DIPL - Diplomacy and Intl Rel (DIPL)

DIPL 1711  International Relations  (3 Credits)  
Analyzes the dynamics of the relations between and across the different countries of the world. Examines the role that countries, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and individual people play in addressing pressing global problems such as peace, war, security, arms control, trade, development, human rights and the environment.
DIPL 2101  Ethnopolitical Landscapes of the Contemporary World  (3 Credits)  
Surveys political, economic, cultural and socio-demographic trends shaping the contemporary world and their impact on international, regional and global relations. Focuses on nationalism and ethnicity. Topics include: rise of nationstates; impact of nationalism; nation-building and empire building; Western imperialism in the Third World; ethnicity and nationalism; ethnic relations in the U.S. and other parts of the world; and post-Cold War development.
DIPL 2103  History of Diplomacy  (3 Credits)  
Surveys the evolution of diplomacy from ancient civilizations to the present. Examines the actors and processes associated with classic diplomacy, and considers the new challenges facing diplomats as a result of recent changes in international affairs.
DIPL 2109  Institutions of Global Governance  (3 Credits)  
Examines the process through which states, intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and multinational corporations seek to address pressing problems of global governance. The challenges associated with international cooperation are explored, including the changing nature of sovereignty and the difficulties with promoting compliance. A variety of trans-sovereign issues are covered and the course concludes with a diplomatic simulation of a global issues conference.
DIPL 2110  Comparative Foreign Policy  (3 Credits)  
Explores the different processes through which countries design their foreign policy. A variety of countries are examined encompassing various regions of the world, levels of development, and types of political regimes. Of special concern is the manner in which both domestic and international pressures influence the foreign policy making process.
DIPL 2112  Cyprus-East Mediterranean Study  (3 Credits)  
This course will assess the economic, political and social impact of EU membership on Cyprus. Students will gain insights based on the perceptions of different actors, namely public sector, private sector, and civil society. After serious preparation, students will visit Cyprus and interact with the main players. Based on this visit, the class will prepare a report, for which every member will contribute.
DIPL 2113  China's Rise: Opportunities and Challenges  (3 Credits)  
This course explores the opportunities and challenges posed by the rise of China. It culminates in a 10-day field trip to China.
DIPL 2114  African Union Seminar  (3 Credits)  
predecessor, the Organization of African Unity (OAU); agenda-setting at the AU; and the role the AU plays in conflict resolution, especially its relationship with the UN regarding peace operations in Africa. Through a study trip to the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), students will explore and interrogate the theories and practice of conflict resolution by international organizations, with particular reference to the AU..
DIPL 2118  Memory and Conflict: Dealing with the Past Constructively  (3 Credits)  
This course examines how different actors and institutions address processes of dealing with the contentious past and how the politics of collective remembering impacts the dynamics of relationships among people on the ground. We will also examine various social practices and initiatives of counteracting the negative effects of divisive histories through education, justice, policy-making, art and commemoration.
DIPL 2120  International Conflict and Security  (3 Credits)  
Provides an overview of the classical issues in the study of war and peace and examines the nature and functions of the use of force, macro- and micro-theories of conflict, arms races and control, nuclear proliferation, and deterrence. Recent developments in the management of weapons of mass destruction are also explored.
DIPL 3010  International Relations and Fi  (3 Credits)  
This course will use the medium of film and popular culture to explain and discuss important topics in international relations/politics. Film provides a window to the world and this course will explore how various aspects of international politics have been covered and dramatized in popular culture, particularly film but games and television will also be covered. Emphasis will be placed on all aspects of international relations and diplomacy, but topics such as conflict, civil-military relations, nationalism, international interventions, clash of civilizations, and deterrence will be covered. Film will be used to explain events and major theories in the field.
DIPL 3104  Public International Law  (3 Credits)  
Deals with the nature, history and domains of international law. Through case studies, this course provides understanding of the international legal system with regard to such basic goals as curbing resort to war, peaceful settlement of disputes, fostering peaceful use of the oceans, Antarctica and outer space, enhancing respect for human rights, preserving the environment and strengthening the capability of the United Nations and the U.N. system as a primary instrument of world order.
DIPL 3111  Practicum III: Internship  (3 Credits)  
Provides students with educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting. Departmental permission required. These courses are offered on a (P)ass/(F)ail basis.
DIPL 3115  The Washington Experience Study Tour: Actors, Institutions and the Policy Process  (3 Credits)  
This course introduces students to prominent Washingtonbased actors and institutions that influence international policy. Washington, D.C. is not only the capital city of the United States, but also the headquarters of many major global institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Through meetings with representatives of governments, international organizations, think-tanks, advocacy organizations and the press, students gain a firsthand understanding of the policy-process and apply that knowledge to current, economic, diplomatic, humanitarian, and security challenges.
