BMGT - Management (BMGT)

BMGT 1500  Intro to eSports  (1 Credit)  
BMGT 1535  Intro to the Sport Industry  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to the sport industry, growth trends in the industry, and careers in the industry, including an overview of management in the professional sport franchise; intercollegiate athletics, sport marketing and promotions; athlete representation; sport law; facilities management; the health club, spa, resort industry; and sport tourism. Offered: Irregularly. Limited to students with less than 60 credits. May be taken as a general elective only.
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Freshman or Sophomore.  
BMGT 2450  Business of Food  (3 Credits)  
Hungry to learn about the food and food-adjacent industries that, in 2019, accounted for $1.109 trillion of the US GDP and provided nearly 11% of the total US employment? Thirsting to hear from business professionals who own food trucks, own restaurants, market food products, source products, own grocery stores, study food waste issues, are involved in food entertainment, and more? Nourish your passion to learn about the business of food!
Prerequisites: ECON 1403 or ECON 1411 or BUSI 1000  
BMGT 2501  Principles of Management  (3 Credits)  
Fundamentals of management: planning; organizing; coordinating and controlling organizational activities. Study of the evolution of management thought, careers in management, international management, production/operations management and social responsibility.
Prerequisites: ECON 1403 or ECON 1411  
Students with a semester level of Freshman may not enroll.  
BMGT 2503  Organizational Behavior  (3 Credits)  
Behavioral science approaches to understanding and effectively managing and leading organizations. Emphasis on developing students’ theoretical understanding and behavioral capability to deal with issues at the individual, work group and organizational levels. The course focuses on developing leaders who know how to make decisions, build teams, communicate effectively, design work and organizations, manage conflict, change and diversity and recognize and reward this workforce in a global environment.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501  
Students with a semester level of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.  
BMGT 3442  Social Entrepreneurship  (3 Credits)  
Social entrepreneurship is a rapidly developing field in which business and nonprofit leaders use business methods to find solutions for many of the social and environmental challenges that face the world today. The course follows an interdisciplinary approach to introduce students to the theory of social entrepreneurship and to the many opportunities, challenges and issues facing social entrepreneurs. Students will also gain an understanding of different business models for social enterprises, including different methods to assess social impact and social business performance. Students will gain direct experience in the field by working on business plans for existing social enterprises. Students learn how to apply entrepreneurship concepts to address social issues, with an emphasis on the triple bottom line.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501  
BMGT 3511  Human Resource Management  (3 Credits)  
Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the functions of an organization that coordinate and develop human capital as a strategic competitive advantage. These functions are HR staffing, HR development, Compensation, Safety and Health, and Employee and Labor Relations. In this course, students will learn the theories and concepts of HR and how to apply them so that these align with organizational strategies. In doing so, students will have the tools both to formulate and to implement effective HRM strategies in organizations in which they will manage and lead, regardless of their position in that organization.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 3513  Industrial Relations  (3 Credits)  
While this course covers the traditional content of industrial relations, theoretical, legal and practical aspects of labor, it predominantly focuses on the topics of alternative dispute resolution and conflict management. Prerequisite: BMGT 2501.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 3515  Operations for Competitive Advantage  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to the management of operational activities, including project management and supply chains in manufacturing and service industries. Some other topics covered in this course are operational efficiency and productivity, physical plant location and facilities design, work and job design, Six Sigma quality, control charts, and the integration of activities across departments. This course places an emphasis on solving operations problems using quantitative techniques employing information technology.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 3522  Current Topics in HRM  (3 Credits)  
BMGT 3524  Doing Business in India  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to impart an understanding of how to do business in or with India and the regions surrounding it. It includes a visit to India for firsthand experience of its cultural, social, industrial, business and financial centers. The course requirements include attending two classes before the visit to India and one after returning. In addition, students will be required to maintain a journal and make a presentation on their return. The travel to India takes place during spring break. The course can replace the requirements for BINT 3001 for Business majors if a paper on doing business in India is completed satisfactorily. The course is open to all Seton Hall undergraduates.
BMGT 3641  Supply Chain Management  (3 Credits)  
The function of supply chain management is to design and manage the processes, assets, and flows of material and information required to satisfy customers’ demands. Globalization of the economy and e-commerce have heightened the strategic importance of supply chain management and created new opportunities for using supply chain strategy and planning as a competitive tool. The purpose of this course is to explore the basic dynamics of supply chains and to study quantitative methods currently applied to supply chain management (SCM). The course will provide an introduction to the theory of supply chain management together with examples of how businesses implement these theories in practice.
