NURS - Nursing - Graduate (NURS)

NURS 6123  Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice  (3 Credits)  
The course focus includes study of selected contemporary nursing and related theories. Major philosophical and theoretical orientations that provide the foundation for nursing practice are analyzed. Theory development and its connection to empirical research are evaluated.
NURS 6124  Forces in Health Care  (3 Credits)  
This course examines the issues and concepts that are relevant to an understanding of the relationships among forces in health care. Emphasis will be placed on the process by which health care policies are formulated and on identifying the central issues within policies together with their supportive and non-supportive argumentation.
NURS 6220  Adv Prac PMH Nurs Non Pharm  (3 Credits)  
Individual, family, and group therapeutic techniques when caring for individuals with psychiatric/mental health disorders across the lifespan will be introduced. Each therapeutic modality will be presented using key concepts, explanation of the therapeutic process, and application of techniques.
NURS 6221  Health Concepts for Agiing  (3 Credits)  
This didactic course is designed to explore issues related to care of the elderly, including healthful aging, and issues related to chronic illness and frailty. Age related changes and the biopsychosocial theories of aging will provide the foundation for understanding key aspects of healthful aging. Principles of evidence-based practice will be utilized to explore the management of chronic health problems unique to older adults. An analysis of public policy and the impact of the prospective payment system in long-term care will highlight the constraints of healthcare services to institutionalized and community residing elders.
NURS 6222  Advanced Physical and Psychiatric Assessment and Decision Making Across the Lifespan  (3 Credits)  
NURS 6223  Health Promotion  (3 Credits)  
Comprehensive healthcare needs identified for individuals of all ages. Current and evolving healthcare delivery.
Prerequisites: NURS 6415  
NURS 6224  Nursing and Health Systems Administration  (3 Credits)  
This course addresses the political, social, legal, and ethical realities affecting nursing administrators in integrated health care delivery systems. Theoretical as well as operational perspectives are presented, particularly as they distinguish nursing administration from business administration Students analyze the interactions of government authorities, delivery systems, the financing of healthcare, regulation, competition, and organizational innovation.
NURS 6242  Advanced Physical and Psychiatric Assessment and Decision Making Across the Lifespan  (4 Credits)  
NURS 6304  Care Management, Reimbursement Systems and Corporate Integrity  (3 Credits)  
This course investigates the role of the nurse case manager in a managed care environment. Case management initiatives employed with specific multicultural clinical populations will be discussed with a focus on patient and family education to maximize health. Prerequisite NURS 6224 or by permission.
NURS 6305  Healthcare Economics, Finance and Business Models  (3 Credits)  
This course will focus on the financial aspects of integrated health care delivery systems. Basic principles of economics and accounting will be reviewed as they relate to health care organizations. Emphasis will be on the synthesis of clinical and financial operations in ways that limit resource consumption and maximize resource utilization. Prerequisite NURS 6304 or by permission.
NURS 6306  Legal, Contract Negotiation, and Risk Management Issues  (3 Credits)  
This course examines legal issues and risks in healthcare administration. The course will address the broad and divergent elements of health care risk management that healthcare facilities and administrators experience in the current environment of managed care. Prerequisite: NURS 6304 or by permission.
NURS 6411  Advanced Clinical Pathophysiology  (3 Credits)  
Pathogenesis of major conditions will be presented. Symptoms and signs of clinical situations will be analyzed and discussed in order that the student may have an understanding of the etiology of health deviations as well as a cognizance of the rationale for their management
NURS 6415  Clinical Pharmacology  (3 Credits)  
Provides a working knowledge of pharmacotherapeutics, with emphasis on therapeutic needs of the ambulatory client, from childhood through older years. Basic concepts in qualitative and quantitative drug actions within the body.
