PHIL - Philosophy (PHIL)

PHIL 1101  Introduction to Philosophy  (3 Credits)  
Exploration of basic issues in philosophy through study of primary sources. Topics approached thematically and historically.
PHIL 1102  Philosophy and Classical Mind  (3 Credits)  
The development of western philosophy from its origin with the ancient Greeks to 1450 A.D., as seen against the background of the history of the Western culture.
PHIL 1103  Philosophy and Modern Mind  (3 Credits)  
The development of modern western philosophy, considered in its complex interrelations with the scientific, social and ideological transformations of the 600 years from the Renaissance to the present.
PHIL 1104  Logic  (3 Credits)  
Nature of thinking, truth and validity. Uses of language. Concepts and propositions. Deductive and inductive reasoning. Fallacies.
PHIL 1105  Ethics  (3 Credits)  
The functions and methods of moral philosophy. A comparison of the major ethical theories. Analysis of a wide range of common moral issues.
PHIL 1106  Logic for the LSAT  (3 Credits)  
This course will cover philosophical logic and do so in a way that is directly tailored to the three logic sections of the LSAT.
PHIL 1110  Philosophy and Gender  (3 Credits)  
This course considers ways in which the critical analysis of gender-related issues might contribute to the discipline of philosophy, including in metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and ethics.
PHIL 1120  Philosophy Through Film  (3 Credits)  
This course will contain an examination of some of the most important questions in the central fields of philosophy through the medium of film.
PHIL 1125  Business Ethics  (3 Credits)  
Overview of important moral, social and political issues involving the business world at large. Emphasis on the application of traditional ethical theories to business practices.
PHIL 1130  Biomedical Ethics  (3 Credits)  
This course will examine various ethical issues arising from advances in biological and medical practices and technologies. Topics may include: healthcare administration, end-of-life decision making, human and animal research, the human genome project, the design and use of reproductive technologies, stem cell research, and resource allocation and distribution.
PHIL 1204  Symbolic Logic  (3 Credits)  
Propositional logic; predicate logic; modal logic. Topics in the philosophy of logic.
PHIL 2020  Ancient Philosophy  (3 Credits)  
Review of the major philosophies of the ancient world from the pre-Socratics to the Stoics. Emphasis on Plato and Aristotle.
PHIL 2025  Ancient Philosophy II  (3 Credits)  
Survey of the history of ancient philosophy after Aristotle. The main movements to be covered are Stoicism, Epicureanism, Skepticism, and Neo-Platonism. Time permitting, other movements, like the revival of Aristotelianism, may be covered as well.
PHIL 2030  Medieval Philosophy  (3 Credits)  
The transition from late antiquity to the medieval period; Christianity, Neoplatonism and Gnosticism; readings from the major philosophers of the Middle Ages, (e.g., Augustine, Anselm, Bonaventure, Aquinas), as well as Jewish and Islamic thinkers of the period.
PHIL 2040  Modern Philosophy  (3 Credits)  
The development of philosophy through the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, with emphasis upon the distinctively modern approaches to central issues in epistemology, metaphysics and political theory. The nature of modernity and its contemporary legacy.
PHIL 2055  Basics of Law Criminal & Torts  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 2060  Pre-Socratic Philosophers  (3 Credits)  
A study of ancient Greek philosophy from Thales of Miletus in the early 6th century BCE to Diogenes of Apollonia at the end of the 5th. Thematically, emphasis will be placed on the radical nature of the new philosophy and science, and its confrontation with traditional Olympian religion. Particular attention may be given to one of the following groups of Pre-Socratic thinkers: the early Ionian materialists, the Pythagoreans, the Eleatics, the Atomists, or the Sophists.
PHIL 2085  Ethics of Artificial Intelligence  (3 Credits)  
Examination of ethics and artificial intelligence. Consideration of the nature of artificial intelligence, and a wide range of moral problems including the moral status of AI, privacy, bias, big data and other issues.
