EDST - Educational Studies (EDST)

EDST 6001  Compre Apprch to Stu Lrn DIs  (3 Credits)  
This course surveys the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social conditions affecting children with learning problems and necessitating special conditions for success in the educational process. The etiology of learning disabilities, classifications, disability categories assessments, and educational programming for the learning disabled, preschool through adolescent youth, will be discussed. A review of relevant laws and the revised New Jersey Special Education Code will be included.
EDST 6002  Graduate Meth of Research  (3 Credits)  
A survey of research principles, methods and practices in education and the helping professions.
EDST 6005  Reading Content Area  (3 Credits)  
Provides an overview of the teaching of reading in grades 7-12, college years and adult courses. Emphasizes skills and techniques used when the reading teacher assumes the role of reading supervisor, reading consultant or administrator of reading programs.
EDST 6009  Teach Strat for Multicult Educ  (3 Credits)  
Definition of the social foundations and theories of multicultural education. Exploration of past and current issues and directions of multicultural education. Strategies for teaching multicultural education that reflect an understanding and respect for the cognitive, affective and communicative diversity of students.
EDST 6103  Psycho-Social Asp-Men Retard  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6104  Diag and Remed Reading Prblms  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6105  Dev-Assess-Reading Skills  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6106  Curric Special Education  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6107  Meth and Materials in Spec Ed  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6109  Diagn and Remed Prblms II-Prac  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6110  Assess-Learning Disabilities  (6 Credits)  
EDST 6111  Remediation of Learn Disab  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6112  Assess of Learning Disab  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6113  Media-Teaching Reading  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6114  Community Resources  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6115  Visual Language Disorder  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6203  Computer Literacy  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6205  Using Computers  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6210  Real World Technologies  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to computers and computing, problem solving, changes in technology, and the impact of computers in our lives. Provides a working knowledge of computers and the Windows operating environment with an emphasis on word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, presentation, and Web editing software programs. This course is designed to focus on student computing needs.
EDST 6211  Sp Topics-Microsoft Office  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6212  Real World Technologies II  (3 Credits)  
Introduces and develops expertise in database, desktop publishing, photo-editing, and semantic networking software. Presents advanced concepts in word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation graphics. Emphasis is placed on using these programs to their full advantage by use of advanced integration. The terminal goal is to develop computing skills as they apply in appropriate organizational settings.
EDST 6214  Webpage Technologies  (3 Credits)  
Students will receive step-by-step instructions and in-depth explanations of the features of Microsoft Expression: how to develop a Web Page; work with text, graphics, links, and tables; apply styles, position objects with layers and add media objects. By the end of the course, students will have designed a professional looking portfolio which will be uploaded live to the Internet.
EDST 6215  Prod III-Comp Graph Animation  (3 Credits)  
This course combines the use of new media tools to create and develop instructional products that engage the creation of products which can fully engage the community, through creative educational experiences. New media applications, Windows Live Movie Maker, Adobe Premiere Elements and Audacity can be used to remix video, audio, songs, text and images into products which will be delivered through Web 2.0 social networking applications such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
EDST 6216  Digital Resh and Info Literacy  (3 Credits)  
Advanced digital research using computer-based and Internet accessible tools. Students find, evaluate and assemble the best information for individual action research interests and workplace needs; develop research skills and information discrimination techniques using digital resources. Includes research problem development, research methodology, bibliography development, search strategies, digital reference materials, online newspapers and periodicals, email, wikis, blogs and online surveys.
EDST 6220  Graduate Teaching Internship  (6 Credits)  
EDST 6224  Approaches to Reading  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6227  Childhood Health and Nutrition  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6229  Clinical Practice Seminar I  (3 Credits)  
The candidate integrates and connects models of teaching and subject matter in the classroom with the direct supervision of a cooperating teacher, a SHU supervisor, and a seminar professor. Candidates are able to fine-tune their teaching skills through instruction, reflection, and responses to feedback from teaching professionals. Portfolio development, career readiness, reflection on practice and professional growth are the primary foci of this course.
EDST 6230  Clinical Practice Seminar II  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6301  Lit for Child and Young Adults  (3 Credits)  
Evaluating, selecting and using literature in print and electronic formats with children and adolescents. Course emphasis is on strategies for motivating children to read and the integration of literature throughout the curriculum.
EDST 6304  Prod I - Visual Comm Design  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to visual communication that provides students with the needed skills to design, produce, practice, and present creative products utilizing a variety of electronic media. The importance of developing visual literacy through practice in interactive media, print, video, digital photography and presentation will be a focus. From typography and layout to color and composition, an array of design elements will be explored in relationship to constructing a clear channel of communication for maximizing student learning.
EDST 6305  Prod II-Tech Enhanc Lrn Strat  (3 Credits)  
Learn to design and develop technology-based strategies that support the instructional needs of learners in any content area. Advanced digital techniques will be employed to visualize the thought process, design games, create simulations, encourage collaboration, stimulate active learner participation, and spur learners to engage in both independent and group activities that encourage higher order thinking skills.