Prerequisites: BQUA 2812  
BMGT 4100  AI & The Future of Work  (3 Credits)  
BMGT 4520  Managing Your Job Choices  (3 Credits)  
You are the product. Learn methods for a successful job search, develop interview skills, negotiate compensation, assemble powerful recommendations, develop your skills, and prepare for the worst case scenario, job termination. Prerequisite: BMGT 2501. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 4523  Supervisory and Exec Control  (3 Credits)  
Your workforce is the source of sustained competitive advantage. Supervisory strategies for effective management of people provide the organization with a competitive edge. Prerequisite: BMGT 2501.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 4529  Org:Theories and Practices  (3 Credits)  
Systematic analysis of organization theory as evolved by the various schools of thought and managerial behavior in complex organizations. Unification and integration of theory, research and prevailing practice. Offered: Spring. Prerequisite: BMGT 2503.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2503 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 4531  Business and Society  (3 Credits)  
Critical evaluation of the role of business in society, its influences on and responsibility for meeting the challenges of changing social, cultural (diversity), political, legal, ethical and technological needs. Offered: Summer. Prerequisite: BMGT 2503.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2503 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 4533  Human Relations Workshop  (3 Credits)  
Provides students with a deeper understanding of their own behavior and that of others in group and organizational situations. Participants experience selected problems through simulations and other exercises. Alternate ways of behaving in problem situations, particularly negotiation skills, are explored. Prerequisite: BMGT 2503. Suspended.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2503 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 4535  The Management of Sports Organizations  (3 Credits)  
This course examines the application of general principles of management to the sport industry and to the management of sport organizations in particular. The course provides the student with an overview of the sport industry, as well as the issues encountered by managers of sport organizations and how management techniques can be applied to effectively address these issues. Students will also consider the ethical and moral dilemmas facing sport managers and the sport industry as a whole. Offered Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501  
BMGT 4537  Global Sport Facilities Mgmt  (3 Credits)  
This course examines the real-time history and operations of sport facilities in the U.S. and throughout the world, largely through the use of the World Wide Web. Course content includes the study of: planning and design, services management, marketing and public relations, concessions, event and operations management, maintenance, funding, administration and franchise interaction. Prerequisite: BMGT 2501. Offered: Summer.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 4545  Leadership Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Explores an organization’s need for leadership and how members can take on leadership responsibilities. Defines leadership and how it works in practice. Explores the full range of leadership models and practical leadership issues.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 4546  Srvant Leadership  (3 Credits)  
BMGT 4550  Doing Business-Caribbean Basin  (3 Credits)  
Focus on business opportunities, culture and challenges. Taught on-site in the Dominican Republic. Experimental. 3 credits
BMGT 4553  Doing Business in Ireland  (3 Credits)  
Travel to different destinations in this region to study the way people live and conduct business. Requirements include pre-trip meetings, lectures during the trip and a final paper or project. 3 credits
BMGT 4554  Doing Business In Italy  (3 Credits)  
Travel to different destinations in this region to study the way people live and conduct business. Requirements include pre-trip meetings, lectures during the trip and a final paper or project. 3 credits
BMGT 4555  Cultural Dimensions of Intl Bu  (3 Credits)  
Focuses on the way local business and business negotiations are conducted. The way different cultures interface as they do business. 3 credits
BMGT 4560  Project Management  (3 Credits)  
This course will help you understand the role of project management and how to set and manage client expectations. Topics include creating a project plan, assessing project risk, managing multiple projects, and scheduling, controlling and managing contracts for repeatable success throughout the organization. Experimental. Prerequisite: BMGT 2501.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501  
BMGT 4562  Negotiation  (3 Credits)  
Managers spend much of their time negotiating yet generally devote little time to thinking about how to negotiate. This course explores both the theoretical and practical aspects of negotiations. Students will study the negotiating process, reviewing the negotiation literature and engaging in negotiations in a variety of settings. Prerequisite: BMGT 2501. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 4563  Doing Business in Bermuda  (2 Credits)  
This course will examine the advantages and disadvantages of situating corporate headquarters in an off-shore location. Integration of multiple disciplines including: international banking and financial standards, global risk management and insurance, international legal and jurisdictional considerations, and global strategic management and decision making. Particular emphasis will be placed on the topics of risk management and insurance due to the numerous insurance companies located in the region. Students will visit corporate headquarters of Bermuda-based institutions and interact on a professional level. 2 credits
BMGT 4565  Creativity and Innovation  (3 Credits)  
In this course, students learn about the role creativity plays in the entrepreneurial innovative process. They explore what increases and/or decreases creativity levels and how personal, group, organizational, national and global factors impact the resultant innovation. Students also learn how to generate ideas that can lead to truly innovative products, services, processes, and/or business models and how these techniques can be applied in many contexts, such as start-up businesses, new social ventures, and existing organizations. Preqrequisite: BMGT 2501.