DIPL 3116  The Washington Seminar on Global Policy Challenges  (3 Credits)  
This Washington, D.C. based seminar examines the causes, consequences and possible solutions to many of the global policy challenges of the 21st Century. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, this course examines the economic, political, and social aspects of issues such as climate change, global health, post-conflict resolution, and economic development. Access to policymakers provides students an opportunity to analyze these issues with leading experts.
DIPL 3120  Nuclear Weapons and International Security  (3 Credits)  
This course provides an introduction to the study of nuclear weapons in international politics. Topics examined include nuclear proliferation, nuclear strategy and planning, arms control, as well as theories of deterrence. Special attention will be given to "nuclear umbrella" arrangements, such as NATO and the U.S. alliances with South Korea and Japan.
DIPL 3150  New Dimensions of Human Security  (3 Credits)  
This course transcends traditional interstate conflict by examining new security threats such as infectious diseases, environmental change, growth of human populations, energy security, and water and food scarcities. Special attention will be given to their effects on development, stability, and security.
DIPL 3201  Sustainable Development  (3 Credits)  
Explores the concept of sustainable development. Examines sustainability issues related to both industrial countries and developing countries, for example aging of populations, sustainable consumption, institutional adjustments, managing growth, and pressures of population change.
DIPL 3350  Religion Race & Int'l Relation  (3 Credits)  
DIPL 3360  Race & Racism Int'l Law & Poli  (3 Credits)  
This course delves into historical and contemporary debates and discussions about the ways in which ideas about race have contributed to international law and politics. It surveys the historical construction of the international order through practices of legalized dispossession such as slavery, colonialism, and settler-colonialism; arguments over the significance of those practices for human rights and international law today; and disciplinary debates over the occlusion of race in the study of international law and international relations. In the process, the course looks at how human rights and international justice grapple with racial discrimination, reparations, and apartheid. The final section of the course reflects on recent developments in both scholarship and advocacy.
DIPL 3370  Gender Race & Cult Int'l Rel  (3 Credits)  
This course aims to provide students with an introduction to feminist epistemologies and methods, as well as to how postcolonial and indigenous theories intersect with feminism. Students will learn about the many different ways of thinking and theorizing about gender in international relations, but also explore the ways in which race and gender intersect with Eurocentrism, and the implications of this on world politics.
DIPL 3450  Comparative Homeland Security  (3 Credits)  
This course will introduce students to homeland security analysis and a survey of how different countries address internal security issues. Homeland security is a uniquely structured American concept, so fitting other nations’ policies and practices squarely into the U.S. model would not succeed. Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States embarked on a wholesale reorganization of its internal security and border protection institutions. In parallel, European, and other countries largely preferred to stay with and work within their existing institutional architectures to combat terrorism and respond to other security challenges and disasters, both natural and man-made. Our focus will be on the policies and practices of 10 countries with respect to key areas of homeland security, such as counterterrorism, policing, emergency management, defense support for civil authorities, critical infrastructure protection, cybersecurity, border security, transportation security, and public health.
DIPL 3460  Intelligence  (3 Credits)  
This course will examine the role of the U.S. Intelligence Community in securing our nation. Students will learn about the collection, analysis, dissemination, and use of intelligence, as well as how these processes have changed in the post 9/11 world. Students will also explore counterintelligence as well as moral and political questions intelligence work and covert action can raise.
DIPL 3470  Cyber Security & Intl Relation  (3 Credits)  
This course is a provides an analysis of the role that cybersecurity and cyberwarfare plays in international relations. It will examine the institutions, planning, technology and actions of major states and how they utilize cyber-realm to meet their national goals and strategic objectives. The course is divided into three areas of focus: the United States, China, and Russia.
DIPL 3800  Investigating International Relations  (3 Credits)  
This course introduces the basic tools of scientific investigation. Students learn about the scientific method, data gathering, research design, quantitative and qualitative analyses, and computer applications for international relations research. The course aims to equip students with the facts, intuition, and experience necessary for conducting research projects in subsequent diplomacy courses.
Prerequisites: MATH 1203 or MATH 1101  
DIPL 3850  Church, State and Politics in Latin America  (3 Credits)  
This course aims to provide students with (1) an understanding of the evolving role of religion in Latin American politics, with an emphasis on the period of the Second Vatican Council until today, and (2) an opportunity to reflect on the formative questions of how religious beliefs and religious institutions should affect politics and of how different political systems and state policies should affect the practice of religion The major themes include the institutional relationship between the Catholic Church and the state, the different political expression of Catholicism (including those inspired by Liberation Theology), the persecution of the Church under certain authoritarian regimes and the Catholic response, the rise of religious and political pluralism, and the role of religion in contemporary politics and public policy. This course will count as a Signature Three Core Course.