EDST 6306  Instructional Design  (3 Credits)  
Using a systematic approach, students will design, develop, evaluate and revise instruction to meet defined goals and objectives. Contemporary theories of learning become the framework and catalyst for the design process.
EDST 6307  Integ Curr-Tech Inclsve Clssrm  (3 Credits)  
Candidates integrate "best practice" with state and national standards while designing and developing a technology-based instruction for diverse learners. The instructional design/lesson planning process is explored while developing well-supported rationales for the selection of strategies, materials, and tools based on particular student needs, experiences and expectations. A broad range of computer-supported learning tools, projects, assistive technologies, and emerging technologies are examined, developed and evaluated through an interactive approach.
EDST 6308  Org/Admin Tech and Media Ctrs  (3 Credits)  
Exploration of the roles, functions and responsibilities of the educational media specialist and the instructional technology professional. Philosophical perspectives; the selection and handling of materials and equipment; managing media and technology services; grant writing; facility design; computer-based technologies for management; budgeting; and issues such as professionalism, ethics, public relations and copyright laws are studied.
EDST 6309  Advcd Org of Media Res  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6310  Sch Lib Media Spec Internship  (3 Credits)  
This graduate-level practicum involves a minimum of 150 hours, for certified teachers and a full semester for those non-certified working at an approved school library media center under supervision of a certified school library media specialist and a Seton Hall University SLMS supervisor. This practicum involves observation and participation In all important aspects of school library media administration, including selection and organization of materials; reference and bibliographic services; production of resources; curriculum development; and techniques of teaching lessons, information literacy and other school library media skills.
EDST 6313  Instruc TV Production  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6315  Tech Processes for Ed Media  (3 Credits)  
An analysis of the theory of classification and information systems, techniques for print and non-print cataloging with emphasis on practical application utilizing automated resources, and a survey of developments in information retrieval and other educational media center applications of modern procedures in acquisition, circulation, management and periodical control.
EDST 6320  Advcd Philosophy of Ed  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6322  History and Phil Found of Ed  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6324  Human Relations  (3 Credits)  
Theory and practice in the treatment and elimination of destructive human conflicts. Special reference to intergroup and intercultural problems in a period of changing social relations.
EDST 6325  Psychological Fndtns of Ed  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of human personality. Cognitive and dynamic factors; learning and transfer, critical and creative thinking, motivation, emotion, volition, attitudes, individuality and sociality.
EDST 6328  Critical Issues in Educ  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of specific and experiential problems in education within the context of current philosophical and psychological assumptions.
EDST 6329  Independent Grad Study  (1 Credit)  
For students who wish to design and conduct independent graduate research. Permission must be obtained from the participating faculty. Prerequisite: Approval of department chair.
EDST 6330  Indep Graduate Study  (2 Credits)  
For students who wish to design and conduct independent graduate research. Permission must be obtained from the participating faculty. Prerequisite: Approval of department chair.
EDST 6331  Indep Graduate Study  (3 Credits)  
For students who wish to design and conduct independent graduate research. Permission must be obtained from the participating faculty. Prerequisite: Approval of department chair.
EDST 6332  Research Writing  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6333  Photography in Education  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6334  Independent Study  (0 Credits)  
EDST 6337  Western Traditions in Society  (3 Credits)  
Advanced course in the fundamental concepts of educational thought from primitive society to the present. Emphasis is on significant historical, philosophical and educational movements.
EDST 6338  Foundations-Contemp Ed  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6339  Middle School Issues  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6344  Seminar-Soc-Eth-Leg Iss Tech  (3 Credits)  
Social, ethical and legal problems associated with computer-based technologies will be explored, debated and researched, along with the means for reducing problems and coping with their effects.
EDST 6345  Online Course Mngt and Dvlpmnt  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6346  Elec Portfolio Dvlpmt  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6347  Sp Projects in Technology  (3 Credits)  
Students develop technology-based projects using new and emerging technologies. The instructional design process is employed throughout the development of the project. Project content is related to student's field of study.
EDST 6350  HIV-AIDS-Concepts and Issues  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6355  Intl Educ-USSR  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6407  Foundations of Education  (3 Credits)  
For school personnel to effectively participate in a Coordinated School Health Program, this course addresses issues of resiliency, misuse, and abuse of chemical substances. Educators who aim to meet their responsibilities with regard to school health will be trained in the comprehensive approach toward reducing risks and consequences associated with experimentation, use, misuse, and dependency of chemical substances. Factors that promote resiliency toward chemical abuse are studied with respect to their implications for youth (preschool through grade 12). Effective planning and implementation of substance abuse education for students, staff, and family will be fostered through class projects and activities.
EDST 6408  Child and Adolescent Dvlpmt  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to equip teacher candidates with knowledge of human development, cognitive, emotional, physical, social, and moral, across the lifespan. By integrating theory into practice, this knowledge will enable them to understand, from multiple perspectives, how education has been developed, from early childhood through adolescence. Candidates will be empowered to create developmentally appropriate curricula and approaches for students with developmental patterns that fall within the norm as well as those that vary from the norm. Curricular controversies and current issues in development will be explored and debated to enable candidates to think critically in making enlightened decisions that benefit children and their learning experiences.
