STHO - Systematic Theology (STHO)

STHO 6000  ST Hist-Phil Background to Con  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6020  Research Seminar  (0 Credits)  
This course consists of three one-hour meetings in which new students are instructed on effective study habits, on the use of the libraries and their resources, on the manner of conducting theological research and on the strategies and standards for composing research papers. Students are required to take this within the first three semesters of matriculation into a degree program. 0 credits.
STHO 6022  Graduate Research Seminar  (2 Credits)  
This course will provide a general introduction to the resources (print, electronic, and personnel) of a graduate theological library. Students will receive an extended introduction to the theological resources and methods proper to each of the major sacred sciences. Students will be guided to develop the practice of critical reading and analysis needed for graduate academic study. Students will also be introduced to introductory graduate academic writing.
STHO 6112  Moral Evil - Moral Absolutes  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6126  Ethics of Virtue  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6128  ST Theology-Hist Rene Girard  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6138  Theo Aesthetic God Beauty Film  (3 Credits)  
Few realities captivate us culturally, emotionally, and aesthetically, as the medium of film. In the complex multimedia culture we live in, film moves us in a way which no other media seems capable of doing. Moreover, films have a rich capacity to explore ideas and raise questions in something more than merely an intellectual manner. In this course, we will seek to capture film capturing us as we study three aspects of this draw: First, we will explore the medium of film itself and why it is so powerful. Second, we will examine the human emotional life to which film is intimately connected and on which it operates. Finally, we will explore some theological themes, issues, and questions – ranging from anthropology to morals to eschatology – which are raised in contemporary film.”
STHO 6192  Independent Study  (1 Credit)  
STHO 6194  Theo of Permanent Diaconate  (3 Credits)  
The permanent diaconate was restored by the second Vatican Council after being dormant in the Catholic Church for hundreds of years. This course will examine its origins, the rise and fall, its restoration, and the post Vatican II era with its emerging challenges and issues. A theology of the permanent diaconate, rooted in the ministry of Jesus Christ and guided by the National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States will be developed to assist aspirants, diaconate candidates, and permanent deacons in their ongoing formation and for laity, seminarians and priests who collaborate with them in ministry.
STHO 6202  Revelation and Faith  (3 Credits)  
An historical and systematic examination of the Catholic understanding of God's Self-Communication and humanity's correlative response in faith. On revelation: transmission of revelation; natural and supernatural revelation; Reformation and sola Scriptura; Trent and tradition; Newman on doctrinal development; and la nouvelle theologie and Vatican II. On faith: grace and faith; faith and scholasticism; Luther and sola fides; Trent on fides fiducialis; Vatican I and rational preparation for the act of faith; Blondel and the apologetics of immanence; and contemporary attempts (e.g., Rahner, Tracy, Metz) to ground the act of faith.
STHO 6203  Christology  (3 Credits)  
The faith response to the Mystery of Jesus Christ, God's gift to us, in Scripture and Church tradition; an attempt to answer the question "Who do you say I am?" [Mt. 16:15] in light of contemporary concerns.
STHO 6204  The Trinity  (3 Credits)  
A systematic and historical examination of the doctrine of the Triune God: dialectical nature of God as both hidden and revealed, immanent and transcendent; attributes and perfections of God; Patristic and Conciliar debates about the nature of the Trinity; persons, processions, relations and missions within the Godhead; speculation in relation to the "economic" and "immanent" Trinity as well as contemporary retrievals of psychological analogies.
STHO 6205  Christian Anthropology  (3 Credits)  
Beginning with the Scriptural understanding of human origins, an examination of the human condition from the viewpoint of Christian revelation. The relationship of God with humanity; sin and redemption; the significance of grace, brokenness and healing; and the meaning of death and resurrection. Consideration of particular and general eschatology in developing a theological anthropology.
STHO 6206  Christian Eschatology  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6207  Ecclesiology  (3 Credits)  
The mystery of the Church in its various human incarnations throughout history; the Church"s foundation, nature and fundamental structure. Themes: pluralism and the development of ecclesial life; "models" of the Church; the importance of Mary in the life of the Christian community.
STHO 6209  Christology of the Paschal Tri  (3 Credits)  
An extended examination of the historical development and current expression of the various liturgies of the Paschal Triduum, applying the principle lex orandi, lex credendi, to discover the various Christologies expressed in those rites.
STHO 6212  Sources - Scripture-Tradition  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6219  Bibl. Theo. of Benedict XVI  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6223  Magisterium  (3 Credits)  
A study of the origins, development and role of the teaching office in the Catholic Church; forms of exercise of the magisterium; contemporary theological speculation regarding the magisterium.
STHO 6234  Readings-Sacramental Theol  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6236  Sacramental Themes-Modern Lit  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6240  Priesthood History-Theology  (3 Credits)  
See HSTD 6425.
