advanced Topics in Economic Development for International Affairs (3 Credits)
DIPL 6180 Comparative Foreign Policy (3 Credits)
DIPL 6181 Statecraft-Design Foreign Pol (3 Credits)
DIPL 6197 US Polc Stabl Recon Fragile St (3 Credits)
DIPL 6198 Human Rights in U.S Foreign Policy (3 Credits)
DIPL 6201 UN Security Council Issues (3 Credits)
DIPL 6202 Politics at the United Nations: Relevance and Reform (3 Credits)
DIPL 6205 United Nations Field Seminar (3 Credits)
DIPL 6210 UNITAR Fall Module (5 Credits)
DIPL 6220 UNITAR Spring Module (4 Credits)
DIPL 6250 Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Plural Societies (3 Credits)
DIPL 6251 Justice, Truth, and Reconciliation in Post- Conflict Societies (3 Credits)
DIPL 6252 Institutions of Post-Conflict Governance (3 Credits)
DIPL 6253 Civil Conflict and Development (3 Credits)
DIPL 6254 Fieldwork in Post-Conflict Societies (3 Credits)
DIPL 6258 Memory and Conflict: Dealing with the Past Constructively (3 Credits)
DIPL 6276 Global Health Governance (3 Credits)
DIPL 6277 Global Health, Bioterrorism, and International Security (3 Credits)
DIPL 6279 Contagion and Conflict: Global Impact of Infectious Disease (3 Credits)
DIPL 6280 International Health and Development (3 Credits)
DIPL 6310 Research Methods for Policy Analysis (3 Credits)
DIPL 6311 Master's Research Project (3 Credits)
DIPL 6312 Master's Thesis (3 Credits)
DIPL 6350 Religion Race & Int'l Relation (3 Credits)
DIPL 6360 Race & Racism Int'l Law & Poli (3 Credits)
DIPL 6370 Gender Race & Cult Int'l Rela (3 Credits)
DIPL 6403 European Union: External Relations (3 Credits)
DIPL 6405 Foreign Policy of Post-Soviet States (3 Credits)
DIPL 6406 Eastern European and Post-Soviet Politics (3 Credits)
DIPL 6501 Modern Middle East: U.S. Involvement (3 Credits)
DIPL 6506 Energy Policies of the 21st Century (3 Credits)
DIPL 6509 EU and Cyprus Seminar (3 Credits)
DIPL 6510 The Persian Gulf in the 21st Century (3 Credits)
DIPL 6520 Politics of Terrorism in the Middle East (3 Credits)
DIPL 6601 Sino-U.S. Relations (3 Credits)
DIPL 6610 China's Rise: Opportunities and Challenges (3 Credits)
DIPL 6611 International Relations in Southeast Asia (3 Credits)
DIPL 6622 China's Foreign Relations (3 Credits)
DIPL 6700 International Relations of African States (3 Credits)
DIPL 6704 Economic Development in Africa (3 Credits)
DIPL 6710 African Union Seminar (3 Credits)
DIPL 6715 Sierra Leone Seminar (3 Credits)
DIPL 6717 Africa: Displacement and Conflict (3 Credits)
DIPL 6801 U.S. Foreign Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean (3 Credits)
DIPL 6803 Politics and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (3 Credits)
DIPL 6806 Political Economy of Latin America and the Caribbean (3 Credits)
DIPL 6997 Directed Research (3 Credits)
DIPL 6998 Independent Study II (3 Credits)
DIPL 6999 Independent Study (3 Credits)
DIPL 7111 Internship (3 Credits)
DIPL 7112 Internship (3 Credits)
DIPL 7115 The Washington Experience Study Tour: Actors, Institutions and the Policy Process (3 Credits)
DIPL 7116 The Washington Seminar on Global Policy Challenges (3 Credits)
DIPL 7411 Journal Editorial I (1 Credit)
DIPL 7412 Journal Editorial II (1 Credit)
DIPL 7413 Journal Editorial III (1 Credit)