EDST 6409  Life in the Classroom  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to assist the teacher candidate in developing the skills, competencies and attitudes needed for teaching and to explore techniques for putting your passion to work in the classroom. We will explore the roles of a professional educator in today¿s changing society and the public policy affecting teachers. We will look at learners and their diverse needs and how to address these needs in a heterogeneous classroom. We will examine the nature of teaching, overview of the elementary curriculum, strategies for working with diverse learners, planning for effective instruction, and instructional theory into practice.
EDST 6410  Social Studies Education  (3 Credits)  
Preparing productive and responsible citizens requires education directed at that goal. Such education imparts knowledge about our history, and our political and economic systems. It develops the skills, attitudes and values that support motivated citizen movement. It shows students that accurately informed and directly involved citizens are important to our national well being. Develops strategies for teaching the social studies.
EDST 6413  Topics in Lang Arts and Lit  (3 Credits)  
Major skill areas of language arts, including reading, listening, writing and speaking. The importance and application of language arts across the curriculum; methods for teaching reading, writing, spelling and listening; motivation, the development of positive attitudes towards reading and writing; and a love for literature. Field experience assignments.
EDST 6414  Lang Arts-The Early Years  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6415  Mathematics Education  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6416  Lang Arts-Upper Elementary  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6417  ELED Sci - SocStu Mthds-Asmnt  (3 Credits)  
Addresses problem solving as it relates to mathematics and science curriculum in elementary schools. Students become acquainted with classroom practice that focuses on both the national and New Jersey State Core Curriculum Standards. Students become conversant with contemporary science and math curriculum that emphasizes the application of problem solving concepts and strategies using manipulatives, exploring alternative mental processes, conducting research, collecting and reporting data and utilizing a hands-on, minds-on cooperative, interactive approach. Field experience required.
EDST 6421  Child-Adolescent Dvl-Diversity  (3 Credits)  
This course will introduce foundational knowledge and interconnections between students, families, schools, and communities through discussions of cultural issues and respect for difference. Understanding what students and families bring to the classroom, such as linguistic differences, and how this both enhances the learning environment and challenges teachers is explored. Difference of another type, children with disabilities, is also investigated with a focus on knowing about their developmental characteristics, strengths, and needs. Technology as a tool to research and communicate these topics as well as serve the discussed constituents will be integrated and modeled to provide a connective foundation across the course.
EDST 6422  Classroom Curriculum-Plan-Orgn  (3 Credits)  
This course introduces human development across early childhood through adolescence (cognitive, emotional, physical, social, and moral development). Teacher candidates will be empowered to create developmentally appropriate curricula in alignment with New Jersey Core Content Standards. Curricular controversies and current issues in development will be explored and debated to enable candidates to think critically in making enlightened decisions that benefit children and their learning experiences. A school-based field experience in this course will assist candidates to look more deeply into the relationship between the educational environment and the concepts they encounter in their studies.
EDST 6425  Assessment of Student Learning  (3 Credits)  
The Professional Practice Seminar supports post baccalaureate teacher candidates as they integrate and implement their knowledge of teaching and subject matter with the instruction of students in classrooms during their clinical practice internship. The seminar professor, the cooperating teacher, and the university supervisor coordinate their efforts to support, instruct, and guide the teacher candidate to demonstrate best practice in classrooms. The weekly seminar is a support system ¿ an avenue for teaching, learning, sharing, reflecting, questioning, discussing, and experimenting to inspire and promote personal and professional growth, satisfaction, and achievement as candidates embark on a new career. Portfolio development linked to College, New Jersey, INTASC, and NCATE Standards, preparation of a Teacher Work Sample, career readiness, preparation for certification, reflection on practice and professional growth are the primary outcomes of this course.
EDST 6426  Clinical Practice and Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Professional Practice II supports post baccalaureate teacher candidates as they enhance and improve their practice by the integration of technology into the curriculum; development of a wide variety of classroom management techniques; and the acquisition of all necessary skills associated with assessment and evaluation of K-12 learners. Specifically, this course focuses on the development of skills in the areas of effective and clear communications, creating a classroom environment, establishing norms for behavior, and developing appropriate assessments that address classroom needs, NJCCC and INTASC standards and state testing. The computer technology tools learned in this course support classroom teaching and learning while at the same time contribute to the development of the Teacher Work Sample and the Standards Portfolio.
EDST 6440  Bhv Disorder - Thry Trtmt Mgmt  (3 Credits)  
The goal of this course is to introduce students to several different types of disabilities related to behaviors (e.g. emotional and behavioral disorders, attention deficit disorders, developmental disorders, as well as various conduct disorders). Various approaches will be discussed to positively and effectively deal with these challlenging behaviors within a general education classroom. Creating environments that support learning and on-task behavior as well as interventions to deal with off-task behavior are studied.