DIPL 3851  Religion, Law and War  (3 Credits)  
This course will examine wars of religion and religious views of war. We are living through an era fraught with religious warfare – wars animated by religious conflict and wars that use religious abuse as weapons to demoralize and subdue the enemy. The course will focus on three major religious traditions (Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism) and set in dialogue their respective views of war, assess their contributions to the contemporary laws of war, and examine the particular historical episodes of religious conflict – as well as contrary episodes of religious toleration. This course will count as a Signature Three Core Course.
DIPL 3853  International Organization and the Holy See  (3 Credits)  
Reaching back to early Christianity but stressing the time period from 1870 onward, this course focuses on Vatican diplomacy, the League of Nations, and the United Nations while exploring core questions of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition as they relate to the organization of international affairs.
DIPL 4101  Research Project  (3 Credits)  
Culminating research project of the international relations program. Enables students to apply qualitative and quantitative methodologies as needed in the development of interdisciplinary research projects related to their own area studies. Course runs as a research seminar. Students work with a faculty mentor to write their research thesis. Limited to Diplomacy majors only.
DIPL 4104  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Students pursue a course of specialized reading and discussion supervised by a member of the faculty.
DIPL 4106  Human Rights Law and Policy  (3 Credits)  
Combines skill development in research, writing and oral communication with development of an understanding of the sources and nature of those rights of individuals and groups that are, or have been, identified as “Human Rights” under various international conventions, state constitutions and bills of rights, United Nations resolutions and other sources. Specific human rights violations in areas of health, nutrition, labor, the environment, educational systems, political torture and genocide are explored
DIPL 4108  International Political Economy  (3 Credits)  
This course examines the interaction between politics and economics in the international system, i.e. how international economic activity is affected by the political decisions rendered by states and how states are in turn affected by the international financial and trading systems.
DIPL 4111  Senior Leadership Internship  (3 Credits)  
Provides students with educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting. Departmental permission required. These courses are offered on a (P)ass/(F)ail basis.
DIPL 4114  International Financial Institutions  (3 Credits)  
Analyzes the dynamics of international trade and finance through the structure and work of the international financial institutions. Covers the basics of the international finance system and explores the potential for international cooperation in the field of development.
DIPL 4115  Cross Cultural Negotiation and Conflict Management  (3 Credits)  
The ability to negotiate and manage conflicts across cultures is no longer an optional skill set in the worlds of international business, diplomacy and advocacy. This course, built on cases, interactive exercises and theoretical frameworks, develops the skills and knowledge for managing the most challenging political, organizational and interpersonal relationships.
DIPL 4170  Topics in Economic Development for International Affairs  (3 Credits)  
This course is an in-depth analysis of current aspects of development. We consider recent development dilemmas such as delivery of services for poor people, building institutions for markets, the role of knowledge in advancing economic and social well-being, the role and effectiveness of the state in the changing world, and infrastructure and development. We analyze experiences of different countries in Latin America, Africa, East Asia, Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, and the Middle East.
DIPL 4183  Art and Science of International Negotiation  (3 Credits)  
States, NGOs and international organizations all negotiate with each other in the context of international conflicts. In this course, students practice and improve their negotiation skills in interactive exercises, learn theories and dynamics of conflict, and apply this knowledge to practical cases.
DIPL 4185  Foreign Policy of Post-Soviet States  (3 Credits)  
Detailed analysis of the global role of states within the former Soviet sphere, both among themselves and in relation to the European Union, China and the United States.
DIPL 4193  Eastern European and Post-Soviet Politics  (3 Credits)  
Comprehensive introduction to the politics of the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and post-Soviet Russia, including the development of the Soviet Union as a multinational, planned economy empire and the causes of collapse. The course also explores the challenges faced by the states that emerged, with special attention to the economic and political problems of these states’ transformations as affected by the different legacies of the Soviet period in each of the countries involved.
DIPL 4197  U.N. Insiders' View  (3 Credits)  
Bridges the gap between students and practitioners by complementing an academic understanding of the United Nations with an appreciation of the day-to-day concerns and realities of the organization. Structured around a series of guest lectures offered by U.N. officials and representatives of governments, civil society, and the private sector on a broad range of issues of current concern to the United Nations.
DIPL 4198  International Criminal Law  (3 Credits)  
Explores the historical, political and diplomatic evolution of international criminal law in this century, including war crimes, crimes against humanity and the International Criminal Court.
DIPL 4205  United Nations Field Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Students attend, at UN Headquarters, weekly briefings and conferences involving UN DPI-accredited NGOs and committees. Students supplement their academic appreciation of UN NGOs, explore the issues before these organizations, discover how issues are identified, and learn how issues are dealt with in a multicultural, multi-sectoral environment.
