BACC 2103 Financial Accounting (3 Credits)
Students with a semester level of Freshman may not enroll.
BACC 2104 Managerial Accounting (3 Credits)
BACC 3110 Intermediate Accounting I (3 Credits)
BACC 3111 Intermediate Accounting II (3 Credits)
BACC 3115 Cost Accounting (3 Credits)
BACC 3116 Financial Statement Analysis (3 Credits)
BACC 3117 Federal Income Tax Accounting (3 Credits)
BACC 3119 Auditing (3 Credits)
BACC 3120 Forensic Acctng&Fraud Investig (3 Credits)
BACC 4101 Enterprise-Wide Accounting Information Systems I (3 Credits)
BACC 4102 Enterprise-Wide Accounting Information Systems II (3 Credits)
BACC 4113 Advanced Accounting (3 Credits)
BACC 4115 International Accounting (3 Credits)
BACC 4127 Governmental and Not-For-Profit Accounting (3 Credits)
BACC 4133 Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting (3 Credits)
BACC 4150 Internal Auditing (3 Credits)
BACC 4191 Accounting Co-op I (1 Credit)
BACC 4192 Accounting Co-op II (1 Credit)
BACC 4194 Accounting Co-op I (3 Credits)
BACC 4197 Directed Research-Accounting (1 Credit)
BACC 4198 Directed Research-Accounting (2 Credits)
BACC 4199 Directed Research-Accounting (3 Credits)
BACC 4200 Tax Lab (3 Credits)