Prerequisites: NURS 6411  
NURS 6500  Determinants of Population Health Nusing Perspectives  (3 Credits)  
This course will examine the determinants of population health and etiology of associated disease throughout the lifespan. Students will critically examine personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status and nursing care delivery related to social and physical factors in the environment in the United States of America. Concepts and theories related to social, geographical, and biological factors that impact population health will be analyzed. Strategies to decrease barriers and improve resources to facilitate optimized health will be discussed.
NURS 6501  Policy, Management and Economics for Population Focused Nursing  (3 Credits)  
This course examines health care economics and the management of clinical practice as it relates to the delivery of quality health care services in diverse health care settings. The course will analyze the dynamic interplay among the driving forces of economics, health policy, quality improvement and standards of care in the delivery of health care services to maximize health outcomes of populations. Students will explore economic concepts and measurement tools to critically appraise a population health issue, design strategies to improve nursing care and evaluate the outcomes related to safety, fiscal principles, management strategies, and quality of care. The economics of population health will be explored.
Prerequisites: NURS 6123 and NURS 6224  
NURS 6991  Independent Study in Nursing  (1 Credit)  
Opportunity for graduate nursing students to study a selected area or problem in nursing and to enhance the ability for self-directed learning. Students are assigned or select qualified faculty to serve as consultants.
NURS 6993  Independent Study in Nursing  (3 Credits)  
Opportunity for graduate nursing students to study a selected area or problem in nursing and to enhance the ability for self-directed learning. Students are assigned or select qualified faculty to serve as consultants.
NURS 7141  Nursing Research I  (3 Credits)  
This course examines methods of nursing research. Critique of published quantitative and qualitative nursing research studies is conducted. Emphasis is placed on the nature of scientific inquiry, role of research in knowledge and theory development and ethics in conducting research. Students develop skills for preparing practice focused, theoretically based nursing research proposals. Prerequisite: Undergraduate Nursing Research course, Undergraduate Basic Statistics Course NURS 6123.
Prerequisites: NURS 6123 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 7235  Advanced Practice Nursing I – Family  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on providing the student nurse practitioner with the necessary knowledge and skills to formulate clinical judgments needed to initiate, manage and evaluate culturally competent health care regimens for adults and the aged. Content is built upon concepts of the biopsychosocial aspects taught in the required prerequisites. Emphasis is placed on commonly occurring health problems. The concepts of health promotion and health maintenance are integrated throughout this course.
Prerequisites: NURS 6123 and NURS 6411 and NURS 6415 and NURS 7141 and NURS 6223 and NURS 6124 and NURS 7372 and NURS 7338  
NURS 7236  Acute Care Theory I  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisites: NURS 7333 and NURS 7348 (may be taken concurrently) and NURS 7370  
NURS 7239  Family Health Concepts  (3 Credits)  
This course explores issues related to care of the family. Principles of evidence-based practice will be utilized to explore the health promotion, disease prevention and treatment of select conditions that impact the family. Specific issues that cause crisis in families are explored.
NURS 7242  Adv Nsg Pract I-Younger Years  (3 Credits)  
Students acquire theory to initiate, manage, and evaluate health care regimens for children and adolescents. This course provides the nurse practitioner student working with infants through adolescents with an expanded scientific knowledge base to manage health care situations, with a focus on health promotion and acute, episodic illness. A framework is provided for clinical decision making and clinical management in a variety of pediatric health care situations, building on the prerequisite courses. Clinical management is elaborated on for selected behavioral concerns and acute illness in the younger years. Nursing management, which includes assessment, diagnosis, laboratory testing, pharmacologic and othertherapeutic interventions, health education, counseling, referral, case coordination, and support, organizes the nurse practitioner student's approach to pediatric health care. The nurse practitioner student is provided the opportunity to conceptualize and develop a role as part of a collaborative interdisciplinary team. Prerequisites: NURS 6223 or 6227 and 6228, 7339.