EDST 6441  Serving Diverse Learners I  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6442  Serving Diverse Learners II  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6444  Autism Spec Dis Thry-Treat-Prc  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on children with autism and examines the variety of exceptionalities and special needs of these children emphasizing the collaborative partnerships among educators, clinicians, parents and families. Neutrobiological, psychological, educational, social, and emotional factors will be addressed. Specialized teaching strategies for successful inclusion. Opportunities to observe children with autism will be part of the course experience.
EDST 6445  Environment for Diverse Lrnrs  (3 Credits)  
The purpose of this course is to introduce best practices in teaching for students with special needs. Specifically, instructional strategies, selecting, creating, and modifying materials, and use of assistive technology will be explored in-depth. Exploration of how to incorporate these practices into inclusive classrooms, for academic, functional, and transitional learning, is the core purpose of this course.
EDST 6446  Assess Special Ed Diverse Lrn  (3 Credits)  
The process of educational and psycho-educational assessment and its relationship to instructional planning for diverse students is explored. Candidates begin with assessment that directly relates to universal screening and progress monitoring in the general education classroom and progresses toward knowledge of special education (SpEd) measurements, which include intellectual, perceptual and achievement. SpEd eligibility is embedded in informal and formal measurements of assessment. Candidates prepare a Comprehensive Evaluation. Response to Intervention (RTI) action plan and an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
EDST 6450  Inclsnry Prac in Educ Settings  (3 Credits)  
Candidates are introduced to the theory and practice of working with students with diverse backgrounds and needs in a single classroom: the inclusive classroom. It includes an exploration of past and current issues and directions in inclusive education. Strategies for teaching students with diverse needs, in the area of cognition, affective development and communicative style will be addressed. Specifically this course will examine these issues in relationship to (i) gender; (ii) race; (iii) culture; (iv) class; (v) disability; and (vi) language use.
EDST 6460  Contemp Assessment Prac  (3 Credits)  
Theory and practice of educational testing, development of, and use of tests and other methods for assessment, analysis and interpretation of test results. Practice in major test construction in student's area of concentration. Emphasis placed on alternate and authentic forms of assessment.
EDST 6465  Collaborative Learning  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6504  Applied Linguistics  (3 Credits)  
The issues and methodology of the teaching of a second language. Some of the major trends, such as contrastive linguistics and error analysis theories, are studied. Particular attention to the study of the process of second language development and the mechanisms associated with it such as interference and over generalizations, as well as salient hypotheses.
EDST 6505  TESL I  (3 Credits)  
Theory and practical techniques of teaching listening, speaking, writing and particularly reading to non-English-dominant bilingual persons.
EDST 6506  TESL II  (3 Credits)  
Continuation of EDST 6505.
EDST 6507  Second Language Assessment  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6510  Conv Span School Personnel  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6551  Advcd Strat of Teaching  (3 Credits)  
Teaching techniques for transmitting skills, knowledge and understanding to students: lecture; discussion; heuristic approaches; educational trips; group projects; programmed, individualized, mediated, computer-assisted instruction. Motivation, guidance and classroom management. Evaluation of student programs.
EDST 6552  Advcd Reading in Schools  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6553  Teaching Social Studies  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6555  English Language Arts  (3 Credits)  
Adopts an integrated skills approach to teaching English; presents techniques for teaching various forms of composition; stresses the importance of process writing; develops strategies for teaching literature and applying reader response theory; focuses on computer applications; introduces portfolio and authentic assessment.
EDST 6557  Secondary Science Methods  (3 Credits)  
Examines interrelationships among the sciences, analyzes real world problems in each science field. Classes model essential strategies and practices while students actively engage building knowledge and skills necessary for teaching and learning secondary science, using state and national standards.
EDST 6558  Secondary Math Methods  (3 Credits)  
Examines current curricular trends and practices in the teaching of secondary mathematics using state and national standards.
EDST 6559  Computer Literacy  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6560  Hist-Cult Bckgrnd Engl Lang Lr  (3 Credits)  
Issues of ethnographic communication and how variation of language codes and discourse relate to cultural differences and institutions. The intricate process of literacy acquisition and development in the first language, and the acquisition of biliteracy skills.
EDST 6565  Curriculum and Assessment  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6641  Found Know Tcher Fam Excep Lrn  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6652  Literacy Theory and Pract.  (3 Credits)  
EDST 6664  School Law  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7001  Sem: Ed Research Methods  (3 Credits)  
Review and critical evaluation of selected writings and research in education. Written appraisals concern research design, fundamental concepts, recent data and significant educational issues. (Formerly RESH 7001). Prerequisite: EDST 6002.