DIPL 4250  Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Plural Societies  (3 Credits)  
This course will explore the phenomenon of intra-state conflict from interdisciplinary perspectives. It reviews the competing theories toward understanding the causes of ethnic conflicts and civil wars. It discusses the roles played by ethnicity, religion, culture and development in the generation, conduct, and resolution of social conflicts. It also investigates the dynamics of post-conflict peacebuilding and reconstruction. It would ground in students the basic concepts of conflict resolution and skills of diagnosing social conflict.
DIPL 4251  Justice, Truth and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Societies  (3 Credits)  
This course examines conflicts, conflict resolution, and the balance between justice and truth in promoting reconciliation and state sustainability in post-conflict societies. It interrogates the nature of truth and reconciliation commissions and their role in state building endeavors. The course gives particular attention to the dynamics of face-to-face interaction between the perpetrators and victims of violence.
DIPL 4252  Institutions of Post-Conflict Governance  (3 Credits)  
This course seeks to answer two basic questions: 1) why have states failed and 2) what can be done to prevent failure and rebuild weak/failed states in the 21st century. To answer these questions, this course focuses on the integral role that institutions play in ensuring the day-to-day stability of nation states. The course will explore the theory and practice of rebuilding institutions to strengthen states that have undergone failure and assess strengths and shortcomings of varied interventions at the institutional level.
DIPL 4253  Civil Conflict and Development  (3 Credits)  
DIPL 4277  Global Health, Bioterrorism, and International Security  (3 Credits)  
This interdisciplinary course covers the issues of global health, biological weapons and international security. It has four main objectives: 1) to introduce students to the concept of health security; 2) to elucidate the linkages between health and security, with special attention paid to bioterrorism; 3) to examine the global health challenges and their conflict and security implications; and 4) to explore the policy options addressing such challenges.
DIPL 4278  Global Health Diplomacy  (3 Credits)  
The course examines contemporary issues in global health and the international diplomacy which enhances, or complicates, its advancement. The course undertakes a strategic leadership approach in analyzing cases in global health diplomacy, using a core framework that enables the student to better conceptualize a policy player’s missions, interests, goals, and plans.
DIPL 4555  Economic Aspects of International Relations  (3 Credits)  
Reviews the current economic issues generated by globalization by emphasizing facts as well as theories.
DIPL 4556  Financial Aspects of International Relations  (3 Credits)  
This course is the capstone designed for Diplomacy Honors students. It helps students learn research, writing, and oral communications skills that they can apply to academic and professional pursuits. The course runs as a research seminar. Limited to Diplomacy Honors students.
DIPL 4601  Chinese Politics and US-China Relations  (3 Credits)  
Based on historical events and the latest developments of the bilateral relationship between the United States and China, this course will explore how the relationship between Washington and Beijing evolved in the past three centuries with the interactions between the U.S. and “new China” - the People’s Republic of China as the focus. Moreover, in probing the current affairs in the Sino-U.S. relationship, specific areas such as the Taiwan issue, security and economic cooperation, and human rights will be discussed.
DIPL 4611  Intl Relations South East Asia  (3 Credits)  
DIPL 4700  Int’l Relations of African Sta  (3 Credits)  
DIPL 4704  Economic Development in Africa  (3 Credits)  
An analysis of the problems associated with economic development in Africa. It investigates trade patterns, trade regimes, and alternate development strategies.
DIPL 4717  Africa-Displacement-Conflict  (3 Credits)  
Provides an examination of the nexus of conflicts and forced population displacements in Africa, and thoroughly explores the dynamics of flight, the structure of settlements in exile, and the patterns and processes of repatriation.
DIPL 4803  Politics and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean  (3 Credits)  
This course provides an overview of major approaches to the study of Latin American politics and society. It emphasizes both an historical perspective and an analysis of current trends and issues. Using various analytical lenses, including cultural, structural, institutional, and rational-choice perspectives, the course focuses on the different kinds of political regimes and the patterns of political change that have characterized Latin America.
DIPL 4806  Pol Econ of Ltn Am & Caribbean  (3 Credits)  
This seminar provides an overview of major approaches to the study of political economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, past and present development trends, and recent debates over economic policy. The course begins with classic questions of the mutual reciprocal relations between politics and economics before covering the major debates between structural and institutional approaches. It proceeds by examining the switch from import-substituting industrialization to export-led growth models in the 1980s and 1990s and the effects of and reactions to the rise of neoliberal economic policies and then the commodity boom, as well as race and racism in the Americas. The topics of the last five weeks, to be determined in consultation with students, will include a variety of current policy issues. Course readings balance theory and empirics, range across methodologies and academic disciplines, and provide contrasting normative perspectives.
DIPL 5101  Diplomacy Honors Thesis Project  (3 Credits)  
This course is the capstone designed for Diplomacy Honors students. It helps students learn research, writing, and oral communications skills that they can apply to academic and professional pursuits. The course runs as a research seminar. Limited to Diplomacy Honors students.
Prerequisites: HONS 2105  

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