RELS 1010 Religious Dimension of Life (3 Credits)
RELS 1102 Intro to Bible (3 Credits)
RELS 1103 Intro Old Test.-Hebrew Bible (3 Credits)
RELS 1104 Intro to the New Testament (3 Credits)
RELS 1202 Christian Belief-Thought (3 Credits)
RELS 1302 Intro to Catholic Theology (3 Credits)
RELS 1402 Religions of the World (3 Credits)
RELS 1403 History of Asian Relig Reflect (3 Credits)
RELS 1502 Contemporary Moral Issues (3 Credits)
RELS 1503 Christian Ethics (3 Credits)
RELS 1504 Faith and Justice (3 Credits)
RELS 1505 Catholicism/Race & Soc Justice (3 Credits)
RELS 2010 Method in Study of Rel-Theo (3 Credits)
RELS 2221 Early Christian Thought (3 Credits)
RELS 2222 Medieval Christian Thought (3 Credits)
RELS 2223 Modern Christian Thought (3 Credits)
RELS 2224 Eastern Christianity (3 Credits)
RELS 2253 Spec Ques-Justice, Faith, Film (3 Credits)
RELS 2261 The Black Church (3 Credits)
RELS 2310 Intro to XN Spirtuality (3 Credits)
RELS 2315 Theology of Marriage (3 Credits)
RELS 2316 Theology of Death (3 Credits)
RELS 2411 Jewish Beliefs and Practices (3 Credits)
RELS 2415 Intro to Islam (3 Credits)
RELS 2416 Islamic Spirit-Mysticism (3 Credits)
RELS 2418 Buddhist World Thought-Culture (3 Credits)
RELS 2419 African Religions (3 Credits)
RELS 2420 ST - Comm Abrahamic Religions (3 Credits)
RELS 2511 Christian Values-Health Issues (3 Credits)
RELS 2513 War, Peace-Theological Ethics (3 Credits)
RELS 2520 Catholic Social Teaching (3 Credits)
RELS 2551 Eastern Mysticism (3 Credits)
RELS 3102 The Bible, Film - Pop Culture (3 Credits)
RELS 3103 Gender Power Biblical Interp (3 Credits)
RELS 3180 World - From Bible to Buddha (3 Credits)
RELS 3190 Art and Arch-Ancient Near East (3 Credits)
RELS 3191 Sp Quest-Gospel John,Jews Juda (3 Credits)
RELS 3192 Sp Topics: Genesis (3 Credits)
RELS 3193 ST/Jews Gentiles Anct Judaism (3 Credits)
RELS 3194 ST:Cath Theo/Phil Benedict Tay (3 Credits)
RELS 3195 ST Jerusalem in Faith-History (3 Credits)
RELS 3196 Race& Ethnos Antiquity to Toda (3 Credits)
RELS 3199 ST Fathers of the Church (3 Credits)
RELS 3201 Catholicism and Ecumenism (3 Credits)
RELS 3202 ST-Monasticism (3 Credits)
RELS 3208 Foundation of Christian Rome (3 Credits)
RELS 3220 Religion US Mtghse-Megachurch (3 Credits)
RELS 3280 Ecumenical Movement (3 Credits)
RELS 3283 Liberation and Mercy (3 Credits)
RELS 3284 Amer Cath Hispanic Spiritualit (3 Credits)
RELS 3285 Schism or Unity Cath-Pros Theo (3 Credits)
RELS 3290 Christian Theo-Sci in Dialogue (3 Credits)
RELS 3298 Spcl Topic Liberation Theology (3 Credits)
RELS 3299 Spcl Top - The Meaning of Life (3 Credits)
RELS 3300 Christian Theologies Judaism (3 Credits)
RELS 3301 SpTop: Cardinal Newman (3 Credits)
RELS 3319 Sp Topics- Holy Books of India (3 Credits)
RELS 3320 ST: Mohammed and the Qur'an (3 Credits)
RELS 3321 ST: Intro to Messianism (3 Credits)
RELS 3322 ST: Interfaith Studies (3 Credits)
RELS 3323 Conversion of Rabbinic Thought (3 Credits)
RELS 3340 Womanist,Mujerista & Fem Theol (3 Credits)
RELS 3350 God Reality, Concepts, Critic (3 Credits)
RELS 3391 ST Fem Theologies - Stu Relign (3 Credits)
RELS 3392 Sp Quest-Christ Chur and Cult. (3 Credits)
RELS 3394 ST Happiness is...Theo-Psyc Pr (3 Credits)
RELS 3395 ST 20 Cnt Christian Theologian (3 Credits)
RELS 3396 ST - Interiority - Life Prayer (3 Credits)
RELS 3397 ST-Oscar Romero & Pope Francis (3 Credits)
RELS 3398 Anti-Catholicism in the Americ (3 Credits)
RELS 3399 The Life of the Soul (3 Credits)
RELS 3402 ST Phil Perspectives Holocaust (3 Credits)
RELS 3416 ST - Phi of Sexual Difference (3 Credits)
RELS 3417 ST YouTube Heresies PostMod Ap (3 Credits)
RELS 3430 Pluralism in Multireligious Am (3 Credits)
RELS 3431 Interfaith Studies (3 Credits)
RELS 3434 Women Gender and Islam (3 Credits)
RELS 3435 Islamic-Christian Persp Faith (3 Credits)
RELS 3451 Morality Through Fiction (3 Credits)
RELS 3480 Encountering Other Religions (3 Credits)
RELS 3489 ST - Modern Jewish Thinkers (3 Credits)
RELS 3490 ST-Religion and Power-S.Asia (3 Credits)
RELS 3491 Spc Qst- People of the Book (3 Credits)
RELS 3492 ST-Bible & Quran (3 Credits)
RELS 3493 ST - Antisemitism (3 Credits)
RELS 3494 ST - Islamophobia (3 Credits)
RELS 3495 SpTp Comp St Judaism-Christian (3 Credits)
RELS 3497 ST-Art & Lit Islam & Musl Cult (3 Credits)
RELS 3498 Jewish Mysticism (3 Credits)
RELS 3499 ST - Islamophobia (3 Credits)
RELS 3503 Race, Politics and Theology (3 Credits)
RELS 3522 Religion and Problem of Evil (3 Credits)
RELS 3523 Jewish Ethics (3 Credits)
RELS 3540 Moral Leadership: Cath Ecumen (3 Credits)
RELS 3580 ST - Religion-Violence in Asia (3 Credits)
RELS 3591 Spec Quest- Ethics (3 Credits)
RELS 3593 ST - Environmental Justice (3 Credits)
RELS 3594 ST - Environmental Theology (3 Credits)
RELS 3596 ST Phil - Theology Friendship (3 Credits)
RELS 3597 ST - Christian Ethics Business (3 Credits)
RELS 3992 Ind Study Religion-Theology (2 Credits)
RELS 3993 Ind Study Religion-Theology (3 Credits)
RELS 3997 ST-T.Merton-Religion-Culture (3 Credits)
RELS 3998 Italy in Footsteps of Saints (3 Credits)
RELS 3999 Anthropology of Religion (3 Credits)