Prerequisites: EDST 6002 (may be taken concurrently)  
EDST 7101  Adv Analy and Physio-Voc-Aud  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7102  Lng Voice Artic Rem-Play  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7103  Articulation Disorders  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7104  Voice Disorders  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7106  Speech Reading and Audit Train  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7108  Psychodynamic Disorders  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7109  Language Disorder-Children  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7110  Language Disorders-Adults  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7111  Diag Proc-Community Disorders  (6 Credits)  
EDST 7112  Sem-Pathology of Comm  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7113  Stuttering-Theory-Treatment  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7201  Sem-Soc-Calif Indians  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7202  Seminar In Science  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7203  Seminar In Music  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7204  The Gifted Child  (3 Credits)  
Examination of the criteria which identify gifted children. Materials, methods and programs for stimulating these pupils to satisfactory achievement, occasionally offered in special content areas such as reading, mathematics and science.
EDST 7205  Seminar In Art  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7206  Seminar In Mathematics  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7207  Seminar In Reading  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7208  Seminar In Language Arts  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7209  Seminar In Health-Physical Edu  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7301  Patterns Of Religious Educ  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7302  Philosophy Of Religious Educ  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7303  Psychology of Religious Educ  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7304  Sacrament and Human Liv  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7305  Religious Education In Christ  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7306  Religious Education In Christ  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7307  Religious Edu and Moral Issues  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7308  Spirit Dev and Education  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7309  Religious Education Coordin  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7310  Ethical Leadership  (3 Credits)  
Justice and the universal natural law as related to every aspect of education. Discussions focus on the most significant and fundamental moral issues in education today.
EDST 7311  Jewish Philos of Education  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7312  Curr Iss-Sch and Society  (3 Credits)  
This course examines the background and current status of proposals that address a variety of educational controversies. Past and present cycles of reform are considered generally, with specific attention given to issues such as governmental roles in education; financial reform; school choice; multicultural education; teacher education; teacher empowerment; race, class, and gender issues in education; education and work; and the relationship of children¿s health and learning.
EDST 7315  Challenges in Teaching  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7316  Intro Applied Behavior Analys  (3 Credits)  
This course will present the candidate with an introduction to the basic principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Topics that will be covered in this course include a history of ABA, the dimensions and characteristics of ABA, basic terminology and principles, processes, and concepts of ABA, as well as an overview of ethical and professional issues in the field. Candidates will also learn about the application of ABA to individuals with various needs including autism, intellectual disabilities, and other special needs, as well as the various settings in which ABA can be implemented such as schools, hospitals, clinics, agencies, and business. Candidates participating in this course will have a 20-hour service-learning requirement for the semester, unless simultaneously enrolled in an ABA Practicum course.
EDST 7317  Measurement - Exp Dsgn in ABA  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide the candidate with an understanding of experimental design and measurement procedures used in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). This course will cover various experimental designs as it is used in ABA for both research and applied clinical settings, such as withdrawal designs, alternating treatments, and multiple baselines. Candidates will learn the characteristics, strengths, and limitations of these types of designs. This course will also provide candidates with an in-depth understanding of behavior measurement and assessment, recording, graphing, and analyzing data while demonstrating experimental controls and intervention effects. Candidates will receive training on using various technologies in ABA for data collection, graphing, and analysis. Ethics relevant to single-case design research will also be applied. Furthermore, candidates will also learn to review and critically evaluate selected writings and research in ABA. Research design, developing a problem and hypothesis, reviewing literature, collecting data, and making recommendations on a topic in ABA to be researched will be addressed. A fully documented research proposal for Institutional Review Board approval and a paper worthy of publication or presentation at a local or national professional association convention is required of the candidate. Candidates will be strongly encouraged to present at a professional association convention and to publish their work under the mentorship of department faculty.
EDST 7318  Assmnt-Intervent App Beh Anlys  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide the candidate with the required skills needed to conduct various assessments in Applied Behavior Analysis in the areas of problem behavior, development, social skills, adaptive behaviors, communication, and more. Candidates will be taught to conduct assessments including Functional Behavioral Assessments, Functional Analysis, the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (ABLLS-R), the Assessment of Functional Living Skills, the Vineland-II, and other relevant assessment protocols. Candidates will learn to write, design, implement, and monitor behavior change protocols and skill acquisition programs based upon these assessments. Ethical issues in behavioral treatment will be included in this course. Candidates participating in this course will have a 20-hour service-learning requirement for the semester, unless simultaneously en-rolled in an ABA Practicum course.
EDST 7319  Basic App Appld Behav Analysis  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide candidates with the basicunderstanding of behavior change procedures and the application of Applied Behavior Analysis in different settings and with various client populations. Course topics will include schedules of reinforcement, reinforcement and punishment procedures, extinction, modeling, shaping, chaining, fading, and generalization. Candidates will need to demonstrate mastery of these concepts through differentassessments including observations, role-play, case studies, and practical application. Candidates participating in this course will have a 20 hour service –learning requirement for the semester, unless simultaneously enrolled in an ABA Practicum course.