STHO 6244  Prayer, Discipleship and Comm  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6246  Theology of Vatican II  (3 Credits)  
A study of the background against which Pope John XXIII called Vatican Council II, the Council’s preparation and its deliberation, as well as some consideration of its implementation.
STHO 6252  Theology of the Body  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6253  The Problem of Evil  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6254  Theo and Spir of Marr and Fam  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6255  Families and the Church  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6259  Secularism and Catholicism  (3 Credits)  
This course investigates the historical causes, nature, and value of secularism as a cultural, and socio-political phenomenon affecting Catholic religious experience in what was once called Latin Christendom. The course is not only interested in secularism as such, but also in various contemporary Catholic responses towards it. Throughout the investigation will be viewed through the theological lens of Christian faith as revealed in Jesus Christ and authoritatively interpreted through the teaching authority of the Church.
STHO 6267  Spirit Theol Saints-Doctors  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6272  Gnosis - Political Theol III  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6277  Diaconal Spiritual Theology  (0 Credits)  
STHO 6299  Tools for Effective Ministry  (3 Credits)  
An exploration of key dimensions of effective ministry: the person of the minister, the invitation of the Gospel and the life of the community. The focus will be on central concepts drawn from various disciplines, including our theological and spiritual traditions, which will be applied practically to issues such as working from one’s strengths, empowering volunteers, designing change, and analyzing ministerial settings in order to more effectively develop vibrant disciples and communities of faith.
STHO 6301  Pastoral Sign Language I  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6310  ST Vatican II Meaning & Interp  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6311  ST Sin/Redem & Eucatastrophe  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6318  Christocentrism of J Ratz BXVI  (3 Credits)  
From his classic Introduction to Christianity to his three volumes on Jesus of Nazareth to his papal encyclicals, Joseph Ratzinger has affirmed the inseparability of theology, spirituality, and liturgy. For each finds its living center in Jesus Christ. The seminar will explore this Christocentric vision in major works of Joseph Ratzinger both before and after his election as Pope Benedict XVI. It will seek to provide a comprehensive introduction to the work of this key figure of post-conciliar Catholic theology and to serve as stimulus for the student’s elaboration of a personal theological and Christological synthesis.
STHO 6330  ST: Evangel & Multicult Catech  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6332  New Evangelization-Catechesis  (3 Credits)  
This course presents catechesis as a primary means for serving the Church’s overall mission of evangelization with emphasis on the themes of the New Evangelization. Methods and resources for promoting an evangelizing catechesis as well as evangelizing spirituality for catechists will be discussed.
STHO 6333  Evangelizing Church  (3 Credits)  
A brief examination of the Church's origin and identity in the ministry of Jesus, the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, her missionary self-understanding as expressed in her magisterial teaching, canon law, liturgical and sacramental life and catechesis, and the implications of this understanding for the diocese, parish and individual believer in making intentional disciplines. The contention of recent popes -- that evangelizaion is, in fact, the Church's sipreme duty, the reason for her existence and the key to her identity -- will be tested and confirmed.
STHO 6334  Catholic Evangelization  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6346  ST Logotherapy & Theolog Anthr  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6399  Scripture and Forgiveness  (3 Credits)  
The course explores the themes of forgiveness in the Old and New Testaments with a view to supplying the student with scriptural resources for thinking about and developing a theology of forgiveness. Rabbinic, Patristic and Catholic scholastic interpretations of biblical passages will be explored to compare and contrast Jewish and Christian, Catholic and Protestant approaches to understanding forgiveness. The scriptural passages to be explored will include: 1) The themes of divine mitigation of punishment in the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and the forgiveness motif in the stories of Jacob and Esau and Joseph and his Brothers; 2) Levitical atonement rituals; 3) Forgiveness motifs in the Psalms and the Wisdom books; 4) Forgiveness motifs in the Prophets, e.g. in the Book of Jonah; 5-7) Forgiveness in the Synoptic Gospels, e.g. the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ Parables, Jesus’ Practice of Forgiveness in his life and passion; 8) Forgiveness in the Epistles of Paul and James in the context of their theologies of justification by faith and works.
STHO 6400  Selected Topics  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6416  Confessions of St. Augustine  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6426  Priesthood in the Fathers  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6430  Worshipping with the Fathers  (3 Credits)  
STHO6430 Worshipping with the Fathers of the Church Examines the earliest records and descriptions of Christian worship alongside the spiritual and theological understandings the first Christians brought to their worship and how these factors contributed to forming the liturgical sensibilities, structures and cycles familiar to Christians today. Special attention is given to the writings of Church Fathers of the first 500 years.
