EDST 6001 Compre Apprch to Stu Lrn DIs (3 Credits)
EDST 6002 Graduate Meth of Research (3 Credits)
EDST 6005 Reading Content Area (3 Credits)
EDST 6009 Teach Strat for Multicult Educ (3 Credits)
EDST 6103 Psycho-Social Asp-Men Retard (3 Credits)
EDST 6104 Diag and Remed Reading Prblms (3 Credits)
EDST 6105 Dev-Assess-Reading Skills (3 Credits)
EDST 6106 Curric Special Education (3 Credits)
EDST 6107 Meth and Materials in Spec Ed (3 Credits)
EDST 6109 Diagn and Remed Prblms II-Prac (3 Credits)
EDST 6110 Assess-Learning Disabilities (6 Credits)
EDST 6111 Remediation of Learn Disab (3 Credits)
EDST 6112 Assess of Learning Disab (3 Credits)
EDST 6113 Media-Teaching Reading (3 Credits)
EDST 6114 Community Resources (3 Credits)
EDST 6115 Visual Language Disorder (3 Credits)
EDST 6203 Computer Literacy (3 Credits)
EDST 6205 Using Computers (3 Credits)
EDST 6210 Real World Technologies (3 Credits)
EDST 6211 Sp Topics-Microsoft Office (3 Credits)
EDST 6212 Real World Technologies II (3 Credits)
EDST 6214 Webpage Technologies (3 Credits)
EDST 6215 Prod III-Comp Graph Animation (3 Credits)
EDST 6216 Digital Resh and Info Literacy (3 Credits)
EDST 6220 Graduate Teaching Internship (6 Credits)
EDST 6224 Approaches to Reading (3 Credits)
EDST 6227 Childhood Health and Nutrition (3 Credits)
EDST 6229 Clinical Practice Seminar I (3 Credits)
EDST 6230 Clinical Practice Seminar II (3 Credits)
EDST 6301 Lit for Child and Young Adults (3 Credits)
EDST 6304 Prod I - Visual Comm Design (3 Credits)
EDST 6305 Prod II-Tech Enhanc Lrn Strat (3 Credits)
EDST 6306 Instructional Design (3 Credits)
EDST 6307 Integ Curr-Tech Inclsve Clssrm (3 Credits)
EDST 6308 Org/Admin Tech and Media Ctrs (3 Credits)
EDST 6309 Advcd Org of Media Res (3 Credits)
EDST 6310 Sch Lib Media Spec Internship (3 Credits)
EDST 6313 Instruc TV Production (3 Credits)
EDST 6315 Tech Processes for Ed Media (3 Credits)
EDST 6320 Advcd Philosophy of Ed (3 Credits)
EDST 6322 History and Phil Found of Ed (3 Credits)
EDST 6324 Human Relations (3 Credits)
EDST 6325 Psychological Fndtns of Ed (3 Credits)
EDST 6328 Critical Issues in Educ (3 Credits)
EDST 6329 Independent Grad Study (1 Credit)
EDST 6330 Indep Graduate Study (2 Credits)
EDST 6331 Indep Graduate Study (3 Credits)
EDST 6332 Research Writing (3 Credits)
EDST 6333 Photography in Education (3 Credits)
EDST 6334 Independent Study (0 Credits)
EDST 6337 Western Traditions in Society (3 Credits)
EDST 6338 Foundations-Contemp Ed (3 Credits)
EDST 6339 Middle School Issues (3 Credits)
EDST 6344 Seminar-Soc-Eth-Leg Iss Tech (3 Credits)
EDST 6345 Online Course Mngt and Dvlpmnt (3 Credits)
EDST 6346 Elec Portfolio Dvlpmt (3 Credits)
EDST 6347 Sp Projects in Technology (3 Credits)
EDST 6350 HIV-AIDS-Concepts and Issues (3 Credits)
EDST 6355 Intl Educ-USSR (3 Credits)
EDST 6407 Foundations of Education (3 Credits)
EDST 6408 Child and Adolescent Dvlpmt (3 Credits)
EDST 6409 Life in the Classroom (3 Credits)
EDST 6410 Social Studies Education (3 Credits)
EDST 6413 Topics in Lang Arts and Lit (3 Credits)
EDST 6414 Lang Arts-The Early Years (3 Credits)
EDST 6415 Mathematics Education (3 Credits)
EDST 6416 Lang Arts-Upper Elementary (3 Credits)
EDST 6417 ELED Sci - SocStu Mthds-Asmnt (3 Credits)
EDST 6421 Child-Adolescent Dvl-Diversity (3 Credits)
EDST 6422 Classroom Curriculum-Plan-Orgn (3 Credits)
EDST 6425 Assessment of Student Learning (3 Credits)
EDST 6426 Clinical Practice and Seminar (3 Credits)
EDST 6440 Bhv Disorder - Thry Trtmt Mgmt (3 Credits)
EDST 6441 Serving Diverse Learners I (3 Credits)