PHIL 2090  Philosophy of Mind  (3 Credits)  
Examination of the major theories about the mind, such as dualism, materialism, behaviorism and cognitive theiroes that refer to internal psychological states. Includes consideration of artificial intelligence, consciousness, and the nature of psychology.
PHIL 2100  Modern Society-Human Happiness  (3 Credits)  
Reflection upon the meaning of the good life through study of selected classical and contemporary thinkers. Emphasis upon the concept of the good life in a contemporary American context.
PHIL 2110  Feminist Theories  (3 Credits)  
Examination of the wide range of theories and perspectives that constitute feminism today. Three main parts: historical overview of the development of feminist thinking; analysis of major feminist theories; and examination of the intersections between traditional philosophy and feminist thinking. Prerequisite: One of the following: PHIL 1101, 1104 or 1105.
PHIL 2115  Environmental Ethics  (3 Credits)  
Examination of current theoretical and practical issues in the field of environmental ethics, among them, obligations to future generations, human relationships to nature, and the inherent value of the natural world.
PHIL 2125  Ethics and Internat Affairs  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 2140  Political Philosophy  (3 Credits)  
Critical assessment of the nature of Western political thought. What is political philosophy? What are the differences, if any, among political philosophy, political theory and the history of political thought? How should we read a political text? An in-depth exploration of one or several of the following concepts: authority, liberty, justice, legitimacy, political obligation, anarchy and the concept of the political itself.
PHIL 2150  Philosophy of Law  (3 Credits)  
Critical assessment of the concept of law. What is the nature of law? Examination of the differences among natural law, legal positivism, legal realism and critical legal studies. Topics covered include legal reasoning, law and morality, law and liberty and constitution law.
PHIL 2155  Capitalism & Its Critics  (3 Credits)  
This course is a text-based exploration of the history of the philosophical and economic defenses and critiques of capitalism, including attempts to articulate just what capitalism is. Texts read and discussed will range from the precursors to the philosophical criticisms of capitalism (e.g. Plato, Aristotle, early Christianity) to 20th century and contemporary Marxism and welfare-state liberalism, and classical liberal and libertarian defenses of Capitalism.
PHIL 2170  Philosophy of Religion  (3 Credits)  
The concept of God. The justifiability of religious belief. Faith and reason. Miracles. Death and concepts of life after death. The problem of evil. Religion and science.
PHIL 2175  Philosophy of Death  (3 Credits)  
Attitudes toward death: acceptance or is it an evil? Cross-cultural and historical. The death of children, parents, spouse; grief and bereavement; role of the mortician; suicide and euthanasia; old age and the art of dying; the Hospice movement; immortality.
PHIL 2200  Philosophy of Art  (3 Credits)  
Historic and thematic study of theories of aesthetics, including those of Greece. Emphasizes modern and contemporary views of beauty and art in the variety of individual and social expression.
PHIL 2270  Moral Argumentation and Debate  (3 Credits)  
In this course we study normative philosophy and approaches to philosophical argumentation and then take what we have learned to help critically analyze and debate current issues in applied ethics.
PHIL 2320  Marxism  (3 Credits)  
Lives and works of Marx, Engels and Lenin. Analysis of their main ideas; recent developments in Marxist philosophy in America, Latin America and abroad. Evaluation and application.
PHIL 2350  Tyranny, Dictatorship, and Dem  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 2500  Epistemology  (3 Credits)  
The nature and scope of knowledge. Knowledge and belief. The problem of skepticism. Empiricism, rationalism and pragmatism. Foundationalism and its critics.
PHIL 2700  Philosophy of Science  (3 Credits)  
Investigation of the nature of scientific knowledge and truth. An in-depth exploration of one or several of the following concepts: confirmation, explanation, evidence and the status of scientific laws. Evaluation and criticism of the challenge presented by the history of science to positivist and empiricist accounts of scientific inquiry.