Prerequisites: NURS 7334 and NURS 7370 and NURS 6415  
NURS 7243  Adv Prac Nsg I- Adults  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on providing the student nurse practitioner with the necessary knowledge and skills to formulate clinical judgments needed to initiate, manage and evaluate culturally competent health care regimens for adults. Content is built upon concepts of the biopsychosocial aspects taught in the required prerequisites. Emphasis is placed on commonly occurring health problems. The concepts of health promotion and health maintenance are integrated throughout this course. Prerequisites: Successful completion of core courses and NURS 7339. Corequisite: NURS 7343.
Prerequisites: NURS 7333 and NURS 7370  
NURS 7244  Advanced Practice Nursing II: Younger Years  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on the synthesis of current nursing theory relevant to pediatric health care and special care management of the developing individual with a long-term health care deviation from birth through adolescence. The growing and developing client is viewed holisticaly and is considered within the context of the family and the community as the support system through which the plan of complex care is implemented. Using a systems framework, specific long term health care deviations are explored in depth. Planning and care management are approached on a collaborative basis between client/family, advanced practice nurse, and other health care professionals with goals of productive maturity by the client, stabilized health care needs and an informed and appropriate use of health care resources by the client. Prerequisite: NURS 7242.
Prerequisites: NURS 7242 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 7245  Adv Prac PMH Nurs Chld/Adolesc  (3 Credits)  
NURS 7246  Advanced Practice Nursing II: Adults  (3 Credits)  
This course builds on information taught in the required prerequisites and provides the student with the necessary knowledge and skill to formulate complex clinical judgments needed to initiate, manage, and evaluate culturally competent primary health care regimens for adults. The concepts of health promotion and health maintenance continue to be integrated throughout this course. Students will continue to synthesize and evaluate theoretical knowledge in primary health care of adults with increased independence and decision-making ability. Prerequisite: NURS 7243 and 7343. Corequisite: NURS 7356.
Prerequisites: NURS 7243 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 7250  Acute Care Theory  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on the diagnosis and management of the illness trajectory of patients with chronic conditions. Diagnosis and management of select chronic conditions will be discussed via case scenarios. Risk factor modification is included for leading causes of morbidity and mortality spanning ages from older adolescent to the elderly, including ethnic minorities. Prerequisite: NURS 7339.
Prerequisites: NURS 7333 and NURS 7370  
NURS 7253  Advanced Practice Nursing II – Family  (3 Credits)  
This course builds on information taught in the required prerequisites and provides the student with the necessary knowledge and skill to formulate complex clinical judgments needed to initiate, manage, and evaluate culturally competent primary health care regimens for adults and the aged. The concepts of health promotion and health maintenance continue to be integrated throughout this course. Students will continue to synthesize and evaluate theoretical knowledge in primary health care of adults and the aged with increased independence and decision-making ability.
NURS 7307  Managed Care and Reimbursement Systems  (3 Credits)  
This practicum course examines how integrated health care delivery systems are reimbursed for services. Types of managed care organizations and their organizational and operational structures are studied. The practicum format allows the student to examine and participate in financial management operations employed in an actual health care setting. Prerequisite: NURS 6305 or by permission.
NURS 7310  Nursing Administration, Health Systems and Organizational Complexity  (3 Credits)  
The initial internship experience offers students the opportunity to develop midlevel leadership/management competencies within selected healthcare organizations. Course focus is on the assessment of integrated health care delivery systems and on the multicultural constituencies served by these systems. The roles and interrelationships of managers and administrators in organizational units are examined. Prerequisite: NURS 7307 or by permission.
NURS 7333  Graduate Practicum I: Older Years  (3 Credits)  
Students spend 135 hours in a practice setting where they acquire mastery of advanced comprehensive and integrated assessment skills. These include bio-psycho-socio-economic, developmental and functional appraisals of all age groups, with a focus on cultural competence. Specialty assessments are incorporated. The student practices advaced assessment skills and begins role acculturation under close preceptorship supervision. Prerequisites: Matriculation for the Master of Science in Nursing Degree or acceptance for the Post-Master's Certificate. Basic Physical Assessment course completed within previous three years, NURS 6415. Corequisite: NURS 7370.