EDST 6442 Serving Diverse Learners II (3 Credits)
EDST 6444 Autism Spec Dis Thry-Treat-Prc (3 Credits)
EDST 6445 Environment for Diverse Lrnrs (3 Credits)
EDST 6446 Assess Special Ed Diverse Lrn (3 Credits)
EDST 6450 Inclsnry Prac in Educ Settings (3 Credits)
EDST 6460 Contemp Assessment Prac (3 Credits)
EDST 6465 Collaborative Learning (3 Credits)
EDST 6504 Applied Linguistics (3 Credits)
EDST 6505 TESL I (3 Credits)
EDST 6506 TESL II (3 Credits)
EDST 6507 Second Language Assessment (3 Credits)
EDST 6510 Conv Span School Personnel (3 Credits)
EDST 6551 Advcd Strat of Teaching (3 Credits)
EDST 6552 Advcd Reading in Schools (3 Credits)
EDST 6553 Teaching Social Studies (3 Credits)
EDST 6555 English Language Arts (3 Credits)
EDST 6557 Secondary Science Methods (3 Credits)
EDST 6558 Secondary Math Methods (3 Credits)
EDST 6559 Computer Literacy (3 Credits)
EDST 6560 Hist-Cult Bckgrnd Engl Lang Lr (3 Credits)
EDST 6565 Curriculum and Assessment (3 Credits)
EDST 6641 Found Know Tcher Fam Excep Lrn (3 Credits)
EDST 6652 Literacy Theory and Pract. (3 Credits)
EDST 6664 School Law (3 Credits)
EDST 7001 Sem: Ed Research Methods (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: EDST 6002 (may be taken concurrently) EDST 7101 Adv Analy and Physio-Voc-Aud (3 Credits)
EDST 7102 Lng Voice Artic Rem-Play (3 Credits)
EDST 7103 Articulation Disorders (3 Credits)
EDST 7104 Voice Disorders (3 Credits)
EDST 7106 Speech Reading and Audit Train (3 Credits)
EDST 7108 Psychodynamic Disorders (3 Credits)
EDST 7109 Language Disorder-Children (3 Credits)
EDST 7110 Language Disorders-Adults (3 Credits)
EDST 7111 Diag Proc-Community Disorders (6 Credits)
EDST 7112 Sem-Pathology of Comm (3 Credits)
EDST 7113 Stuttering-Theory-Treatment (3 Credits)
EDST 7201 Sem-Soc-Calif Indians (3 Credits)
EDST 7202 Seminar In Science (3 Credits)
EDST 7203 Seminar In Music (3 Credits)
EDST 7204 The Gifted Child (3 Credits)
EDST 7205 Seminar In Art (3 Credits)
EDST 7206 Seminar In Mathematics (3 Credits)
EDST 7207 Seminar In Reading (3 Credits)
EDST 7208 Seminar In Language Arts (3 Credits)
EDST 7209 Seminar In Health-Physical Edu (3 Credits)
EDST 7301 Patterns Of Religious Educ (3 Credits)
EDST 7302 Philosophy Of Religious Educ (3 Credits)
EDST 7303 Psychology of Religious Educ (3 Credits)
EDST 7304 Sacrament and Human Liv (3 Credits)
EDST 7305 Religious Education In Christ (3 Credits)
EDST 7306 Religious Education In Christ (3 Credits)
EDST 7307 Religious Edu and Moral Issues (3 Credits)
EDST 7308 Spirit Dev and Education (3 Credits)
EDST 7309 Religious Education Coordin (3 Credits)
EDST 7310 Ethical Leadership (3 Credits)
EDST 7311 Jewish Philos of Education (3 Credits)
EDST 7312 Curr Iss-Sch and Society (3 Credits)
EDST 7315 Challenges in Teaching (3 Credits)
EDST 7316 Intro Applied Behavior Analys (3 Credits)
EDST 7317 Measurement - Exp Dsgn in ABA (3 Credits)
EDST 7318 Assmnt-Intervent App Beh Anlys (3 Credits)
EDST 7319 Basic App Appld Behav Analysis (3 Credits)
EDST 7320 Adv Apps Apld Behav Anlys (3 Credits)
EDST 7321 Ethcl Lgl Prfsl Iss Behav Anly (3 Credits)
EDST 7322 Thesis I in Applied Behavior Analysis (3 Credits)
EDST 7323 Thesis II in Applied Behavior Analysis (3 Credits)
EDST 7324 ABA Practicum I (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: EDST 7316 (may be taken concurrently) and EDST 7317 (may be taken concurrently) EDST 7325 ABA Practicum II (3 Credits)
EDST 7326 ABA Practicum III (3 Credits)
EDST 7328 Analysis of Verbal Behavior: Advanced Applications (3 Credits)