BMGT 4566  Starting a Business  (3 Credits)  
Essential considerations for beginning a business. Focus on business planning, including: assessing the environment, developing goals, planning operations, seeking financing and gaining a competitive edge. Prerequisite: BMGT 2501.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 4567  Entrepreneurship Lab  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisites: BMGT 4640  
BMGT 4568  ST Entrepreneurs in Cosmetics  (1 Credit)  
BMGT 4590  Management Internship  (0 Credits)  
BMGT 4591  Management Internship  (1 Credit)  
See Co-op/Internship Adviser: Internship courses are counted as gneral electives. Prerequisite: Departmental approval prior to regustration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
BMGT 4592  Management Internship  (2 Credits)  
See Co-op/Internship Adviser: Internship courses are counted as general electives. Prerequisite: Departmental approval prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
BMGT 4594  Management Co-op I  (3 Credits)  
See Co-op Adviser. Cooperative Education courses are counted as general electives. Prerequisite: Departmental approval prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
BMGT 4595  Management Co-op II  (3 Credits)  
See Co-op Adviser. Cooperative Education courses are counted as general electives. Prerequisite: Departmental approval prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
BMGT 4596  Management Co-op III  (3 Credits)  
See Co-op Adviser. Cooperative Education courses are counted as general electives. Prerequisite: Departmental approval prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
BMGT 4597  Directed Research  (1 Credit)  
Independent research in the area of management. Project is developed in consultation with faculty and must be approved by chair prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
BMGT 4598  Directed Research  (2 Credits)  
Independent research in the area of management. Project is developed in consultation with faculty and must be approved by chair prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
BMGT 4599  Directed Research  (3 Credits)  
Independent research in the area of management. Project is developed in consultation with faculty and must be approved by chair prior to registration. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
BMGT 4600  Directed Research Entrepreneur  (1 Credit)  
BMGT 4601  Directed Research Entrepreneur  (2 Credits)  
BMGT 4602  Directed Research Entrepreneurship  (3 Credits)  
BMGT 4629  Sales and Personal Selling  (3 Credits)  
Personal selling and managing the corporate sales force in the context of overall marketing strategy. Finding and reaching prospective buyers, developing effective sales presentations, handling objections and closing sales. Sales management, including recruiting, selecting, training, motivating and compensating sales personnel, sales forecasting, territory development and an optimal use of the sales budget. 3 credits
Prerequisites: BMKT 2601 and BMGT 2501  
BMGT 4631  Advertising Management  (3 Credits)  
The planning, execution and control of advertising programs. The interrelationships among manufacturers, advertising agencies and the media in the preparation and execution of advertising campaigns. The regulatory, cultural and ethical advertising environment, setting advertising objectives, creative themes in designing print and broadcast campaigns, media selection, advertising research, and the budgeting and evaluation of advertising expenditures. Offered: Fall. 3 credits
BMGT 4640  Innovation and Entrepreneurship  (3 Credits)  
A study of small businesses and owner management with a practical orientation toward understanding the process of creating and managing one's own business. This includes but is not limited to strategic and operational planning, organizational controls, marketing management and techniques, financial analysis and accounting, risk management, and securing growth capital for small businesses. Prerequsite: BMGT 2501.
BMGT 4645  Writing a Business Plan  (3 Credits)  
Students wil learn about the creation of new ventures in a very hands-on manner. Students will be exposed to concepts, skills, information, and tools that are relevant for the creation of a new venture, the management of an early-stage venture, and the harvest of a venture. Students will have opportunities to apply knowledge through class discussions, projects, individual reflections, and the creation of an actual business plan. The creation of the business plan will provide students with an opportunity to appreciate the challenging and ambiguous environment that entrepreneurs face. Experimental. Prerequisite: BMGT 2501.
BMGT 4654  Internship in Entrepreneurship  (3 Credits)  
BMGT 4695  Managing for Sustainability  (3 Credits)  
Sustainability management matters because we only have one planet (there is no Planet B!) and we must learn how to manage our organizations and economies in a way that ensures that our planet is sustainable. The course is designed to introduce you to the field of sustainability management. This course discusses how scholars and practitioners think about the management of organizations that are environmentally sound. It is a practical, professional course organized around the core concepts of management, the core concepts of sustainability, Sustainability strategies, ESG and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
BMGT 4699  Directed Research-Management  (3 Credits)  
BMGT 4924  Doing Business in India  (3 Credits)  
BMGT 4960  Special Topics In Management  (3 Credits)  
BMGT 4993  Foreign Business Operations  (3 Credits)  
Circumstances under which American firms operate abroad: social customs, political environment, and linguistic and cultural problems. Economic, financial, legal and management issues peculiar to foreign operations. Problems in foreign exchange, international finance and marketing, and human resources management. Management of foreign investment, joint ventures and foreign subsidiaries. Technology transfer, foreign trade operations and the protection of intellectual property abroad. International economic policy and international corporate financial management. Prerequisite: BMGT 2501.
Prerequisites: BMGT 2501 (may be taken concurrently)  
BMGT 5598  Directed Research II  (3 Credits)  
Individual research in the area of management independent of a formal course structure. Prerequisite: permission of supervising faculty member and department chair prior to registration. 3 credits

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