Prerequisites: NURS 6415  
NURS 7334  Graduate Praticum I: Younger Years  (3 Credits)  
The focus of this course is on clinical practice with children, performing behavioral, developmental, functional, environmental and physical assessments. Emphasis is on the student's clinical judgment and decision-making during pediatric care and health supervision for children. Current best evidence for practice is applied in clinical encounters with children and families. The student develops an appreciation of the role of the advanced practice nurse in pediatric health care. Prerequisites: Matriculation for the Master of Science in Nursing Degree or acceptance for the Post-Master's Certificate. Basic Physical Assessment course completed within previous three years, NURS 6415. Corequisite: NURS 7370.
Prerequisites: NURS 6415  
NURS 7335  GR Nurs Prac I: Psyc Mntl Hlth  (3 Credits)  
NURS 7338  Graduate Nursing Practicum I - Family  (3 Credits)  
Students spend 120 hours in a practice setting plus 15 hours in seminar where they acquire mastery of advanced comprehensive and integrated assessment skills. These include bio-psycho- socio-economic, developmental and functional appraisals of all age groups (newborn to elderly), with a focus on cultural competence. Specialty assessments are incorporated. The student practices advanced assessment skills and begins role acculturation under close preceptorship supervision.
Prerequisites: NURS 6123 and NURS 6411 and NURS 6415 and NURS 7141 and NURS 6223 and NURS 6124  
NURS 7344  Graduate Practicum II: Younger Years  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on building the student¿s clinical appraisal, diagnostic decision-making, and management skills for health promotion, illness prevention or acute episodic illness in children. Students manage the care of children and their families from a variety of economic, cultural, and familial backgrounds. The advanced practice nursing role is analyzed.
NURS 7345  Grad Nurs Prac IIA-Younger Yrs  (1 Credit)  
NURS 7346  Advanced Practice PMH Nursing: Child and Adolescent Practicum II  (4 Credits)  
This course will provide students with a clinical experience in the delivery of psychiatric/mental health care to children and adolescents with mental health problems including: collection of subjective and objective data from children and adolescents and their caregivers; use of the techniques of interview; deriving psychiatric diagnoses; planning care for acute and chronic psychiatric/mental health issues in children and adolescents using community resources; use of interventions including short term problem focused psychotherapy, group therapy and psychopharmacologic modalities.
Prerequisites: NURS 6123 and NURS 6411 and NURS 6415 and NURS 7141 and NURS 6223  
NURS 7347  Advanced Practice PMH Nursing: Adults throughout the Lifespan  (3 Credits)  
The focus of this course is the Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner role in health promotion, diagnosis, and management in psychiatric practice with diverse populations across the lifespan. Emphasis is place on the care of young, middle and older adults with psychiatric/mental health issues. The course will examine assessment techniques and psychopharmacologic interventions for working directly with adults of all ages, including geriatric populations. It will emphasize evidence-based interventions that address diverse groups of adults within their social contexts (e.g., work, family, community). Special attention will be given to issues of diversity and equity as it related to building therapeutic relationships. In view of the reliance on direct practice experiences with adults throughout their lifetime, students will be placed in clinical sites concurrently with this course.
NURS 7348  Graduate Nursing Practicum II: Acute Care  (4 Credits)  
Students will begin to function in the role of ACNP. Students will be involved in team rounds, working with health professionals. Desired experiences are settings where patients have chronic conditions or stabilizing acute conditions. Seminars will focus on case studies relevant to content in Acute Care Theory II. Case management is stressed. Seven clinical hours and 2 hours of seminar/week. Prerequisite: NURS 7339. Corequisite: NURS 7250.