PHIL 2810  SpTp - Philosophy of Medicine  (3 Credits)  
Focuses on a particular philosophical theme, topic or thinker chosen by instructor.
PHIL 2815  SpTp - Cicero on God  (3 Credits)  
Focuses on a particular philosophical theme, topic, or thinker chosen by instructor. 3 credits.
PHIL 2816  SpTp: Explaining the Mind  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 2911  SpTp: Philosophy of Management  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 2950  Metaphysics  (3 Credits)  
Reflection on the meaning of human existence and our place in reality. Consideration of the nature of the real and our ability to know it. Primary focus on contemporary thinkers who have dealt with these questions.
PHIL 2993  Independent Study  (2 Credits)  
PHIL 2995  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Study of a specific philosophy or philosophical theme, not studied or not studied in depth in the regular philosophy courses. (Under guidance of a faculty member and with permission of chair).
PHIL 2997  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Study of a specific philosophy or philosophical theme, not studied or not studied in depth in the regular philosophy courses. (Under guidance of a faculty member and with permission of chair).
PHIL 3000  Plato  (3 Credits)  
A seminar on selected issues in Plato's philosophy through a close reading of one or more of his works. Prerequisites: 6 credits of philosophy at the 2000 level.
PHIL 3005  Aristotle  (3 Credits)  
A seminar on selected issues in Aristotle's philosophy through a close reading of one or more of his works. Prerequisites: 6 credits of philosophy at the 2000 level.
PHIL 3015  St Thomas Aquinas  (3 Credits)  
Historical background; life and achievements of Aquinas, analysis of the main themes of his philosophy, development and influence of Thomistic philosophy, its continuing relevance. Prerequisites: 6 credits of philosophy at the 2000 level.
PHIL 3030  Sp Top: Locke  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 3070  Kant  (3 Credits)  
A close reading and analysis of selected works by Kant will serve as the basis for a critical discussion of his answers to three major questions: What can I know? What should I do? For what may I hope? Prerequisites: 6 credits of philosophy at the 2000 level.
PHIL 3080  Nietzsche  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 3090  Hume  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 3592  SpTp - Humans - Natural World  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 3593  Ethics Religion Postmodernity  (3 Credits)  
n this course we will begin by outlining the prominent features of the ¿postmodern condition¿ as they emerge from ¿radical¿ critiques of modernity. We will then examine and critically evaluate normative responses to the postmodern condition and highlight the impact of these movements on Christian ethics and the Catholic intellectual tradition. Cross-listed with CORE 3593 Engaging the World
PHIL 3598  Humanistic Management  (3 Credits)  
Humanistic management is a managerial perspective in which the primary function of business ought to be promoting human flourishing and the common good, rather than only focusing on profits or some other economic objective. Humanistic management includes such practices as promoting meaningful work, corporation social responsibility and social entrepreneurship, and environmental sustainability. In this course students will learn about the field of humanistic management in theory and practice and produce a final project that applies their knowledge of humanistic management to a real-world project.
PHIL 3600  Ancient Greek Christian Phil  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 3605  Sp Top: Phenomenology  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 3900  SpTp - Philosophy of Food  (3 Credits)  
Primarily for philosophy majors. Intensive study revolving around topic/theme chosen by instructor. Prerequisites: 6 credits of philosophy at the 2000 level.
PHIL 3910  SpTp - Explaining the Mind  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 3911  SpTp:Longtermism  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 3940  Ethics Seminar  (3 Credits)  
T.his seminar will focus on a major philosopher or theme in ethics, meta-ethics, and/or applied ethics
PHIL 3950  Faith and Reason Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Explores the relationship between faith and reason, theology and philosophy, revelation and natural knowledge. Considers whether faith and reason are similar, separate, opposed or complementary. Prerequisites: 6 credits of philosophy at the 2000 level.
PHIL 3995  ST- Phil & Theol of Friendship  (3 Credits)  
PHIL 3996  ST - Paradoxes  (3 Credits)  

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