STHO 6435  ST: Salvation Hist:BIBL/THEO  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6501  Worship of the Church  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to the theology of liturgy and the historical development of liturgy in the Catholic Church, focusing on the Roman Rite; an introduction to the history and theological development of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours and the Roman Calendar. (Cross-referenced to HSTD 6501)
STHO 6503  Sacraments of Initiation  (3 Credits)  
A Biblical, historical, theological and liturgical treatment of the sacraments of Christian initiation: the theologically normative adult initiation with restored catechumenate and its pastoral adaptation to infant baptism, confirmation and first Eucharist of children; anthropological, Christological and ecclesial dimensions of sacramentology as well as questions common to the seven sacraments.
STHO 6504  Sacramental Theology-General  (3 Credits)  
The Biblical, historical, theological and liturgical development of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation, Christian Marriage, reconciliation, anointing of the sick and Holy Orders. Christological and ecclesial dimensions of sacramentology, as well as questions common to the seven sacraments will be explored.
STHO 6505  Eucharist  (3 Credits)  
A Biblical, historical, systematic, liturgical and pastoral treatment of the Eucharist and the development of the Mass. Questions relating to institution, Real Presence, sacred meal, sacrifice, eschatology and ecumenism are examined.
STHO 6507  Reconciliation-Anointing  (3 Credits)  
The sacrament of Penance in its systematic, moral, pastoral and liturgical aspects with special attention to the ministry of the priest-confessor. The Sacrament of the Sick in its Biblical roots, historical evolution, systematic theology and contemporary liturgical celebration.
STHO 6509  Christian Marriage  (3 Credits)  
The Biblical, historical, systematic and liturgical development of Christian marriage from Biblical origins, Patristic thought, medieval synthesis, Reformation issues and Tridentine responses, to its contemporary theology. Issues related to the theology of marriage, e.g., sacramentality of marriage, divorce and remarriage, faith and marriage, and the pastoral care of Christian marriage.
STHO 6515  Feasts and Seasons  (3 Credits)  
A study of the development of the Christian celebration of time, historically considered and its contemporary expression, regarding the day (Liturgy of the Hours), the week (with the primacy of Sunday) and the year (in the Roman Calendar). Attention given to Marian devotions and the sanctoral cycle, the origins of various feasts and issues related to their proper liturgical celebrations.
STHO 6518  Christ and Culture  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6530  Peter in NT and Chris Antiquit  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6531  Hebrews and Catholic Letters  (3 Credits)  
Letters to Hebrews and Cath Letters An in-depth study of the Letter to the Hebrews with emphasis on the priesthood of Christ. Examination of the biblical roots of the Christian priesthood: the royal priesthood of all Christians and the ministerial priesthood. Overview of the Catholic Letters: James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude. Exegesis of selected passages and survey of main theological themes.
STHO 6538  ST-Catech in Ecumen &Global  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6540  Introduction to Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue  (3 Credits)  
This course introduces the modern ecumenical movement in which separated Christians are seeking to overcome centuries’ long divisions, and to work for Christian unity.  Since the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) the Catholic Church has engaged in official ecumenical dialogues with other Christians to resolve doctrinal divergencies at the root of their divisions. These dialogues, outlined here, have resulted in significant achievements, while important remaining divergencies between Christians still prevent full unity. The importance of interreligious dialogue is illustrated in one session on Jewish-Catholic relations, and another on Muslim-Catholic relations. Ecumenical and interreligious relationships have  become characteristic of the present era.
STHO 6541  Ind St/Tolkiens Lord of Rings  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6542  ST:Intro Ecum & Interrelig Dia  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6550  Theology of Paul and John  (3 Credits)  
This course aims to introduce the student to an appreciation of various historical, literary and theological aspects of the Fourth Gospel and of Paul’s Letters, especially those to the Galatians and Romans. Special attention is paid to the way in which these writings reflect, interpret and develop the early Christian kerygma (proclamation) and thereby contribute to the Christian interpretation of Jesus, person and mission (Christology and Soteriology) and the means by which faith in him as the Christ and Son of God communicates abundant life (the Sacraments and Ecclesiology).
STHO 6565  Dante and Lay Vocation  (3 Credits)  
In this course, we will read all of Dante's Divine Comedy, and perhaps sections of his treatises "On Monarchy" and "On the Eloquence of the Vernacular." Dante emphasizes the harmony of nature and grace, the path to God through the goodness of ordinary life and human love. Thus our focus in class discussions and papers will be on what Dante reveals about the spirituality of ordinary life in the world, as opposed to the "easier path" -- as Dante describes it at the beginning of the Divine Comedy -- of religious life.