Prerequisites: NURS 7333 and NURS 7236 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 7349  Graduate Nursing Practicum II: Older Years  (4 Credits)  
Prerequisites: NURS 7333  
NURS 7350  Graduate Nursing Practicum II – Family  (3 Credits)  
Students spend 160 hours in a clinical practice setting where they gain skill in providing scientifically based culturally competent primary health care across the lifespan. With faculty guidance and preceptor supervision students manage the health and illness of clients based upon analysis of findings from health histories, physical examination, developmental and behavioral assessments.
Prerequisites: NURS 6123 and NURS 6411 and NURS 6415 and NURS 7141 and NURS 6223 and NURS 6124 and NURS 7372 and NURS 7338  
NURS 7352  Graduate Nursing Practicum III - Family  (4 Credits)  
Students spend 160 hours in a clinical practice setting where they continue to develop skills needed to provide culturally competent primary health care to clients across the lifespan (newborn to elderly) with increasingly complex health and illness issues. With faculty guidance and preceptor supervision students manage the health and illness of clients.
NURS 7357  Graduate Nursing Practicum III: Younger Years  (3 Credits)  
Application of knowledge and skills synthesized from previous work in the nursing major and the supportive biopsychosocial sciences and humanities. Students, with faculty guidance and preceptor supervision, will actively focus on providing cost-effective care for clients with a long term health deviation. Students will develop a therapeutic regimen, in collaboration with the family and the interdisciplinary team, based upon analysis of findings from health history and physical and behavioral assessments. Placement will include clinics or agencies which provide the student with an opportunity to work with children with long term health care deviations. Students will be in the clinical area for 120 hours over teh semester and meet on-line in seminar each week. Prerequisites: NURS 7242, 7344. Corequisite: NURS 7244.
Prerequisites: NURS 7242 (may be taken concurrently) and NURS 7344 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 7358  Advanced Practice PMH Nursing Practicum III: Adults throughout the Lifespan  (4 Credits)  
NURS 7359  Graduate Nursing Practicum III: Older Years  (4 Credits)  
Students spend 180 hours in a clinical practice setting where they continue to develop skills needed to provide culturally competent primary health care to adults and the aged with increasingly complex health and illness issues. With faculty guidance and preceptor supervision, students manage the health and illness of clients. Prerequisite: NURS 7243, 7349. Corequisite: NURS 7246.
NURS 7360  Graduate Nursing Practicum III: Acute Care  (4 Credits)  
This practicum course emphasizes strategies for the ongoing assessment and management of clients. All settings are inner city with multicultural groups. Students will carry a case load of patients with both acute and chronic illnesses in the tertiary care setting, including the critical care areas. New procedures/tests will be performed as per the following approach: (1) observe and assist, (2) perform with assistance and (3) perform with supervision. Seven clinical hours and two hours of seminar per week. Prerequisites: NURS 7250, 7348. Corequisite: NURS 7252.
Prerequisites: NURS 7348 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 7364  Graduate Nursing Practicum IV: Younger Years  (3 Credits)  
The focus of the course is on the continued application of knowledge and skills synthesized from previous work in nursing and the supportive biopsychosocial sciences and humanities. Interdisciplinary collaboration for effective, holistic primary health care is emphasized. Students explicate the role of the nurse practitioner in primary health care in their behavior and by interpreting nursing's real and potential contributions to primary health care to colleagues in nursing, other health care disciplines, and the public. The student is expected to be conversant with and responsive to the societal and politico-legal developments affecting acceptance and utilization of the nurse practitioner role. Prerequisites: NURS 7357, 7244.