EDST 7329 Language and Social Skills Development in Applied Behavior Analysis (3 Credits)
EDST 7331 Assessing and Treating Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan (3 Credits)
EDST 7333 Assessment and Treatment of Severe Problem Behaviors (3 Credits)
EDST 7335 Applied Behavior Anlys-Prin I (3 Credits)
EDST 7336 Applied Behavior Analysis Principles II (3 Credits)
EDST 7337 Multiculturalism-Diversity ABA (3 Credits)
EDST 7338 Supervision and Management in Applied Behavior Analysis (3 Credits)
EDST 7339 Thesis Continuation in Applied Behavior Analysis (3 Credits)
EDST 7340 Organizational Behavior Management: Principles and Practices (3 Credits)
EDST 7341 Precision Teaching (3 Credits)
EDST 7342 Client Records (3 Credits)
EDST 7345 Online Course Mgmt-Delivery (3 Credits)
EDST 7348 Online Course Design-Implement (3 Credits)
EDST 7349 Intern in Info Technologies I (3 Credits)
EDST 7350 Intern in Info Technologies II (3 Credits)
EDST 7451 Sem-Resrch Meth in Spec Educ (3 Credits)
EDST 7452 Intro Transition Education I (3 Credits)
EDST 7453 Intro Transition Education II (3 Credits)
EDST 7454 Transition Assessment - Youth (3 Credits)
EDST 7455 Collaborative Transition Model (3 Credits)
EDST 7501 Human Intercul Relations (3 Credits)
EDST 7502 General Linguistics (3 Credits)
EDST 7503 Bilingual Theory and Practice (3 Credits)
EDST 7504 Career Education (3 Credits)
EDST 7505 Social Psyc Bilingual Child (3 Credits)
EDST 7506 Principles Bilingual Education (3 Credits)
EDST 7507 Bilingual Ed-Thry and Practice (3 Credits)
EDST 7510 Sec Ed Curr Design-Implement (3 Credits)
EDST 8101 Sign Language (3 Credits)
EDST 8102 Advanced Practicum-Reading (3 Credits)
EDST 8103 Intern-Learning Disabilities (3 Credits)
EDST 8104 Intern-Speech Pathology I (3 Credits)
EDST 8105 Intern Speech Pathology II (3 Credits)
EDST 8202 Perspectives-Ethnicity (3 Credits)
EDST 8204 Diagn-Prescr Teach Elem Math (3 Credits)
EDST 8205 Advcd Seminar in Lang Arts (3 Credits)
EDST 8206 Advcd Seminar in Childrens Lit (3 Credits)
EDST 8207 Selected Topics of Reading Ins (3 Credits)
EDST 8208 Phil-Soc Persp Early Child Ed (3 Credits)
EDST 8213 Sel Theory-Tech Behav Mgmt (3 Credits)
EDST 8215 Select Topics for Research (3 Credits)
EDST 8216 Internship Cul Act (6 Credits)
EDST 8217 Implem Rsrch in School Setting (3 Credits)
EDST 8218 An Acts Apprch-Elem Science (3 Credits)
EDST 8219 Strategies in Soc Sciences (3 Credits)
EDST 8220 Creat-Maintng Elem Child Ctr (3 Credits)
EDST 8221 Eval of Gifted-Talented Prgm (3 Credits)
EDST 8225 Child Rights-Leg and Psyc Impl (3 Credits)
EDST 8226 Schl Law-Couns-Social Wrk (3 Credits)
EDST 8227 Math Dvlpmt-Erly Child Educ (3 Credits)
EDST 8303 Amer Ethos of Education (3 Credits)
EDST 8501 Grad Teaching-Intern (6 Credits)
EDST 8504 Independent Study (1 Credit)
EDST 8505 Independent Study (2 Credits)
EDST 8506 Independent Study (3 Credits)
EDST 8507 Field Experience (3 Credits)
EDST 8509 Grantsmanship (3 Credits)
EDST 8510 Creative Art Experience (3 Credits)
EDST 8511 Field Experience (3 Credits)
EDST 9301 History of Ed in America (3 Credits)
EDST 9302 Socio-Psych Domain (3 Credits)
EDST 9303 Sociological Thght in Educ (3 Credits)
EDST 9304 Phil Persp-School and Society (3 Credits)
EDST 9413 Topics in Lang and Lit (3 Credits)
EDST 9501 Field Experience EdS (3 Credits)
EDST 9502 Research Seminar (3 Credits)
EDST 9503 Curric and Rdngs in Selec Flds (3 Credits)
EDST 9504 Prob-Iss in Sec-Postsec Teach (3 Credits)
EDST 9505 Sociolinguistics (3 Credits)
EDST 9506 Psycholinguistic and Bilingual (3 Credits)
EDST 9511 Culming Project Bil (3 Credits)