CLAS - Classical Studies (CLAS)

CLAS 1311  Archaeology of Greece  (3 Credits)  
CLAS 1312  Archaeology of Rome  (3 Credits)  
History of Rome and its empire via Spring trip to Italy, Rome's architectural and artistic legacy down to the time of Constantine, including a visit to Peter's tomb, the catacombs, and Church art.
CLAS 1313  Roots of English: Word Power  (3 Credits)  
Vocabulary course that examines the dependence of English on Latin and Greek for prefixes, suffixes and roots of words. Exercises in word recognition and in amplifying English vocabulary, extensive use is made of the World Wide Web and interactive email instruction.
CLAS 2302  Greek and Roman Drama  (3 Credits)  
Selected works of Greek Tragedy (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides), Greek Comedy (Aristophanes, Menander), Roman Comedy (Plautus, Terence) and Roman Tragedy (Seneca). A study of the development of ancient drama, the significance of staging and performance and the influences on subsequent drama.
CLAS 2316  Greek and Latin Poetry  (3 Credits)  
Reading and interpretation of selected Greek and Roman lyric poets: Sappho, Solon, Theocritus, Catullus, Propertius and others.
CLAS 2317  Classical Mythology  (3 Credits)  
Study of the gods, heroes and legends of the Greek and Roman peoples. The content, meaning and function of "myths," and their influences upon literature and art.
CLAS 2318  Classical Myth, Modern Theater and Film  (3 Credits)  
Study of modern adaptations of classical mythological themes in literature and film. Readings from Ovid, Sophocles, Anouil, Cocteau and Brecht.
CLAS 2319  Greek Civilization  (3 Credits)  
Rise of Hellenic culture from its genesis in the Aegean Bronze Age, the major interactions of the city-state in the sixth and seventh centuries, the Classical period and its decline. There is extensive use of the World Wide Web, with intensive reliance on the Perseus Greek Civilization Web site as a visual and textual resource.
CLAS 2320  Roman Civilization  (3 Credits)  
Investigation of the tension between individual liberty and the traditional power of state and society and of the political and social institutions that maintain social cohesion in a complex society.
CLAS 2322  Women in Antiquity  (3 Credits)  
Inquiry into the social, political and legal status of women in ancient Greece and Rome.
CLAS 2325  Epics of Greece and Rome  (3 Credits)  
CLAS 3291  ST - Bad Emperors Roman Hist  (3 Credits)  
A focused study of one theme or genre, to be determined by the professor and posted prior to registration.
CLAS 3300  ST-Death-Afterlife - Antiquity  (3 Credits)  
Crosslisted with CORE 3300 Engaging the World
CLAS 3301  The Odysseus Theme  (3 Credits)  
CLAS 3392  Independent Study  (2 Credits)  
Advanced students in classical studies may, with the permission of the department and under an adviser, continue research in a particular area
CLAS 3393  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Advanced students in classical studies may, with the permission of the department and under an adviser, continue research in a particular area
CLAS 4301  Capstone in Classical Studies  (1 Credit)  
During Junior year or the first semester of Senior year, majors will select a special topic on which to do guided independent work resulting in a critical research paper. The major will also give an oral presentation on the topic, which should be related to the general material covered in the co-requisite course. Co-requisite: Any Junior or Senior level CLAS, LATN or GREK course.

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