Prerequisites: NURS 7357 (may be taken concurrently) and NURS 7244 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 7365  Grad Nurs Prac IV  (1 Credit)  
NURS 7366  Graduate Nursing Practicum IV: Older Years  (4 Credits)  
Students send 180 hours in a clinical practice setting where they continue to integrate and synthesize data and demonstrate expert clinical judgment and decision making in the provisions of culturally competent care for adults and the aged. With faculty and preceptor consultation, students manage the health and illness of increasing numbers of clients with complex problems. Prerequisites: NURS 7359, 7246. Corequisite: NURS 7470
NURS 7369  Graduate Nursing Practicum IV: Acute Care  (4 Credits)  
The focus of this clinical course is on the acute care nurse practitioner's management of critically ill adults and their families from critical illness onset through rehabilitation or resolution. Case management is holistic and incorporates the family, critical care and long term institutions and the community. The application of complex technologic care is emphasized and analyzed. This course affords the learner continued opportunity to collaborate with clinical nurse specialists in the care of critically ill adults and their families in healthcare institutions and the community. Prerequisites: NURS 7252, 7360.
Prerequisites: NURS 7250 and NURS 7360  
NURS 7370  Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Decision Making  (3 Credits)  
NURS 7371  Grad Nurs Prc IV Younger Yr Ac  (4 Credits)  
NURS 7372  Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Decision Making Across the Lifespan  (3 Credits)  
The focus of this course is on advanced comprehensive and integrated assessment skills leading to the making of accurate, efficacious, and expedient clinical decisions in the expanded nursing role. Relevancy of data is considered in the context of the patients’ bio-psycho-socio-economic, cultural, developmental, and functional status. Strategies in shared decision making and decision support are explored. Failed heuristics, biases, and cognitive dispositions to respond are addressed. Assessments relevant to specialties are included.
Prerequisites: NURS 6123 and NURS 6411 and NURS 6415 and NURS 7141 and NURS 6223 and NURS 6124  
NURS 7373  Graduate Nursing Practicum IV – Family  (4 Credits)  
Students spend a minimum of 160 hours in a clinical practice setting where they continue to integrate, synthesize, and demonstrate expert clinical judgment and decision making in the provision of culturally competent care to clients across the lifespan. With faculty and preceptor consultation, students manage the health and illness of increasing numbers of clients with complex problems.
NURS 7470  Advanced Professional Role Enactment  (3 Credits)  
NURS 7515  Advanced Practice PHM Nursing Practicum IV: Complex Problem  (4 Credits)  
This course builds upon all previous practicum courses. Utilization and translation of theory into psychiatric/mental health practice. This course will examine methods of intervention with a true sensitivity and understanding of the influence of race, ethnicity, culture, age, and gender with individuals, families and groups.
NURS 7600  Executive Internship in Health Systems Administration  (4 Credits)  
This executive-level internship experience offers students the opportunity to demonstrate advanced leadership/management competencies in a selected healthcare organization. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate synthesis and application of previously acquired knowledge and skill during their involvement and participation in organizational planning at executive levels in complex integrated health care organizations. The experience will promote the application and utilization of advanced theoretical knowledge in new and existing situations within the administrative practice setting. Course focus is on the depth and breadth of integrated delivery system components and on the multicultural constituencies served by these systems. Learning outcomes stress creative leadership behaviors and the development of a strategic business initiative for a product or service that serves organization's constituency.
NURS 8000  Continuing PHD Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 8001  Ethics and Healthcare of Nursing  (3 Credits)  
A study of the normative and organizational dimensions of health care ethics. Emphasis on various traditional and contemporary approaches to normative ethics and on the way ethical decisions are shaped by culture and structure of organizations and professions. Philosophical ideas and social science theory and data will be brought to bear on professional dilemmas of nursing.
NURS 8002  Continuing Ph.D Advisement  (1 Credit)  
Doctoral students who are engaged in preparation for, or have passed Candidacy, but have not completed NURS 9902, must register for the one credit continuing Ph.D. advisement course each semester they are not registered for any other 3 credit course.
NURS 8048  Curriculum Development and Teaching in Nursing  (3 Credits)  
This course examines issues in higher education with a focus on curriculum development and teaching in nursing education. This course includes designing a nursing curriculum based on an organizational framework and identifying student outcomes and competencies. Learning experiences and teaching modalities are identified to achieve outcomes. The role of nursing faculty in higher education is included.