STHO 6570  Mary in Sacred Scripture  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6575  Ministry of the Laity  (3 Credits)  
New Testament origins of ministry; the history of ministry through the centuries; an exploration of contemporary developments in the ministry of the laity; the teachings of Vatican II which have given rise both to an expansion of ministry in the Church and a focus on ministry in the world; recent developments, both in the teaching of Pope John Paul II and grassroots initiatives. (Cross-referenced to PTHO 6575)
STHO 6576  Marian Spirituality  (3 Credits)  
The Biblical image of Mary; devotion to Mary as it developed through the ages and its effect on contemporaneous spiritualities; Vatican II on Mary; post-Conciliar developments in Mariology and their implications for a Marian spirituality today. (Cross-referenced to PTHO 6705)
STHO 6577  Mariology  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6585  Creation and Science  (3 Credits)  
This course seeks to deepen a student’s understanding of the relationship between the Catholic theology of creation and contemporary empirical science. Topics to be covered include the birth of science; the historical-philosophical environment of this birth; the interventions of recent Popes on the issue; the specificity of the cosmos as shown by current science; the unity of the cosmos and its beauty; the importance of philosophical realism; the doctrine of creation ex nihilo et cum tempore; the theory of the Big Bang; and the theory of evolution. Primary sources will be emphasized..
STHO 6586  Science - Phil - Theology  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6588  Christianity Human Happiness  (3 Credits)  
The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus” (Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel). The promise of happiness echoes resoundingly in the Christian tradition, and yet Catholics are leaving the Church in droves because they feel the Church has not made good on its promise. Informed by contemporary research on happiness, this course prepares seminarians and lay ministers to help others discover fulfillment and joy greater than the world can offer through Christian teachings and practices. This course explores how the Church’s teachings guide one to true happiness, by experiencing a variety of Christian spiritual practices, and by drawing out implications for ministries like spiritual direction, pastoral care, catechesis, and preaching. This course will also benefit people who want to discover for themselves how practicing Christian faith more intentionally can bring greater joy to one’s day-to-day life.
STHO 6595  ST St Payl - Contmp Readers  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6649  Pity,Mercy,Forgive Lord Ring  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6684  ST: Conversion of St. Monica  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6718  Spirituality-Contemp Culture  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6728  Theology of Spiritual Life  (3 Credits)  
Theology of the Christian spiritual life: biblical foundations; Patristic writings; classical sources; contemporary writings; anthropological foundations; progress in the spiritual life and its various stages; and mysticism.
STHO 6734  ST: Christology/Trinity  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6735  The Priest Today  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6740  Priesthood and Ministry  (3 Credits)  
This course sets forth the history and theology of the presbyterial office or priestly ministry in the Catholic Church and the relationship of priestly ministry to other ministries in the Church, such as lay ministry; the other two forms of ordained ministry, episcopal and diaconal; and the Petrine ministry.
STHO 6743  ST: Spirituality of Priesthood  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6748  ST Fnd Ecumenism - Interrelig  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6750  ST:Priesthd -Theol Jean Galot  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6758  ST: Ratzinger, Scripture, Trad  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6774  Theology-Practice of Prayer  (3 Credits)  
This course provides a theology of Christian prayer, beginning in Scripture and then examining the teaching on prayer in Christian history. Various models of Christian prayer, expectations in prayer, difficulties in prayer, discernment in prayer, consolations and extraordinary phenomena in prayer, as well as some schools of prayer, are covered. The place of liturgical prayer and ecclesial prayer are discussed, along with contemporary writing on prayer. This course introduces exercises in prayer: meditation, vocal prayer, centering prayer, and lectio divina.
STHO 6793  ST:Grace & Romans  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6794  ST: Theology of Grace  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6802  Theology of Work and Rest  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6813  The Reformation  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6833  ST: Sacraments Early Church  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6872  Catholic Identity, Ethos-Cultu  (3 Credits)  
See PTHO 6872
STHO 6888  Deacons - Christian Worship  (3 Credits)  
A study of the history and theological development of the liturgy of the Roman Rite, with attention to the Liturgy of the Hours and the Liturgy of Vatican II, especially the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian living. Course material has the goal of integrating these themes with the life and ministry of a deacon.
STHO 6890  ST Vatican II - Dvlp Doctrine  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6894  ST: 20th Century Thomism  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6904  ST/Baptism and Evangelization  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6950  SpTp - Theology of the Cross  (3 Credits)  
Why has the complaint against God for innocent suffering arisen only in recent times? What are its philosophical presuppositions? Lectures will examine various theological and philosophical positions that give rise to the complaint or offer answers. Then the Catholic answer will be proposed; thereby the coherence of all Catholicism’s central dogmas will be explained and justified. The Church’s theology will be shown to offer the only possible coherent solution to the problem. For the Church lives from Jesus Christ crucified and risen, Eucharistically present in her midst.
STHO 6951  ST - Fall and Sin  (3 Credits)  
STHO 6999  MA Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Capstone course required for all M.A. in Theology general format students, to be taken near the end of course work. Integration of the various theological perspectives gleaned from the student’s study of the several concentrations in the degree. Seminar topic to be established by the professor and student.

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