EDST 7320  Adv Apps Apld Behav Anlys  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7321  Ethcl Lgl Prfsl Iss Behav Anly  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7322  Thesis I in Applied Behavior Analysis  (3 Credits)  
This course allows students to further develop their applied research skills in the fields of Applied Behavior Analysis. Students will develop an empirical research question on a topic of their interest, examine the current research literature on that topic, write a literature review on that topic, and compose a formal research proposal using the format of the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will be under the advisement of a faculty mentor during their thesis
EDST 7323  Thesis II in Applied Behavior Analysis  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed as a continuation of EDST 7322: Thesis I in Applied Behavior Analysis. Students, under the guidance of his/her faculty mentor, will conduct his/her research study, collect data, analyze the results, and write his/her final research paper using the format of the American Psychological Association (APA) that will be worthy of presentation at a state, national, or international conference in Applied Behavior Analysis and can be submitted for publication in a professional journal. The student must successfully present and defend his/her thesis to a thesis review committee comprised of department faculty.
EDST 7324  ABA Practicum I  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to meet the Behavior Analyst Certification Board's (BACB) Intensive Practicum requirements. Students will be required to complete 20 hours a week of supervised experience that focuses on the development of new behavior-analytic skills. Students will be placed within a public or private school setting focused on individuals with various special needs and behavioral challenges. Weekly class meetings are required with the practicum instructor.
Prerequisites: EDST 7316 (may be taken concurrently) and EDST 7317 (may be taken concurrently)  
EDST 7325  ABA Practicum II  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7326  ABA Practicum III  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to meet the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB) Intensive Practicum requirements. Students will be required to complete 20 hours a week of supervised experience that focuses on the development of new behavior-analytic skills. Students will be placed at a hospital or residential treatment program that provides services to individuals with various special needs and behavioral challenges. Weekly class meetings are required with the practicum instructor.
EDST 7328  Analysis of Verbal Behavior: Advanced Applications  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide candidates with a more in-depth understanding of the principles and applications of verbal behavior analysis. The course draws from the work of B.F. Skinner including his text on Verbal Behavior along with supporting materials drawn from research literature in the basic, applied, and conceptual analyses of behavior. Furthermore, the course covers critiques of Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior. Students will learn advanced applications of verbal behavior analysis for clinical treatment and assessment.
EDST 7329  Language and Social Skills Development in Applied Behavior Analysis  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to examine a variety of behavior analytic methodologies to foster language and social skills development for individuals with autism and other significant disabilities. Students in this course will learn how to use and evaluate various behavior analytic strategies in teaching skills such as conversation, friendship, language concepts, cooperative play, conflict management, and self-regulation. Students will learn different strategies, such as the use of Social Stories, Comic Strips, video modeling, etc. Students will also be exposed to various curricula and technologies that are available to providing social skills instruction.
EDST 7331  Assessing and Treating Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed so that students can develop a full understanding of various developmental disabilities and how they can impact an individual across the lifespan. Furthermore, students will develop the skills necessary for conducting and interpreting results from standardized assessments for individuals with developmental disabilities in order to design appropriate behavioral and educational treatments. This course will focus on a number of standardized instruments utilized in the field to assess individuals suspected of developmental disabilities. Students will evaluate these instruments in terms of validity, reliability, norms, ease of use, and utility. Also, students will be expected to become skilled in interpretation of evaluation reports, designing behavior analytic treatments, presenting results and treatment plans to other professionals and parents/caregivers, and developing parent and/or staff training goals and activities.
EDST 7333  Assessment and Treatment of Severe Problem Behaviors  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge of how to assess and treat severe challenging behaviors (i.e., aggression, self-injury, toileting issues, sleep disturbances, feeding difficulties, inappropriate sexualized behaviors, etc.), of clients with various developmental disabilities, behavioral disorders, and other behavioral challenges. Students will also receive training in crisis intervention strategies that are often used with clients exhibiting these types of behaviors and how to ensure the ethical and humane treatment of clients when using these practices.
EDST 7335  Applied Behavior Anlys-Prin I  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7336  Applied Behavior Analysis Principles II  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide candidates with a more complete understanding of behavior change procedures and the application of Applied Behavior Analysis in different settings and with various client populations. Course topics will include, but not be limited to, functional analysis and treatment of problem behavior, shaping, chaining, self-management, behavioral contingencies, and token economies. Candidates will need to demonstrate mastery of these concepts through different assessments including exams, role plays, papers, projects and presentations.
EDST 7337  Multiculturalism-Diversity ABA  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7338  Supervision and Management in Applied Behavior Analysis  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide candidates with the knowledge and skills of conducting behavior analytic supervision and management of staff and other individuals involved in the implementation of behavior analytic treatment of clients across various settings. Candidates will learn how to select appropriate evidence-based treatment procedures in Applied Behavior Analysis, train staff, parents/guardians, and other individuals in these methods, and how to provide appropriate supervision and monitoring of staff and treatment outcomes for clients.