NURS 8049  Measurement and Evaluation in Nursing Education   (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on the development, evaluation, selection and use of tools that measure a variety of intended learning outcomes. The relationship between measurement and evaluation and teaching are discussed.
NURS 8101  Emerging Nursing Theory  (3 Credits)  
The focus of this course is the development of scholarly inquiry in nursing. Students engage in a systematic analysis and critical evaluation of current nursing theory. Emphasis is placed on the historical development of nursing theory from its inception to the present. The course highlights the relationship between scientific inquiry and the development of knowledge and the practice of nursing.
NURS 8102  Building Nursing Knowledge: Evidence for Practice and Theory  (3 Credits)  
The focus of this course is the critical evaluation of evidence derived from contemporary nursing research from a theoretical and methodological perspective. Selected studies that are representative of different methods of inquiry are carefully critiqued. Students are helped to interrelate findings, identify gaps in knowledge, and explore concepts of their own interest. Emphasizes the extent and nature of potential synthesis of knowledge across traditional boundaries. Prerequisite: NURS 8101.
NURS 8104  Special Topics in Health Care  (3 Credits)  
NURS 8201  Independent Study  (1 Credit)  
NURS 8202  Independent Study  (2 Credits)  
NURS 8203  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
NURS 8701  Research Design and Methods of Inquiry in Nursing  (3 Credits)  
The principles and methods employed in a variety of qualitative and quantitative research designs used for the development of nursing knowledge are presented and compared. Issues of clinical practice research are discussed. The importance of selecting an appropriate design for an identified research problem is emphasized. Prerequisites: NURS 8102, GMHS 7403. Corequisite: CPSY 7005.
Prerequisites: NURS 8102 and CPSY 7005 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 8702  Qualitative Research Design  (3 Credits)  
The focus of this course is the use of qualitative methods to build knowledge. This is the first of two courses in the qualitative research sequence that are required for students who choose to do a qualitative dissertation. In this course the student develops a simple qualitative study (not the dissertation), and collects data. In the second course the student leaves the field and the focus is on rigorous analysis and writing up the results. In this course the students learn by doing. Students conduct interviews, engage in participant observation, develop field notes, and examine their personal beliefs. Students are guided with support from peers to develop codes, categories and themes. Trustworthiness guides the design, data collection, and analysis. Ethical issues related to qualitative research are discussed. Prerequisite: NURS 8701.
Prerequisites: NURS 8701 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 8703  Qualitative Research Analysis  (3 Credits)  
The focus of this course is the completion of the field study begun in NURS 8702 Qualitative Research Design. The student leaves the field and continues the work of deeper analysis. Work becomes increasingly focused and complex. Trustworthiness guides the work of analysis. Students are challenged to reflect and understand the influence of personal beliefs on their interpretations. Students have an opportunity to explore a wide range of ways of reporting findings and writing qualitative reports. At the completion of the course the student has the foundational skills required to do the qualitative dissertation. Prerequisite: NURS 8702.
Prerequisites: NURS 8702 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 9900  Doctoral Colloquium  (3 Credits)  
NURS 9902  Dissertation Seminar I  (3 Credits)  
This course consists of a seminar and discussion for doctoral candidates. Students develop the dissertation research proposal with guidance of faculty and input of fellow students. Emphasis is on the refinement of the problem statement, research question(s)/hypothesis, review of the literature and selection and application of appropriate methods. Prerequisite: Candidacy Status, Corequisite: NURS 9901 or NURS 9900.
NURS 9903  Dissertation Seminar II  (3 Credits)  
This course consists of a seminar and discussion for doctoral candidates who are continuing to develop their dissertation proposal. The focus is on candidate discussion and presentation of topics related to issues dealing with the development of the dissertation proposal. Discussion of scholarly writing is included as well as opportunities for a ¿mock¿ oral defense of final dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: NURS 9902.
