Examination of the relationship between the business environment and the legal environment. Topics include constitutional law implications, contractual relationships, employment and ethics. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Examines the regulatory interactions of government with enterprise. Survey of the institutional and legal structure in which business functions in the United States. The theoretical and empirical implications of regulation evaluated through the case method.
Extension and application of legal and ethical issues beyond the foundations level.
Highlights those aspects of public and commercial law that are relevant to American business operating in the international environment. Includes legal and ethical aspects of international trade and commercial transactions. Prerequisite: BLAW 2301. Offered: Irregularly.
In-depth examination of legal and ethical issues relating to consumer rights, responsibilities, and advertising. Prerequisite: BLAW 2301. Offered: T.B.D.
Examination of legal and ethical issues of this specialized area of tort law. Particular emphasis is on the development of products liability and its impact on the business environment. Topics include negligence, warranties and strict liability.
This course examines several of the many issues and challenges propelled by technology driven disruption. It is clear that the established order in business, and society more generally, faces unprecedented change as a result. Since the legal and regulatory environment, broadly defined, is often among the most significant influencer of outcomes, we will examine the implications of these disruptive technologies on the law as well.
Examination of legal and ethical issues relating to commercial transactions involving sales, remedies, commercial bailments, security interests, bankruptcy, and select advanced topics in business associations.
Examines the ethical and public policy issues raised in a variety of areas of law. Provides an in-depth treatment of many of the legal and ethical issues faced in the business environment.
Examination of employment law issues and ethical dilemmas facing today¿s managers. Emphasis on sexual discrimination, racial discrimination, sexual harassment, whistle blowing, hiring, firing, layoffs and disability. Discussion of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and employment. Prerequisite: BLAW 2301. Offered: T.B.D.
The constitutional aspects of sports with special attention toward procedural and substantive due process. The formation and conditions of contracts from both the management and individual’s perspectives. Topical coverage includes: Agency; Labor and Employment; Antitrust and Title IX coverage. Strong emphasis on ethical concerns in the sport industry.
Examination of legal, ethical, and social responsibility issues related to information technology, including privacy and confidentiality, e-commerce law fundamentals, consumer protection, content regulation, internet and intellectual property law and the protection of information products and services. Discussion of information technology innovation, including, but not limited to, new media and social networking platforms, and its impact on legal and ethical issues.
Introduction to the research techniques currently used in the legal community. Shows how to develop an analytical approach toward legal issues through both written and oral exercises.
Individual research in the area of legal studies independent of a formal course structure. Prerequisite: permission of supervising faculty member prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Individual research in the area of legal studies independent of a formal course structure. Prerequisite: permission of supervising faculty member prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Individual research in the area of legal studies independent of a formal course structure. Prerequisite: permission of supervising faculty member prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
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Undergraduate 2023-2024 Catalog
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