EDST 7339  Thesis Continuation in Applied Behavior Analysis  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed as a continuation of EDST 7323: Thesis II in Applied Behavior Analysis for those students that may need additional time to complete and defend his/her thesis. Students under the guidance of their faculty mentor will continue finishing his/her thesis research project. Students will continue to conduct his/her research study, collect data, analyze the results, and write their final research paper using the format of the American Psychological Association (APA) that will be worthy of presentation at a state, national, or international conference in Applied Behavior Analysis and can be submitted for publication in a professional journal. The student must successfully present and defend his/her thesis to a thesis review committee comprised of department faculty.
EDST 7340  Organizational Behavior Management: Principles and Practices  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide candidates with an in-depth review of the principles and practices of organizational behavior management (OBM). OBM refers to the practice of employing the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis to performance management in businesses, systems and corporations. Discussion will be based on contemporary texts and research literature within the field of OBM. Course topics will include history of OBM, background philosophy, assessment of targets, data collection procedures, changing professional behavior through the principles of reinforcement and punishment, providing feedback to employees and behavioral safety. Discussion will be supported by current research. Candidates will need to demonstrate mastery of these concepts through different assessments including exams, role plays, projects and/or presentations.
EDST 7341  Precision Teaching  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide candidates with an in-depth review of the principles and practices of precision teaching. Discussion will be based on the works of B.F. Skinner, Ogden Lindsley, and various contemporary researchers. Course topics will include history of precision teaching, background philosophy, assessment of learning targets, data collection, standard celeration charting, behavioral fluency, and specific precision teaching procedures. Discussion will be supported by current research. Candidates will need to demonstrate mastery of these concepts through different assessments including exams, role plays, projects, and presentations.
EDST 7342  Client Records  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide candidates with the ethical and legal standards of maintaining client records within various professional settings in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (e.g., schools, clinics, hospitals, etc.). Topics covered in this course will include maintaining and protecting client records, confidentiality of records, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), and other laws and ethical codes involving client records.
EDST 7345  Online Course Mgmt-Delivery  (3 Credits)  
Learn to design and build online course instruction for delivery via the Internet. Develop the tools to provide online instruction including creating an online environment, learning research techniques, examining plagiarism and copyright issues, and planning overall online course management.
EDST 7348  Online Course Design-Implement  (3 Credits)  
Design and develop a complete plan for building an online course for Internet delivery. Learn to create course modules, use facilitation and moderating techniques, design assessment, and develop a student centered online environment that encourages positive learning outcomes.
EDST 7349  Intern in Info Technologies I  (3 Credits)  
A field-based opportunity to gain professional experience in a work situation appropriate to career goals. Development of critical thinking and leadership skills while performing authentic tasks.
EDST 7350  Intern in Info Technologies II  (3 Credits)  
Students may take a second semester of a field-based opportunity to gain professional experience in a work situation appropriate to career goals. Development of critical thinking and leadership skills while performing authentic tasks.
EDST 7451  Sem-Resrch Meth in Spec Educ  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7452  Intro Transition Education I  (3 Credits)  
This course reviews the major historical programs for educating and preparing students with disabilities. It further discusses the movements, concepts and initiatives that have affected education and transition services. Transition junctures from early childhood to middle school will be investigated. Topics covered include education and transition services in perspective, legislative foundations, students and families as key participants, assessment for transition education and services, transition in early childhood through middle school and instructional strategies for transition.
EDST 7453  Intro Transition Education II  (3 Credits)  
This course reviews the major historical programs for educating and preparing students with disabilities. It further discusses the movements, concepts and initiatives that have affected education and transition services. Transition junctures from high school to employment to living in the community will be investigated. Topics covered include transition to employment, job placement, training and supervision, transition to postsecondary education, transition to living in the community, school-based and community-based resources and transition services in the IEP.
EDST 7454  Transition Assessment - Youth  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7455  Collaborative Transition Model  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7501  Human Intercul Relations  (3 Credits)  
Race, gender and ethnic relations in the historical perspective of the foundation of the United States as a nation. A critical review of theories of assimilation and the goals of a post-melting pot society for a new social order.
EDST 7502  General Linguistics  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to language and the analysis of some of the basic technical concepts of linguistics. Representative theories of grammar, the nature of grammatical rules, and the process of language standardization and the process of nonstandardized varieties.
EDST 7503  Bilingual Theory and Practice  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7504  Career Education  (3 Credits)  
EDST 7505  Social Psyc Bilingual Child  (3 Credits)  
The social psychology of bilingualism and bilingual behavior. Effects of bilingualism on intelligence and cognitive development. The effects of bilingual development and intelligence. The correlation between culture and styles of processing information, with attention to the differentiation of cognitive styles. Alternative learning and cognitive styles in the classroom. Cross-cultural counseling and its impact on strategies for helping the culturally different child. Language attitudes and their impact on academic achievement and intergroup relations. Acculturation stress and the impact on mental health of linguistic minorities.