Prerequisites: NURS 9902 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 9904  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
Doctoral students who have completed Dissertation Seminars I or II, with or without having successfully passed dissertation proposal review, must continuously register for dissertation advisement (NURS 9904-NURS 9912) any semester they are not registered for any other 3 credit course until the dissertation is completed and the final oral defense of dissertation is passed. Students must maintain contact with their dissertation chair and committee members and be involved in the research and writing process. Prerequisite: NURS 9902 or NURS 9903.
Prerequisites: NURS 9903 (may be taken concurrently)  
NURS 9905  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9906  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9907  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9908  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9909  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
Doctoral students who have completed Dissertation Seminars I or II, with or without having successfully passed dissertation proposal review, must continuously register for dissertation advisement (NURS 9904-NURS 9912) any semester they are not registered for any other 3 credit course until the dissertation is completed and the final oral defense of dissertation is passed. Students must maintain contact with their dissertation chair and committee members and be involved in the research and writing process. Prerequisite: NURS 9902 or NURS 9903.
Prerequisites: NURS 9902 or NURS 9903  
NURS 9910  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9911  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9912  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9913  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9914  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9915  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
Doctoral students who have completed Dissertation Seminars I or II, with or without having successfully passed dissertation proposal review, must continuously register for dissertation advisement (NURS 9904-NURS 9923) any semester they are not registered for any other 3 credit course until the dissertation is completed and the final oral defense of dissertation is passed. Students must maintain contact with their dissertation chair and committee members and be involved in the research and writing process. Prerequisite
Prerequisites: NURS 9902 or NURS 9903  
NURS 9916  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9917  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9918  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9919  Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice  (3 Credits)  
NURS 9920  D.N.P Residency I (Two semester course sequence)  (3 Credits)  
NURS 9921  D.N.P Residency II (Two semester course sequence)  (3 Credits)  
NURS 9922  Scholarly Project I  (3 Credits)  
NURS 9923  Scholarly Project II  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisites: NURS 9922  
NURS 9924  D.N.P. Continuous Scholarly Project Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9925  D.N.P. Continuous Scholarly Project Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9926  D.N.P. Continuous Scholarly Project Advisement  (1 Credit)  
D.N.P. students who have completed Scholarly Project I and II must continuously register for advisement (NURS 9924-9935) any semester they are not registered for any other 3 credit course until the project is completed and the final presentation is passed. Students must maintain contact with their Scholarly Project chair and committee members and be involved in the project implementation and evaluation.
NURS 9937  Population Health for Advanced Nursing Practice  (3 Credits)  
NURS 9938  Integrity in Nursing Leadership  (3 Credits)  
This course addresses the intersection of clinical integrity and clinical leadership in the context of advanced nursing practice. Using a case-based approach, nursing and biomedical ethical norms are integrated with leadership theory in the analysis of problems encountered bu nurses in advanced roles. Contemporary leadership theories, foundational and advanced principles of ethical leadership , and dilemmas in the delivery of healthcare are examined in depth.
NURS 9939  Leadership in Healthcare Business  (3 Credits)  
This course examines health care economics and the business of clinical practice as it relates to the delivery of quality health care services. The course will analyze the dynamic interplay between the driving forces of economics, heath policy, quality improvement, and standards of care in the delivery of health care services to maximize health outcomes. Students will explore economic concepts and measurement tools to critically appraise a health care issue, design strategies to improve clinical outcomes and evaluate the achievement of the improvement goals including outcomes related to safety, fiscal principles, efficiency, and quality.
NURS 9940  Advanced Nursing Practice in Health Care Systems  (3 Credits)  
NURS 9941  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9942  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9943  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9944  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9945  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9946  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9947  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9948  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  
NURS 9991  Dissertation Advisement  (1 Credit)  

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