EDST 7506  Principles Bilingual Education  (3 Credits)  
The history of bilingualism in the United States. State and federal legislation; court decisions. Vernacular languages in education at the national and international levels. Types of bilingual communities. Models of bilingual instruction. Bilingual education methodology and educational rights of linguistic minorities. Instructional effectiveness of bilingual education programs. Cognitive and sociocultural effects of becoming bilingual. Evaluation of bilingual education programs and educational policy.
EDST 7507  Bilingual Ed-Thry and Practice  (3 Credits)  
Strategies in teaching the content-area subjects bilingually. Student placement and language proficiency; criteria of entry and exit. Lesson planning for the limited English proficient (LEP) student. Curriculum development and adaptation of materials for bilingual instruction in the content areas. Curriculum modules and planning. Career infusion of the bilingual curriculum. Ethnic infusion of bilingual curriculum. Testing in the bilingual content areas. Teacher competencies and training in the content areas.
EDST 7510  Sec Ed Curr Design-Implement  (3 Credits)  
Historical and philosophical foundations of Secondary Education curriculum design, the social forces affecting curriculum decisions and the process of curriculum improvement. The process of curriculum improvement, the different participants involved and the impact of curriculum improvement on staff development and student learning. Strategies used in curriculum development are studied as well as the evaluation of outcomes.
EDST 8101  Sign Language  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8102  Advanced Practicum-Reading  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8103  Intern-Learning Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8104  Intern-Speech Pathology I  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8105  Intern Speech Pathology II  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8202  Perspectives-Ethnicity  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8204  Diagn-Prescr Teach Elem Math  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8205  Advcd Seminar in Lang Arts  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8206  Advcd Seminar in Childrens Lit  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8207  Selected Topics of Reading Ins  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8208  Phil-Soc Persp Early Child Ed  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8213  Sel Theory-Tech Behav Mgmt  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8215  Select Topics for Research  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8216  Internship Cul Act  (6 Credits)  
EDST 8217  Implem Rsrch in School Setting  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8218  An Acts Apprch-Elem Science  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8219  Strategies in Soc Sciences  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8220  Creat-Maintng Elem Child Ctr  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8221  Eval of Gifted-Talented Prgm  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8225  Child Rights-Leg and Psyc Impl  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8226  Schl Law-Couns-Social Wrk  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8227  Math Dvlpmt-Erly Child Educ  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8303  Amer Ethos of Education  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8501  Grad Teaching-Intern  (6 Credits)  
EDST 8504  Independent Study  (1 Credit)  
EDST 8505  Independent Study  (2 Credits)  
EDST 8506  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8507  Field Experience  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8509  Grantsmanship  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8510  Creative Art Experience  (3 Credits)  
EDST 8511  Field Experience  (3 Credits)  
Cross-cultural experiences through the bilingual classroom setting. Involvement in learning bilingual teaching strategies and classroom management procedures; specific emphasis on teaching content area subjects bilingually. Introduction to the educational applications of ethnographic interviews. Ethnographic report submitted at the end of the course.
EDST 9301  History of Ed in America  (3 Credits)  
Study of the reciprocal relationship between educational theory and practice and the historical development of American society; special emphasis given to analysis of competing educational perspectives, goals and accomplishments of educational reforms, origin of teaching practices and evolution of educational institutions.
EDST 9302  Socio-Psych Domain  (3 Credits)  
EDST 9303  Sociological Thght in Educ  (3 Credits)  
EDST 9304  Phil Persp-School and Society  (3 Credits)  
EDST 9413  Topics in Lang and Lit  (3 Credits)  
EDST 9501  Field Experience EdS  (3 Credits)  
EDST 9502  Research Seminar  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to ethnographic research methodology. Students investigate how the cultural relations of community work. Case studies are analyzed throughout the course based upon intensive ethnographic interviews of selected informants. Analysis of the various steps of ethnographic research include data gathering, analysis of ethnographic data and interpretation.
EDST 9503  Curric and Rdngs in Selec Flds  (3 Credits)  
Nature of curriculum and the need for curricular synthesis; focus on materials, methods, research and current developments relating to the specialized fields; investigation of curriculum construction and evaluation in the specialized field.
EDST 9504  Prob-Iss in Sec-Postsec Teach  (3 Credits)  
Study of pertinent problems of educators. Seminar work relevant to student's selected area of investigation.
EDST 9505  Sociolinguistics  (3 Credits)  
Social aspects of speech, problems of variation in language, dialects, bilingualism and diglossia, code-switching, pidginization, creolization and other fundamental sociolinguistic concepts. Some problems of language policy, language planning and sociolinguistic issues of bilingual education.
EDST 9506  Psycholinguistic and Bilingual  (3 Credits)  
Topics in linguistics and psychology relevant to first and second language acquisition, including reading and writing skills. The interrelationship among language, culture, thought and comprehension. Bilingual and bicognitive development both in children and adults. Prerequisites: (1) Two linguistics courses, including applied linguistics; and (2) TESL II or Foundations of Bilingual Education or a course in cognitive psychology.
EDST 9511  Culming Project Bil  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of EDST 9502 using an expanded research design. The course is intended for students pursuing the Ed.S. Degree.

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